Mod Duo X, Mod Devices, and Modep for Raspberry Pi

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Mod Duo X, Mod Devices, and Modep for Raspberry Pi

Post by valis »

Mod Dwarf is the current offering from Mod Devices, but I'm still considering a Mod Duo X (more DSP).

Until I get one, I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4B to explore Patchbox OS and the MODEP – MOD DUO Emulator for Raspberry Pi.

The biggest issue so far seems to be that the realtime kernel (which is already installed upon first boot) will use considerably higher current draw than your typical Pi under first boot. So corrupting the startup process seems common, ensure you have a power source that completely exceeds the draw for your Pi unit before trying to boot the image.

Once that's done, there's a simple startup script that can be called again at any time from command line ("patchbox") to configure things, and install "Patchbox Modules":
Screenshot 2023-03-04 191954.png
Screenshot 2023-03-04 191954.png (12.48 KiB) Viewed 1553 times
As you can see, the Modep emulation environment is only one of several available 'Patchbox OS Modules' that are available for installation. I have other means of running PD, but have noted that the ORAC module might be of future interest (it's a modular environment).

Oh yes, although I can afford the PiSound hat + case combo, I am currently using a $10 cheap behringer USB interface that I keep lying around as it seems to work with everything. Unbalanced RCA i/o aside, it will do for testing and works fine at 128samples.

Currently I have gotten past any typical hurdles, found that at present you have to install the modep plugins by hand (as discussed in this thread), fixed an issue that's also well documented here , and visited PatchStorage to check out newly available modules.

In addition, if you wish to use RTP Midi (as I do), there's a semi-commercial version for linux available at:

I want to explore the Mod devices to see if upgrading to a full Mod unit is a good addition to my workspace (I own a Digitech RP360). I'll touch base here as I continue to explore.
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Re: Mod Duo X, Mod Devices, and Modep for Raspberry Pi

Post by valis »

RTP Midi connects through the OSC driver rather than midi, and then is autopatched to the midi input of Modep's UI.

After some playing around, this environment is not suited to creation of sounds compared to other tools I have. However it does offer a passable distortion/cab/effects/sim environment, as shaping the basic tone makers it came with shows good results for adding texture/grit & sat/dist/cab modelling. As one would expect. Will play more later and report back, but I suspect I'll either be quickly moving over to the other modules/tools or will grow bored of linux audio as I have before (which is why I would prefer a unit that 'just works' without the hassle of setting things up manually under linux).

I'm already thinking a better hat for pisound would include adat, so I can use more of the C/V side of this in tandem with VCV rack and SpaceF's various tools. Next weekend I'll dig in and see what ORAC has to offer.
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