MIniFMZ update + MiniFMZ-2 (KrOn and BB3 add-on)

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MIniFMZ update + MiniFMZ-2 (KrOn and BB3 add-on)

Post by spacef »

MINI FMZ - Correction and new Mini FMZ-2


Requires KrON *or* BlackBox III key.

Download in KrOn or BB3 download pages on

PS/ it is not yet annouced on the website... no time, postin here is quicker.

Mini FMZ

Surface was opening at the bottom of the project window = Corrected.
BOTH devices: should also behave correctly in Screensets and device panel should be recalled properly in projects.

Mini FMZ-2

For a year, I've been used Mini FMZ to create a sub bass to double other synths bass.
Now I have added a Filter Enveloppe and a second FM Carrier.
The new envelope allows reaching more diverse bass sounds while keeping it super simple
The added oscillator allows to have fun and create sounds which are reminiscent of the 80's.


Mini FMZ-2 preset list can import previous version presets.
A few examples are added in the "v2" Factory list.

You also get all my personal sounds (those I remembered to save at least), which is worth what it's worth (as said before, most of them are used in cunjunction with another synth's basses).


There are various devices that can send additional modulations to Mini FMZ, such as NeoDyne or small sequencers.

- the "Sync" button works weirdly, but it actually works. To "UNSYNC" , you may have to put it Off , AND move the carriers Coarse setting. I've tested this only with no pitch modulations, which may explain the behaviour.

Enjoy !
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Re: MIniFMZ update + MiniFMZ-2 (KrOn and BB3 add-on)

Post by spacef »
using forthcoming del ray 2 and dubby 4 "outback" (sound on sound) functions.
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