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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

ok, but Hydroxychloroquine is a common drug whose toxicity is well known and is available over the counter in some places. i am NOT asking to use it, it's just that the arguments for and against are contradictory, even from smart people.

in any case, there is no good reason to shut down all human activity. this is far more damaging in the long run than allowing the virus to run it's course. sorry, it's not the Plague. quarantine those at the most risk, if you must.

i'll have to disagree on Fauci. he's a prick and a liar(just mho).

the world is dangerous. just going outside and driving is more dangerous than covid. don't panic.

btw- the cdc figures show quite a few flu strains to be, and have been, far more deadly. the hospitals have never been over crowded from this covid "crisis". the emergency military mobile hospitals have never been used. again, from considerable connection to the medical business, i know that most of the reporting has been inaccurate and that the clinical solutions have been mostly useless. just let us get on with our business and stop destroying small businesses while protecting and propping up mega corporations. these are my demands. i guess i need to start rioting for months and setting wildfires. this seems to work for blm "trained Marxists". i like Groucho Marx personally.

the CDC's numbers are public.

also btw- anybody who knows history knows who the Rothschilds answer to, and even why they have such a name. the Rothschild-controlled reptilian overlord Freemason Illuminati chemtrail GMO Antichrist faction is pretty much an illusion, but don't think that there isn't a supra-national world government that really does want to implant microchips. they have bragged about it. :lol: Aldous Huxley(who was his grandfather? why is his brother the founder of UNESCO and why Mi6?) gave a very nice speech about the plans for implants and the scientific dictatorship(also mentioned at the turn of the 20th century by the official Royal futurist HG Wells) to important parts of the Berkley student body in 1962. these guys publish books and plans, which can be read. of course, this has nothing to do with the current "crisis", i just felt like stirring the drink.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

@Peter - I agree on masks - after reading about the aerosol transmission mechanism of the virus. In fact I was flummoxed why some were arguing to only wear them if you have the virus. That logic makes no sense to me - either masks reduce transmission overall or they don't. And if they do, then everyone wear them all the time.

@Gary - letting the virus run free whilst keeping businesses open is a strategy with some logic, but if you're going to have a suppression strategy instead then don't fuck it up like our state government did.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dawman »

My brotha's in Nashville are ripping pissed about the Mayor following the investors orders and hiding facts from the voters.
These big city Mayors all have the same message, use the same memes.

http://fox17.com/news/local/covid-19-em ... revelation
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

the virus dies almost immediately outside the host...except that we have been told it can live for days on metal.
if so, almost everyone who uses gas pumps has been exposed.
almost everyone who uses metal door handles was exposed in the beginning.

if it lives outside the host for even minutes, as it does on metal, it is blown out the mask the moment the spittle dries and everyone is already exposed.

the health dangers of having a mask on for 4-8 hours at a time(as most workers do these days) exceed the value of any potential(it's all just theory) benefits. masks create illness.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

then no-one should wear em. Including hospital staff ?
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

hospital staff wear them for reasons other than covid and they don't wear them for hours on end and they get new ones, constantly, normally.
in surgery, they keep things like spittle and hair out of the patient.

having everyone wear them is just a sideshow. if you wish to believe that they will stop you from accidentally infecting your grandmother, then you should wear them.

hears an example of the stupidity. i know a tennis pro who must wear his mask at work, until he steps on the court. then, he teaches without a mask and with the official blessing. recently, he really started to feel giddy about it, so he got a face shield, cut eye holes in it and put his sunglasses on under it. this also passed official muster.
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there are a lot of people being very serious but it's all fantasy. people are running around with n95 masks with exhaust valves. those allow an uninterrupted unfiltered stream out, while filtering the inhaled air. those are officially ok.
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this is just a bunch of goddamned politicians and corporate lackeys trying to avoid being seen as "doing nothing". unfortunately, there are no good solutions. suck it up. stay as healthy as you can. if it's not this virus, there are plenty of other ones to die from.

it's just my opinion. i'm not telling anyone to do what i might do or see things as i do. it's perfectly fine to disagree with me. you're wrong, but as long as it's your problem, that's your business.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by valis »

I'll share some passing thoughts here. This is of course at the possible risk that our coming AI overlords might find this text once I'm safely uploaded into the HIVE MIND cloud that we're all destined to accept as our future utopian heaven(s).

While I try to avoid being uniquely or collectively magnetized (lest I find myself living in a cave or conversely codependent on a group of emotional teenagers that I just call "the band" or "fam"), I suspect I typically come down on the side of what one might call 'personal liberty' or 'autonomy' or "I'm OK, you're (going to be) OK". Ie, if I'm OK and You're OK then we can agree on the need for Autonomy and Freedoms (or Rights). The crux there for the polarized seems to revolve around what choices & rights are the *most right*, but here we're still at least making choices that are arguably informed by some narrative versus another.

Slightly past this point of "We're both OK" there's this perception of a third entity that intrudes on our personal and shared spaces...Or one might want to start concerning oneself with how much the Experts and Administrators can take away our "autonomy" ) in making choices on our behalf. I'll just add in that when I break a leg or have a nasty infection, I'll gladly abdicate enough control over to a medical professional to mend the issue, as these seem to be things that are well within the wheelhouse of modern medicine and the "Science" that it uses. I ironically note where I once ceded control to a cashier when they were attending a cash register, and curiously find these larger companies happy to allow me the 'choice' to retake my control over the human labor involved in self-checkout. Perhaps the parable there is we should be informing our oligarchs about any potential labor/cost savings when it comes to personal liberty...

In any case, if we find we have move somewhat further to "I'm NOT OK" but "You're OK" (I'm in the 'vulnerable population' with multiple co-morbidities perhaps, or maybe I just had a *really* shitty childhood) then I might react negatively to your presence even if you're OK, because I clearly am not. So there's something to be concerned with, and I--or those responsible for my health and safety--will take immediate reaction. This I think is how we typically responded to situations like this in the past, at least in the more "western" countries where most of us live. The main difference in the past was how much we exercised *choice* or *autonomy* ourselves versus abdicating (or allowing) that responsibility to others by "virtue" of how incapable we were of meeting those needs.

China & Japan etc have seen masks for a few years longer now. It might be introduced into the discussion that this was in tandem with a large number of previous "health concerns" related to a long string of SARS/MERS/etc, which seem to crop up in western & US domestic concerns with a rather curious timing. All sardonic winks to the use of situations like this by politicians, experts and petty tyrants aside, it does still make perfect sense that an expert (whose scope of expertise might be limited to one or two fields) would be making decisions with tunnel vision in extreme situations, and that alone *might* explain a good percentage of what we've seen this year at least in response to the Covid-19 "Pandemic".

if "I'm OK" and "You're NOT OK" then it might perhaps be prudent to take steps to mitigate my exposure, because maybe you're just not OK. So let's stand 6 feet apart, and discuss how Masking helps, as does better awareness and improved access to education and resources and so on. It's curious that there seems to be a fair bit of response in arenas that have nothing to do with viral transmission where this *perception* plays out. By this I mean the "social media" virtual arenas with little chance for personal contact, yet this seems to be where a lot of this is playing out.

Narratives behind everything from Cancel culture (you're not ok so you need to be CANCELLED) run their course there, all the way down to just 'cleaning my list of toxic people' on a social media platform (ie, reinforcement of the echo chamber effect). Well this, was where we were the last 4-5 years I think, up until this occurred this year. Just clean my list, remove unwanted news & information portals (be they a full website or just a lone human "portal"). Some do this in the name of the Meritocracy and Individual Achievement, some in the name of Democracy and Community, and most are just there reflexively passing all the memes and content along in stream of consciousness fashion hardly noting the narratives that are taken on board in the process.

Now we have a situation that seems to--as well as anything in the past--define a line of demarcation for anyone that is (as the huffington post would put it) given to Xenophobia in even the smallest degree. Which is to say, unless you're truly a Saint in human flesh, there might just be some people out there you (I/we) disagree with and so we might just feel like treating them as if they are "NOT OK" even though clearly I (you/we) are VERY "OK" (extremely, unassailably and assertedly OK).

If "I'm NOT OK" and "You're NOT OK" then all bets are off, we might as well pack it in and resign ourselves to mobile devices, webcams and future enhanced 'prosthetics' to collectively jack-in to the HIVE mind and accept the position for which we are Bee-ing 'divinely tempered' (or maybe just 'groomed' by the other side of divinity). Or better yet, just accept that We’re not going back to normal (MIT Technology Review)

Anyway, as this discussion is being done to death on social media and in most of the relationships around me, I can skip much of that and point to the discussion above for covering most of the bases. To add some data points that rarely see people mentioning, here are some things that occurred prior to or were known before December 2019.
  • The arrest of a Harvard professor in tandem with 2 (Chinese) assistants, plus the Chinese virologist now on asylum here in the US, versus the narratives of it being *only* a "China Virus" or "European Virus".
  • The use of civil unrest by parties that *seem to be* either Racist White Nationals (Boogaloos & Proud Boys) or BLM+Antifa "thugs", and certainly have now intermingled both. This is at a time when civil unrest was *already* present in many nations around the world, and the 'knee on the neck/back' incident was something that occurred in 4-5 nations within a 6 week span of time. I find that rather ... curious.
  • Event 201 was held by Johns-Hopkins, Gates Foundation & World Economic Forum as a "pandemic exercise" in October 2019 that discussed little to no actual medicine, and was largely about "coordinating the messaging" between media outlets, governing administrative bodies and private companies in the health & technology sectors. Why the WEF and not WHO/CDC?
And this is just for the 'covid' lockdowns, we haven't touched on the Riots, potential for Arson mixed with Climate Change and other polarized *reasons* for the extreme fires we've seen on the West Coast US (and last year in Australia, before that in Brazil.....and again here on the West Coast....) nor the upcoming vaccine which will either be here JUST BEFORE or JUST AFTER US election cycles, or possibly "within 2 years", or possibly even (as with AIDS and other Fauci initiatives) we can just still be strongly in support of "believing Science will some day find the answers" as we sit here trying to "flatten the curve" for 15 days---or until a vaccine comes to save the day (whichever is longest?)

Another observation, before many of the bombings we had under the 'war on terror' over the last 2 decades, there were 'training exercises' by emergency preparedness and disaster response groups & administrative bodies (from the respective country/state/etc). In tandem with this, there were also a number of routine busts that focused on individuals (generally at the high school or early college age where individuals were deemed "vulnerable") where the only caliphate presence was provided by the FBI & law enforcement who secured the 'score' of the final arrest. I will again loop back to the point above about how we now have groups who can easily be targeted as the 'source' of the 'real violence' at protests, and while many of the arrested are immediately released (which shows how much of a political theater this Live Action Role Play (LARP) really is) there's enough chaos for the politicians on both sides of the isle to point and say "I have the answer!" all in time for elections.

Anyway, for anyone who read that tl;dnr thanks... I thought I might chime in with my own personal take on our current status for the inflection or 'bias point' from this "Cosmic Mirror" (of Novelty Convalescence) versus Fundamental Liberty that we find ourselves in. Feel free to respond with salient & coherent viewpoints as possible, and leave the programmed narrative responses for social media platforms where they're most easily encapsulated as prepared "meme" messages that you simply need to repost to signal your bias and/or virtue.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

We have those long clear masks too, but we wore em only to shops for a while. Now we dont bother going to shops anymore we just order everything online for delivery. Anyway we'll keep wearing em either until we've been vaccinated or the placebo effect wears off. :D
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by mausmuso »

Wow thanks Peter,
You lost me after "Gary and others", but none the less is good to know there are people like you out there working to understand these things with the aim of keeping us as safe as is possible.
May your scope projects be wonderous
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dawman »

Some great insights and discussion here.
I wish others could see this thread.

Fascinated by the Bats and Oxygen info. Humans swimming vrs. Fish was a great analogy.
I do 6 laps and I’m shot.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Bee-ing 'divinely tempered' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



there's nothing to understand.
you WILL die!
there is nothing that can or should be done with that.
live as best you can in the mean time. it makes a nice difference.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

Everyone hates the Premier after he has retail and hospitality under lockdown even though our 14 day rolling average new cases is under 10 and active cases at around 100. The second wave is all but defeated but the fallout continues. A non English school kid was sent back to school while infectious after his parents misinterpreted Health Dept instructions and now 500 citizens (close contacts and thier close contacts) are quarenteened. The family are thinking they will have to leave the neighbourhood due to social media abuse.

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So whats the story in the US ? If Biden wins what the is he going to do ? Force state governers to dictate lockdowns - can he do that depending on Congress ? And if Trump wins what will Remdesivar really do ? Maybe just increase hird immunity a little or does he have any other secret cocktail up his sleeve other than hot air ?
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

Reporting here from the worlds most locked down city. Freedom tastes good. Perhaps Macron should remember that next time he visits the Somme and walks over the graves of 60,000 Australian troops. Diesel powered subs date back to those dark days and maybe Turnball made a bad deal which now Sco Mo has the unfavourable duty of fixing. As for Biden, I'm pretty sure that neither Trump (for all his shortcomings) nor Obama would have thrown Sco Mo under the bus this way. God help Australia if Biden had been in charge back in '42.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

Biden can't force anything, if the US government still stands. he is an administrator, not a king. he is unbelievably unpopular right now. of course, that doesn't matter to many.

politicians can't do a damned thing about Covid, but politics say otherwise. it's just my opinion, but worrying so much about a disease that has a 99.975% chance of survival(99.999% with inoculation) isn't worth the draconian measures being introduced. there must be a deeper meaning to all this. why are there no flu deaths last year?
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by at0m »

garyb wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:55 pm hospital staff wear them for reasons other than covid
no, we all wear masks all the time. since science tells us they're effectively reducing the risk of transfer. neither countermeasure works 100%: despite the countermeasures, 3 times we had an outbreak in the facility. we lost 28 due to covid there.

if the latter is your argument for dropping all safety measures, then why are people still wearing seatbelts. people still die in car crashes, so what's the use, right.
garyb wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:55 pmhears an example of the stupidity.
you probably mean "here's".
more has been done with less
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

did i type that?

don't need a seatbelt either. i don't mind having them available. science doesn't show mask effectiveness, but do what you like. i am not scared of Covid, nor of death. no piles of bodies here. Covid or co-morbidities?
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by valis »

Covid is being used to polarize us, imho. Crank up that rhetoric, assure each party that now that they have the 51% majority there was clearly no funny business that might happen to them next time, and 3 cheers for the winning team while the allopathic medical structures have both the greatest windfall and largest cause for layoffs in ages. Sadly it seems that if there are players using and abusing this situation, it's the ones that always refer to themselves as 'market destabilzers' and the people in the medical field should take note. But hey, if we clean house of dissidents and boat rockers and replace evidentiary performance as qualifications with something more equitable, then all will surely be well.

Or better still, here on the outermost planet (when sorted alphabetically) we have a place where our team uses systems assembled of both pitch and time as played out by DSP and that thing that really wants to slave us to the singularity, our host DAW computer(s). Ah well, we made it through the infamous planetz climate change debates (and clearly the world reacted to our opinions). I'm sure we can make it through this.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by garyb »

i think people should vaccinate or mask as they see fit. it's just an opinion. i don't mind your mask or your vaccine. as a grown-up, i don't need anyone making up my mind, however. please don't cancel me just for that.
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Re: Dantes Last Stand - fellow Scopeans report your positions here :

Post by dante »

I think the Amish achieved herd immunity at the cost of a few lives. But also a few of em might have snuck out and got jabbed. I wonder if any of em use Scope in secret with a hidden generator in the shed.
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