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Post by Spirit »

:eek: Now that is a nice place ! People here talk about a time when you could do things like that (leave doors and windows open), but you have to go back 60 or 70 years. Those days seem like some lost paradise.

I think low crime is the biggest help to a good quality of life.

Perhaps you have no drug problem there ? That often seems to cause a lot of crime.
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Post by sandrob »

we in croatia also have drogs and mafia like any other country. unfortunately, we have alot of coruption.
i talking about small willage where i live. i'm sure that places like that you will find all around the world... and in australia too.
but with time things are changed even here :sad:
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Post by Immanuel »

On 2003-02-17 08:22, Spirit wrote:

... Perhaps you have no drug problem there ? That often seems to cause a lot of crime.
Or should we say the other way around? A few week ago we had our 3rd visit from a bruglar (in less than 1½year). My MusicPC has been almost non-operating ever since (burglar was scared away with no loot), because I have taken out the hard drives and placed them in a far corner of the room. They can take my Creamware cards - insurance will cover that, but my music and other personal dokuments are just too invalueable (to me). I will probably get a new hard drive soon, and use it for back-up, and have my girlfriend store it for me. Even a fire talking down the building will not take all then. 2 years ago my life was very different. Our house door was always open - we felt safe, and life was pretty easy. Sad to say, that my view of life has changed a bit :sad:

Have you people ever thought of how much you can loose by accident? A burglar takes away your studio, or a fire leaves nothing but ashes. If you have an insurance, you will probably get your normal things covered, but how about your music. If it only exists in your house it actually can be gone forever while you are out shopping. My advice is: spend those 150€/$ on some 120GB drive (or what ever you need), and store it in a bank box, or at a person, whoom you would trust your life. I have seen xx years old friendships break over money, so be good to yourself if you are about to get a hit song going - put it in the bank. Better safe than sorry doesn't have to be a negative view of life. If you can accept the fact, that others couldn't stand temptation, then it is easyer to accept, that maybe you or your best friend can not either, and that you are not being untrusting towards your friend - rather caretaking over the precious friendship you have.

Ok, I think I got pretty much off track now. I will just stop it for now and look at the good side: the move cuts down my daily traveling to the University from 5hours to a 200meters walk each way :smile:
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