ModV2 vs Reaktor 3

Anything about the Scope modular synths

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mr swim
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Post by mr swim »

I know that this has been talked about a little in other threads, but not having the ModV2 i really want some more information about what it actually does.

For instance, does it have those x/y controllers that are so cool in Reaktor. What can it do that Reaktor 3 can't do, and what can Reaktor 3 do that it can't do.

I am very tempted to improve my system (Luna + Powersampler in SfP) with a real Pulsar card, but could just get the 6 chips extension board and buy Reaktor too.

What is the actual interface like on it ? Would a non-tech such as myself be able to get to grips with it ? Might I get bored ?

Oh so many questions !
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Post by Spirit »

I love the ModV2 but I believe it has many weaknesses.

Reaktor has way more sonic possibilities than ModV2. It has way more modules that far surpass ModV2 in both utility and weirdness.

Reaktor's sequencing and sampling possibilities just blow ModV2 out of the water. There is absolutely no contest in these areas. You want to use ModV2 for even simple sequencing ? Forget it.

Looks? Check out Dash Synthesis for commercial Reaktor modules, many of them skinned: ... eaktor&ID=

* BUT * if sound quality is what you want then ModV2 is IMHO the clear winner.

I would have jumped ship to Reaktor long ago if it didn't sound so piddly-weak and thin. Any thick or tasty Reaktor patch you hear will typically be either a massive CPU hog, or drenched in effects - usually both. Download the Reaktor demo, turn off some effects and see what you're left with.

To me the difference is very simple: Reaktor is way better in *every* respect except the one that really matters: sound quality.
mr swim
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Post by mr swim »

sequencing and sampling aren't (or are they ?) really a problem for me, as I am perfectly happy using an external sequencer and have the sts3000 which I am also content with.

Also, I did download the Reaktor demo and thought that the sounds were pretty good (lots of watery overlay if anyone can understand what that means !) so even better sound quality must sound AMAZING ! And CLEARLY, sound quality is by far the most important thing. One could get very easily swamped with the number of different modules available for the Reaktor, and maybe that would actually be more of a hinderance than a help ?

I get confused enough as it is, let alone having thousands and thousands of mods to choose from.

And you can do pretty complex things with lots of simple elements. Maths for instance ! Humans for another !
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