KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

an update is available
check the news on
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

An update to the update is available.
There is nothing new except that I removed a tag "LoadOn Same DSP" that seems to cause loading issues in PCI setups.

Here is an explanation, let me know if you don't understand it, it's not always easy to explain this kind of things (KrOn 4 (b) )

- This version of KrOn does not have a tag "LoadOnSame DSP" that the other version has.
- The "Load On Same DSP" is a device tag for Scope that allows devices to be loaded... on the same DSP. It was introduced in KrOn 4 only.
- As KrOn is quite large, this tag may cause loading issues on Scope PCI (or multicard setups) , ie, not being able to load KrOn 4 because too big (Scope cannot find a way to load KrOn on the same DSP, nor is it able to determine which section should be on this or that dsp). it ends up with a message saying that you do not have enough resources to load the device.... bummer.

So here is a version without this tag, that will be easily loadable in Scope PCI, just like KrOn 3 (which did not have that "sameDSP" tag).

The user who reported this to me has a setup with 9 DSPs.

On Xite:
I added the "Load On SameDSP" tag on Xite when I had issue making connections between devices in a very large project where i was building KrOn4+Aquarius+LogiQ+Echo+mixers and synths etc..

I found that the tag allowed me connect KrOn more easily, but it may be a coincidence, because I did not save and reload a project when I had this issue. But I kept it like that because it worked fine days after days, and I actually forgot about it.... until a user told me he could not load it in Scope, while KrOn 3 was working fine.

Using the other version is fine too (the one dated 2021-02-11 - that you already have) and by looking at the DSP meter, you will note that KrOn 4 is actually concentrated inside 1 DSP of XIte. This means that the other DSP will be 100% free and all their connections will be available for other devices (in theory at least :-) )

Personally I used the 'load on same dsp" version since I made it, without any noticeable issue, and that's why I released it. But apparently, it is not good for PCI setups.

So, on Xite, use either version, the one that works for you - or that makes your life easier - in a particular project. Do not overthink it. Just use one or the other version: if you run into connection issues and feel stuck, try to see if loading the other version makes things easier.

When I will repack the krOn package with the other devices, I will make folders that will make it clearer which version is which.
I will probably use this new version "b" as default, and make a folder "OnSameDSP" to provide the alternate 'OnSameDSP" version for Xite.

If everything was working fine, for you, just continue using the version that you are using but keep in mind that an alternate version exists that will change the way the device is loaded and the number of connection between DSP, so it can be helpful depending on particular projects.

Let me know if all this is confusing or helpful :-)
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by yayajohn »

spacef wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:23 am
I am also working on a standalone device to sync all project devices (KrOn and other spacef stuff), which will be done only once the rest is released (and it will require updates to include the adequate "receivers" inside those devices. For KrOn, it will include a "main gate" and a gate for the quad. I intend to add a CV sync for CV gear (you can do it already but that will just be a dedicated output).
Could this include sending midi clock to other Scope devices in the project window that have midi external clock options?
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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Unfortuntaley it does not work with midi yet. It is a frequency signal that is sent out. It is a sync signal and not a midi one, unfortunately.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by yayajohn »

That's ok I just thought maybe there could be a MTC out as well but that is probably way more complicated to achieve.
I was trying to clock sync Interpole as a send/return with Aquarius.
After trying MTC from the DAW the only Scope device I can seem to sync is Mattomat.
Everything else shows 220 initially.
Not sure if that was a Scope 7 thing? I can't remember.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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I think it has always been difficult to use the external midi sync. For me it has worked with a hardware equipment, but not a daw (it fluctuates).
I had a yamaha mini drum thing years ago (like 2003/2004) . It could send midi clock, and the ext midi sync in scope was much more stable and useable that way.
So I think ext-sync would work with any hardware. Someone just need to make a tempo rack with a big knob and big lcd, that would be the master tempo of the studio and scope+daw through midi. Not sure if it would be very practical though.

I learned to do it in other ways because of this. It does not mean there is no way to achieve it.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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What is Kron 4 (c)?
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

normally it loads with the "note-on" sync by default.
Later today i will upload a revision of the midi-to-note on, witrh revised midi channels and keyboard range.....
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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Here you go :)

Midi to CV has been updated at last.
The midi is completely revised and so it brings multitimbrality to KrOn and other sequencers. Multitibrality was possible by using different midi source drivers, but now it can be on the same midi seq source driver.

I do not update the freeware version because it is still useable with KrOn only (standalone modes not revised yet, so still very limited to a few notes).
But it is for everyone (no key inside)

-- Midi Channel. Now fully functional. Opens KrOns to multitimbrality.
-- Added Keyboard Range settings
-- Module name: allows to change the name of the module in the project window.

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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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Ready for download

New modulator "CV Tune 0" : allows to tune V/Oct oscillators without the need to sacrifice a step sequencer. The tuning is relative to Midi root key (Midi to CV device, or your midified synth or eurorack module).

Updated KrOn 4 (d)

- The EG1 sync mode was not reflecting sync time values right. Completely revised implementation. Presets remain Ok.
Various minor things here and there.

- Added Ext2 input for the LFO fade-in/out triggers.
- CV Tune 0 modulator: allows to send a pitch of “+0” , which is useful to tune eurorack oscillators. This saves the need to sacrifice 1 step sequencer with all values at 0. You can find the CV Tune 0 modulator in the last mixer slot of each section (as well as in the first mixer slot of the P1/P2 outputs).
- Backward signal protection: a diode system (feedback modules) has been added to all outputs. This avoids signals going the wrong way in situation with a lot of interconnections between many devices (intense projects). The backward signal is supected to shut down all signal flows (ie outputs become unactive until the device or project is reloaded). This system – which is pretty light on DSP as it is just 8 feedback modules – forbids any signal to go back the wrong way.

New KrOn 4 Mini

Perfect to control 2 synths ! Mini KrOn with 6 outputs (for example for controlling 2* VCo / 2* VCF / 2* VCA)
I also did this to make it more powerful in 96 Khz systems (6 outs better than 4). Let me know if all is fine in 96Khz samplerate.

This version updates KrOn 3 mini (
- EG 1 ADSR values were not easy to use. Revised Curves
- LFO 3 Fade-in / fade out values were wrong
- Output 2 slots were messed up (volumes and switch were not paired)
- P3 trigger of the EG1 has been revised and works properly (did not work because a CV Pitch of 0 is not "0" in scope, so it could not trigger anything (was always above 0). It was working only for DSP pitch). Now corrected.
- T2 inner volume was way below normal. Fixed. 
- Minor graphic optimizations.

Main Additions
- Added Outputs 5 and 6
- CV Pitch 0 modulator. Allows to tune oscillators without needing to sacrifice a pitch sequencer.
- Added a 4th source to the T-Mix mixer.
- LFO 3 fade-in/out trigger sources, so a note-on is not needed to trigger the fade-in/out of the LFO.
- Color presets
- LG input to sync with LG sync pro or LogiQ. 

Since KrOn 3, KrOn and Mini Kron presets are not 100% compatible. For example, the 8 steps sequencers are particular to each device, and so will not be updated when loaded in another device. This is also the case for new parameters added since version 3, such as all the above parameters.

Other KrOn devices will follow (next weeks)...
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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cool link! thanks
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by nebelfuerst »

Sorry for my lame question, but:

I recently bought Kr0n and started playing with it.
I used Kr0n3 and some CV synth attached like the manual said.
I don't get any sound out of the synth unless I press "Drone", which is supposed to bypass the VCA.
What do I miss ?
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

mmh, not normal. Could you send me a pic of the project ?
I would like to see how everything is connected
I can try to reproduce the project to see what could be wrong.

or let me know which synth and I will make a project myself.

I suspect midi is not connected to the synth ? KrOn is a modulator and still needs a "root key" received by the synth, in order to modulate the pitch for example.

otherwise, it is also possible that there is a misconfiguration of the default state of a synth, for example if I've let a "volume modulator" engaged while there is no volume modulation coming in, in that case it is possible that it remains silent. this would be my fault :-/

In any case, please send me a project picture or let me know which synth so I will rebuild the project here and it will be sorted out quickly.
I will try to do this tomorrow anyway (this evening is not possible).

Many thanks!
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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I'm pretty sure, it may be some lack of understanding on my side, being new to Kr0n.

Find attached screenshots and the project I used for testing.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

I haven't noticed anything unusual in the pictures, so I will check this out tomorrow morning and hopefully, you should be all good by the afternoon/evening.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

Ok so I tested and all works fine BUT it is probably an error in the download itself.

I will verify again and repack everything and upload it (and send it to you directly).

It should be ready before the evening (end of the afternoon)...

EDIT: I checked the zip and the files and all is fine and works "out of the box" without doing anything special.
I PMed you some ideas to check the midi or mixer.
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Post by spacef »

Ok.. we found the bug... the midi channel was stuck to channel 1 even if the display showed another channel. I thought I corrected this years ago but apparently I did not....

Now Corrected !

>> download updated Volcano only (may need to login to access the page):

Also added in the full downloads on your order page (krOn and KrOn max pack).

KrOn 4 is still not in the main zips (no special reason), you can find the latest version on Page 2 of the "main downloads" :
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Re: KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

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JunZ-CV had the same midi channel "bug" as Volcano. Now corrected.

Also added in the full downloads on your order page (krOn and KrOn max pack).
KrOn 4 and krOn 4 Mini also added to the zip found in your order page (krOn and KrOn max pack). .

I also made 4 or 5 presets for "Mini-FMZ", that you can find in the above links and in the packs too.
nothing special, just that I forgot that it sounded cool.
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