VST plugin to use SFP effects as inserts without XTC mode

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Post by ibenko »

Hi all!

I am wondering if this can be done. I would like to have a VST plugin that could send audio out to SFP effect and then get it right back so it would work as an insert effect. Logic has something like that built in, it's called I/O helper. I am thinking that there's no way to make that kind of plugin, because as it seems VST plugins can only access those ASIO inputs that we asign in mixer.

Tnx in advance!

Best regards, Igor Benko
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Post by marcuspocus »

Well, i searched alot for this plugin, having been used to have it in my old logic (i'm now in nuendo)... And found out that it's NOT VST itself that prevent doing it but the host...

If you try a host like this one (www.console.jp) you can build yourself a really simple vst plugin using synthedit that do just that... But it doesn't work in nuendo, or any other host i tried yet, except the previously mentioned host.

That probably why, even after hours of searching for this miracle plugin, i didn't find anything remotely close to it, even on kvr-vst...

Maybe people think it's impossible? It's NOT! I have the vst sdk here, and it totaly doable, so it's nuendo/sx/sonar own fault if they can't do it actually...

Big host like Nuendo/SX/Sonar are so big, that they hide usefull functionnalities, or even eliminate them, a bit like the sidechain issues... It is doable (like someone demonstrated here on the Z) to have sidechain in nuendo/sx but it is so complicated!

That's one of the flaw that all major sequencer have these day... I call this the Microsoft Word syndrome :

There is SO MANY functionnalities that basic simple thing are almost impossible sometimes! For those who use word on a regular basis will understand completely :wink:

Anyway, if somebody can do it in a nicely fashion, i vote for it :wink:
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