OT: Drugs & Music

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Post by ontik »

Testy topic this.

Given the known influence of drugs in the music community/industry, I've just realised that not much discussion on the topic takes place here. Can I state that this thread is not intended condemn or condone. I speak purely of my own experiences and will make every effect to speak objectively.

I like dance music. All sorts, and I don't class Britney Pears as dance music just so you know where I'm coming from. Fat Boy Slim definitely. (just for the sake of artists that nearly all will be aware of)

Yep. I've tried everything but H and most more than once. Also never used a needle. When it comes to music, I don't think anything comes close to LSD for the absolute next level in hi-fidelity listening capabilities. I don't do it much any more, messes with the head too much and is basically just psychologically dangerous. But I've done it enough to make my comments. Following this is Marijuana in second and MDMA in third.

With regard to the truely synthetic, dance music/acid combo, I am of the belief that the 2 together amount to considerably more than the sum of their parts. That listening to synthetic sounds whilst on LSD is a different experience without parallel. As if sound synthesis has supplied a tool that allows stimulation of brain activity rarley touched upon. (Although I'm sure this is open to conjecture as is the rest of the topic.)

And I have experimented with practically every genre imaginable. On purpose and with purpose.

My other observation is that my ability to make music whilst influenced is reduced to the point of being useless. The effect is that I am too fascinated by the obscurities of the sounds I am playing with. When I listen to them at a later time, influenced or not, they sound terrible. But the time spent influenced has significantly tuned my ear to the kind of sound I want to create and to understand the fundamental characteristics that make it work.

Finally I will accept that the pure fact I raise this topic may offend some of you. Sorry, but you're going to have excuse my arrogance on this. I really don't care.


"If I have to explain, you won't understand."

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ontik on 2002-08-12 03:29 ]</font>
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Post by junklight »

I think that this is a very valid topic for discussion.

For a long time in my life I induldged very heavily - including two periods of what I now realise was addiction to speed - but I have sampled most other drugs. I have been clean now for 7-8 years (can't quite remember the exact date I stopped).

I have very mixed feelings about drugs - for me they where an interesting experience and they have changed the way I see the world - some of that very much for the better. HOWEVER the downside was that I was a complete arsehole for many years - this is true of ALL drug users (as you can imagine there have been periods of time where almost everyone I knew was a drug user). If that sounds like a sweeping statment it is and I stand by it from long experience.

As for creativity under drug use - forget it - yes some interesting things can be made by drug users but I would argue they would have made good things anyway without the drugs and probably even better...

This all sounds quite negative and I guess it is - the bottom line is drugs make you feel great and that eveything you do is important - however to the outsider you seem selfish, self indulgent and anything you do on drugs you could do better without.

junklight - dark experimental electronics

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Post by Retro »

Ontik, I applaude you for having the balls to bring up this issue! I can only concur with everything you've said here.

During my own exploration of techno music in the late 90's I experimented with MDMA and marijuana. I'm not going to mince words here: I found these substances vastly improved my experience of techno! In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if I hadn't tried Ecstacy I would not have the same understanding of the techno/trance genre that I have now. I'm convinced there is no way you can SUCCESSFULLY create this kind of music without having listened to it under the influence of mind-altering drugs.

Creating it under the influence is another thing altogether. I've known producers who do it - their minds are literally on another planet most of the time. I don't know how they do it, because all I ever ended up doing was staring at the pretty sequencer colors on the screen.

My experimentation ended a couple of years ago when I took LSD at a club and ended up leaving early in a state of absolute panic. I'm sorry to say that that experience has prevented me from even attempting to create techno music ever since. I know it sounds silly, but I've been spending my creative time in the "safe" realm of dance-pop (no, not the Britney Spears kind!), which isn't so bad, but it's light years away from the euphoria I've experienced at a rave.

A testy topic indeed - thanks for bringing it out of the closet.
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Post by Spirit »

I know what you mean about getting fascinated by the nuances of a sound. That's what I do: sit there and tweak some insignificant little blip for an hour or two, then after saving and swapping with the original sound, I'd find it had been a complete waste of time.

When I first started my own band as a teenager I had two rules: no drugs in rehearsal, and no "liaison" with any female members of the group or dancers we sometimes employed. That worked well. Later, when we forgot about those rules things definitely moved much slower...

One other interesting thing I found was that if I played stoned I'd sometimes lose timing, or even worse forget whether they'd been three measures or four. Other times I'd look at my hands on the keys and suddenly feel completely detached from them and wonder what they'd do next. Or I'd stare into the audience look at face (depending on the lighting) and start wondering about them: who they were, why they were here, who they knew. Then I'd return to what I was doing and sometimes have a stab of panic that I had no idea what we were up to or what I was playing: pure automatic pilot.

Playing on speed was the best: you get into the music, you can more aggressovely "meet" the audience, and you're not so far into la-la land that you're incapable of real action - if needed.

Later I graduated to just a vodka or two. The last time I gigged I was totally straight. In fact I haven't touched anything except vodka for a few years now.

In the end (for me) straight is best, whether it's composing or playing. Maybe listening while drugged can sometimes be better, but I just won't do that to my body anymore. Towards the end it seemed to me that every artificial high I induced had to be paid for in increasingly expensive hangovers and depressions later. The equation just wasn't in my favour anymore.

I never had any bad drug experiences - not one. Maybe I was lucky, because I certainly had friends who were significantly damaged. A girl I knew took six ectasy tabs anally. When she woke from her coma she'd lost about 20 - 30 IQ points and was never the same again. Another friend was a speed addict. He got twitchy and paranoid, developed a terrible stutter and a bad temper: his personality just switched over one day. Lots of other bad stories too . . .

This sounds like some sort of moral tale, but it's not meant to be. Just another little snippet of life on earth.
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Post by junklight »

I'm not going to mince words here: I found these substances vastly improved my experience of techno!
I know what you mean - as soon as I stopped taking drugs I got very bored with most techno - a good deal of it *only* makes sense in the context of an MDMA "rush". Prior to this I had been very heavily involved in the dance scene - I lived with a DJ and we put on gigs and spent most of our lives in clubs.

Now I make and listen to much more complex and interesting music - music that is about the music and not about a drug experience.

Interestingly though I am told that my own music is very good when you are stoned...
junklight - dark experimental electronics
King of Snake
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Post by King of Snake »

On 2002-08-12 06:13, Retro wrote:
I'm convinced there is no way you can SUCCESSFULLY create this kind of music without having listened to it under the influence of mind-altering drugs.
While I have to disagree with this statement, because I know that many great trance en techno music has been written by people who never took drugs, I do agree that drugs such as LSD, MDMA and THC (marijuana) can vastly alter/improve the way you listen to music. I find listening to electronic sounds while on LSD particularly amazing. Although I don't do drugs very much anymore (few times a year maybe) I have experimented with almost everything. I cannot produce music while on MDMA or LSD, but I find that smoking a bit a hasj can really help me with the writing process. It makes you more concentrated and aware of the sound without totally disabling or disturbing your regular thought processes needed for operating you gear. :smile:
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Post by CreepJoint »


Have to agree with Spirit, some of the -best- jams I had were on Speed Ö)

Post by hubird »

John, we definitly need a 'drugs and music' forum, don't you think? :grin:
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Post by Immanuel »

Maybe a bit off-topic...
I was at a Stereo MCs concert this sunday - front row. That guy (I refer to the singer - I don't even know, if stereo MCs are a band or just him with hirred back-ups) was definitely on something. I am not into drugs, so I can not tell you wich drug he was on, but those eyes where inflenced by more than just stagelight. Also his body was very much in destruction. Still he performed a very good concert. He didn't look as a nice person at all, but he shure had and spend lots of energy.

Me? I have no experience with music-drugs combos. I have tried with alcohol, but I realy like the music better without it.

Interesting topic though, and nice to see it kept so clean (that people can actually integrate the bad and the good, instead of going blind on choosing the one). I guess people are a little older here, than in most other forums I pass by :smile:

Information for new readers: A forum member named Braincell is known for spreading lies and malicious information without even knowing the basics of, what he is talking about. If noone responds to him, it is because he is ignored.
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Post by ontik »

Hmmm very interesting....

It is really pleasing to see this discussion take a sensible tone as far to often it can become a slanging match and I can never be arsed with it...

Junklight, I'm not arguing your point here because I don't believe either of us could truely prove our point. But its my thinking
that one of the positive effects of experimenting with some of the more psychadelic drugs is that they force you to think in different directions about almost everything. To ask questions, read between the lines want to understand more about what makes thing tick. And do it with a greater clarity. This is absolutely different for everyone but occurs to some degree. I believe it is this the factor that creates/promotes an artistic thread in people that would most likely have gone untapped. It would be a fool who suggests that the best music/art can't be made without it. I just think its made it easier.

Again this is just my opinion and I have found myself conducting that exact conversation before.

I think I should state something here, just for the record. My years of going hard are gone but I still play up once in a while and whenever I do I ALWAYS make sure I listen to my latest offerings. Its my definitive litmus test.

It is so true that peoples experiences with drugs more often than not end in tears even if there are some great stories tell. I've got the horror stories too but am fortunate enough the be able to say that they are not my stories. I am sort of the exception to the rule I guess. I've found it easier to cope and have become considerably tougher mentally as time has gone by and gone from being a high school drop out to a fairly successful bloke @ 30 who runs his own consultancy. Although it has only really ever been a weekend activity and I have never submitted myself to the culture, I have only chosen to allow it to be a component of who I am.

I've only slowed cos if I do it so does the girlie and she doesn't cope quite so well.

I think the marijuana issue has far more diverse results. I have friends, both muzos and non-muzos,that can continue to function and grow whilst smoking daily yet I am useless when stoned and find it a real anchor. Hence I don't smoke pot much at all.

Immanuel, at the risk of sounding condescending, there are a number of drugs that seem to have little or no effect with regard to art/music. (in my experince anyway) Cocaine, Ketamine, Alcohol and a few others as well. So I expect the music to you will most likely sound better without it.

Peace to ya'll and I really keen hear comments from everyone. Users, ex-users and non-users.

PS. Stereo MC's Are definitely old skool drug users

PSS. On the topic of art do any other drug takers past or present find the the work of Salvidor Dahli or H.R. Giger tends to 'talk to them' more than most art??

"If I have to explain, you won't understand."

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Post by mythalethe »

If you like Dali/Giger, check out Max Ernst and Wifredo Lam. (Lam was a contemp of Picasso who was cuban and was partially raised by his African grandmother who practiced voodoo...) Very nice in that surreal/mystical/archetypical way.

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Post by garyb »

ultimately,drugs are a dead end.they lead to dishonesty w/one's self and others.it is in their synthetic nature to do so.things CAN be learned from them,but once learned it is best to move on.one could have a most full filled life without them.

it is best to enjoy the experiences one has had,but it is unwise to romanticize them.

the young and inexperienced get bad ideas that take lifetimes to overcome.....


1. any long fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events... (fictitious=false,getting to the source of deception)
2.a fictitiously (falsely)embellished(falsified) account or explaination.
3. a strong,usually short lived attachment or enthusiasm.
4. to THINK or BEHAVE in a romantic manner.
from latin "romanicus".(i.e. made in rome,in the roman manner)
source:the american heritage dictionary copyright 1981 (what are they trying to say?)

the experience is only truly meaningful to the experiencer.it loses it's truth when it is glamorized and romanticized.(the very meaning of the words proves it!)

drugs lead to grossness and decay.they are pushed by gangsters.(and we sure are encouraged to live our lives as the stars of some grand heroic tale)

i'm not a hater tho-
i sell music to those who like drugs or those who don't.
and please remember,the truth is no offense.
party (rock) on! :wink:
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Post by ontik »

Ever had em Gary? If so tell us your story(s)...

Good or bad.

I was kinda hoping we wouldn't have any preaching (either way) here but if its what you have to do, so be it.

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Post by garyb »

are you f.b.i.? interpol? cia? kgb? :lol:

i'm not preaching AT ALL! :lol:

took some drugs b4(see your tag line)
sometimes it was fun,sometimes not.
it never made my music any better, unfortunately.saw a bunch of stuff that changed my point of veiw.(the same way that the porn that i found in the vacant lot when i was a kid forever changed my relationship to females)

i was only saying some true things about drugs.

i think it's best to stay clear of pharmiceuticals as they're hard on the machine.(herbal poisins have other substances to balance thier action,making them better medicine)

but enuff about me,let's talk about me! :lol:
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Post by eliam »

Hi all! Nice thread! I was talking about that with a friend yesterday... Personally, I believe that a drug-free life is necessary to find happiness, simply because a clogged liver and an intoxicated brain hardly lead to the clarity necessary for a greater fulfilment...! However, I must paradoxally say that some shamanic plants helped me greatly to understand what I just said! For me, the mushroom ayahuasca has been a precious guide without which I don't know where I'd be hanging today... But I don't recommend this medicine, because it is quite potent and I can say that I could have never come back from certain experiences I had...
My recipe has been :eek:ne teaspoon of ground syrian rue seeds (peganum harmala) and 4-5 grams of psylocybe "magic" mushrooms, half an hour later.
Basically, I experienced strong past-lives recollections and ultimetely I saw who I was and I saw what is acting in the astral world around us. Seeing the astral world has been the most atrocious experience of my whole life, and I wish to no one to see what I saw! Although it may give to some a kick in the rear area, as it did for me!
I realized with the mushroom for the first time that we had an Immortal Self which, at the end of our earthly pilgrimages, was bound to transcend any attachments and limitations and shine to Its Full Potential without having to go through anymore embodiments.
This is not directly related to music, but I wanted to share some of it with you.
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Post by ontik »

Hey Eliam.

I'm surprised, I thought you were a 'never' guy. But I guess that explains your wisedom and breadth of vision.

I've used something similar called salivia divinorum or 'Black Sage' that is a shamanistic herb. And in fact just that, a species of the herb.

Its effect is to violently thrust the user into other planes and the term you use Astral really suits best. A place that allows you to have questions answered. So it is normal to take some with you. First encounters can really be frightening and it certainly was for me but I found myself so fascinated by what I had witnessed I had to go back.

NOT for the faint hearted and not for regular use because you just can't. Not what you would describe as a high, but somehow enlightening in a spiritual sense.

Strangely, it only lasts for 10 - 15 mins and you don't want more. It is extreme to say the least. Australia was the first country to class it as illegal (as far as I'm aware) and that was only a few months ago.

Also I can't report any musical experience really although listening did take an extraordinary turn on one occasion.

Absolutely the craziest thing I have been witness too.


"If I have to explain, you won't understand."

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Post by eliam »

I heard about salvia divinorum, but not in my hallucinogenic period, so I did not try it. When I had the experiences I mentioned, I quit using drugs, because I realized that I had much work to in the physical octave and that sometimes it is better not to see some things unless it is absolutely necessary...
As for the astral world, I think that no wisdom can originate from there, although it can seem to come from there sometimes. The astral world is where the accumulation of whatever qualities generated by mankind did not (and do not) vibrate at the frequency of Divine Love. You do not want to be associated with anything astral, but rather connected above the psychic clouds directly with the Angelic Godly plans where only Cosmic Harmony can abide! But the astral dudes will never tell you that, because of the nameless deceit and manipulation which is going on to keep mankind from reaching up and shoot into the Light of God. And my dear brothers, if you ever want to be free, command yourself disconnected forever from anything astral and wholly united with the Source of Creation, the Heart of the Great Silence which radiates like a thousand suns, dissolving any shadows instantly! I found no other way to increase permanently my vibratory level and my joy level!
Be at peace.
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Post by eliam »

Hey, Ontik! Your e-mail doesn't work! Do you have another one?
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Post by kensuguro »

this is interesting. Actually, I've experimented before.. weed.. okay, I found out that I wasn't the weed sort of guy. My body didn't work well with it, in that I fall asleep everytime I had weed. It really didn't have anything to do with enhancing or damaging.. I just fall asleep. So, no meaning in that. I still have weed at times.. but definitely prefer alcohol over weed. Atleast I stay awake ya know.. hehe. But either weed or alcohol has nothing to do with my composition. It doesn't enhance or anything. It's in another dimension. Especially with alcohol because it messes up my reaction to dynamics and ends up with really bad comp settings where everything sounds too saturated. Weed? I loose any motivation to make music what so ever.

I've also tried shrooms. They weren't bad. It was interesting. The shrooms I had weren't too strong, I stayed away from pure hallucigenic ones. I had some insites, had that love and peace feeling for a while.. But it still didn't make much of a difference to my musical thoughts. All of it was too simple. The stimulation was too basic. It's like sex, or even pain. It's too straight to the senses. I felt it didn't have the intellectual integrity to have anything to do with music, which is much, much more complicated than any of the things I just listed. It may work for some people. I can sort of understand that. But for me.. na.

It ultimately would be the difference in what people want to express in their music. For me, most of the time it's not a glob of emotions but more like a collection of ideas, or technical tricks and logic. So I can see that drugs cannot enhance these. If it's pure emotion and other sensory level stimulations, then it might work. Of course, every body reacts to substances differently so this is just my version of it.

But all in all, I still can't see how anyone would benefit from drugs though. OK, some music sounds better with drugs.. as a consumer, that's a benefit. But as creators? hmm... leaves a questions mark on my head.
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Post by coc999 »

Hello,of my experience i have try some natural and chemical stuff,but at the end it is boring,it has certainly modified my way to exist (i don't think in bad way cause i'm alive :smile:But that's not like this for lot of people where i live.
Drugs are always present or not far from you.I have stop 10 years ago all chemical experimentations.The bad way is that If you don't take care with drugs you could think that you are the better dj,the better artist an in fact you do shit (it happens to some guys i know,great dj's great musicians...).And if you do 5 parties and the 5 times you do bullshit the people start to talk and talk...and higher you are harder is the fall
At the end it is creating more problems to reconstruct yourselve than it is creating constructive energy.For me stopping chem drugs put me out of a vision that i have shared with lot of people ,i don't see anymore 99% of people that i meet in 10 years of parties.
I can not run,talk,work or compose music faster than i can.
Get out of drugs can make you discover so many basic feelings that you have forget.
And don't forget that harder is a drug more people have been killed for it.
we are all different and reacting differently and i hope that i have hurt nobody.
enjoy the sunshine :smile:
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