Advice from developers please...

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Post by Retro »

I'm currently considering developing some software for CW cards, but before I even attempt it I have a few questions. Please help me if you can!

1. Does anyone know when the Scope/DP information is going to be available on the CW site again? I heard it had been removed from the site because a new version is coming out. Is that true?

2. I currently own a Pulsar II and a Scope SRB. Do I have to buy a Scope/DP card to get the DP software, or can I purchase the software seperately?

3. Does the Scope/DP package include the SFP SDK or is this a seperate product?

If you're wondering why I'm asking these questions here instead of on the CW forum, it's because I detest that place and respect your opinions a lot more!

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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Post by jupiter8 »

1. i emailed CW about this several months ago and no answer, so it is anybodys guess.

2 You should be able to get the soft sep. This is what i've been told. But i have never seen it mentioned anywhere on the CW site.

3. The Scope DP soft IS the SFP SDK.

I think.

Pretty sure.

Or maybe.
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Post by Retro »

Thanks very much for your response Jupiter. At least now I know I'm not the only one being kept in the dark. It's a bit disappointing that the more established developers here seem unwilling to offer startup advice to newcomers.

As for point 3, I am certain the SDK is NOT the same as the Scope/DP software. Would still like to know if they come in the same package though. Guess we'll have to wait until either CW or someone else can be bothered answering.
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Post by jupiter8 »

The answer to nr 3 was an educated guess.

I really can't see that if you shell out such a hefty amount of money, you would'nt get all the tools available.
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Post by Retro »

I hope you're right. It would be such a shame if CW decided to make their code-level development resources an expensive option. There are some fantastic 3rd party products out there, but there is always room for more innovation.

At the moment the main focus seems to be on developing accurate emulations of vintage synths and hardware FX. I think that's great but there is so much more potential to be exploited.
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Post by onomat »

SDK is NOT included in Scope DP software/hardware combo.

You need to prove your DSP programming abilities in order to get the SDK kit so you can make your own DSP modules.

Ounce you've got the go-ahead and SDK, You also would then need to buy a SHARC kit from

From what I've been told by CW, the coming version of Scope DP (no idea on timeline yet) will include a Creamware designed SHARC programming language so SDK details may change or vanish with it??
Hope this helps.
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