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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Yet another armageddon fairytale with no substance, so sources, no logic, no knowledge, no nothing. this "abhorrence against migrants and the Muslim world", You don't recognize it in your own posts?
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

I read it in the Bible.
Nostradamus wrote about it too.
When the Supreme leader in Iran starts wearing a Blue Turban, then Ill repent all sins and await the Seal to be broken.
The Trumpets that are suppose to bring down walls, etc.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

pastor wrote:Yet another armageddon fairytale with no substance, so sources, no logic, no knowledge, no nothing. this "abhorrence against migrants and the Muslim world", You don't recognize it in your own posts?
You really ARE a Hubird clone!

Your statements are as stupid as they can possibly be! DID YOU READ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN? If you did, please: READ AGAIN AND THEN AGAIN. Try NOT to read projecting what you already have in your mind as preconceptions and own paradigms, try to GET what people ACTUALLY are TELLING YOU!!! You don’t need for me to tell you what is going on in Europe in regard with migrants, it is ALL OVER THE PLACE! If you have friends over there, just call them and have a reality check for yourself.

Who needs more proves than those that already exists over there!!! RAPES, VIOLENCE, ROBERY, ABUSE, FANATICISM, you name it!!! What else do you need? Police itself in Europe are getting against the government because they feel this should be stopped! It is not my fault that you are totally uninformed about it thinking this is a Batman movie. It is real life, get it!

I don’t think you are a bad person, but God, you can be naïve… :roll:
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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

You can call me a stupid, naive, uninformed Hubird clone as much as you like, I'm fine with that. No problem.
It doesn't make your arguments more valid though. Bring on some statistics, some reference, some numbers or some other related data so one can check the "facts" you present.
Best regards, a guy living in a European country of five million people, accepting the same amount of muslim refugees in 2015 as the whole of US did in 2016. By the way, we had 25 murders in 2016. Chicago had twice that in January this year (and they have 2.5 mill inhabitants). NWO must hate us, they keep letting US citizens into our country.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

Look, we can argue about any topic and learn, that’s fine, but don’t start yet another war, right? It is not worth it. I have the feeling, in the first place, that we could understand each other if we were to meet in person, let us not get mad to each other, please, sincerely.

What bothers me of your way of answering is that you talk about “statistics” and “news”, and things of the like, without realizing that “these” are manipulated media. So you trust what I distrust.

The way you answered to what I have said was: “Yet another Armageddon fairytale with no substance, no sources, no logic, no knowledge, no nothing”, so you started in the first place with a BAD reaction. Why speaking like this? If you disagree, well, show me your “arguments”. I can tell you I have friends all over the place in Europe, and I am in touch with many of them very frequently. Some of them are already planning leaving their country to save their families from the upcoming disasters. The media is NOT REPORTING what is going on! In Germany there are people already buying illegal weapons to defend themselves against migrants. In Sweden there are a number of quasi militarized groups rising up to organize themselves as a way to stop the mess migrants are generating. Don’t you still see the upcoming scenario? In England, there are already fights now and then because of the same problems. Europeans are joining in a single thought: “enough”. Why do you say there is no EVIDENCE? This is what bothers me. The most you could say is something like: “I think you are getting over the top, I think you are exaggerated about migrants and the problems they create”, for instance… but say there is no problems is delusional and ridiculous. I think that, if you rewind, you will understand me, if you have the good will to actually understand yourself with somebody thinking in a different way. If you want too, you can, I am open to it. But if you go the same way Hubird did, I will not spend time trying anything else like I did with him, I will just cut communication with you entirely, and bring peace in each corner. I am probably the least interesting person in the world for you, that’s perfectly fine and I would humbly accept it, why not? But as it has happening over and over and over again, you will see that what I am saying here will become reality in a SHORT period of time. Not to mention the USA.

I did not called you “a stupid”, see, this is not fine, you should not say that, this is not true, read again and see for yourself, make a fair communication please. Your statements, to me, yes, they were stupid and I stand on it. Why? Because it is all over the place the extremely serious situation happening in Europe and you kind of get into small irrelevant arguments with me. This is a serious matter with people dying and suffering, it is not a topic for us to make up a little fight of words. Aren’t you concerned about it? If you are not, how come? For me it is impossible no to be concerned about it.

I’ll pass you a very tiny hint of what is going on, see for yourself, some of this videos are older than others, but you can see already where all this is heading: ... ated-hate/

This thoughts are VERY interesting because they let you know the real reason is not helping refugees, but to create the clash that is happening:
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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

What is the saying, "the devil is in the details"?

First off, You say, if I disagree I should show you my arguments. Well, i have been trying to do that for a long time. Let me first clarify some of the recent examples.

On page 30 of this thread, you post an "interesting video". The video runs pretty much the same arguments You present yourself, Europe is a hell hole because of immigrants. I politely ask you what you find interesting about it, no reply. GaryB asks me what I think is misleading in this video, and I run thru the numbers presented in the video. After my follow up with Gary, You enter the stage, calling me a Hubird clone (see, I am getting used to it :) ) in “hard preconditioned stated of mind” i offer "nothing to be learned", saying basically people should ignore me (to put it mildly). You do not address a single one of my arguments/clarifications, instead you are claws out in defense mode. I used, as far as it was possible, the same statistics Infowars used. If you read that post again, You will see that THEY manipulated the numbers, not me.

Lets take a more recent example. Last post on page 35. You claim people on Z "had defended the "system" as being almost "saint" or "pure", here you have the incontrovertible truth about votes". I ask you, twice, in a polite manner, where i can read this. Still no reply. In my mind, you might have constructed a strawman argument to elevate your position as a truth-bringer. But fact might be that I have overlooked a post or a conversation, then it would be easy for you to point me in the direction of what you was referring to. None of us is perfect.

Now to your most recent post. Trust me, i am not "starting another war". You say:
"What bothers me of your way of answering is that you talk about “statistics” and “news”, and things of the like, without realizing that “these” are manipulated media. So you trust what I distrust." So which statistics or media is it that I have referred to that are manipulated? It might be a lot, so i will now politely ask you to point me in the direction of a post or two where i have used manipulated media as a basis. Should be easy enough.

You say some of your friends in europe plans to leave their country because of the upcoming catastrophe. That is really sad, but i am curious to where they are moving where they would feel safer. Sweden might portraid to be a hellhole, if that is where they are living, but it is incredibly safe compared to just about anywhere else in the world. Feel free to prove me wrong. That being said, their immigration, integration and media has been under the hammer for years from the other Nordic countries. Even in mass media. Your link to a 60 minutes report (is this trustworthy or manipulative by the way? ;) ) is one of many examples. There is a huge gap between the realities in Sweden compared to countries it is natural to compare them with, like Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland etc.

You say: "The most you could say is something like: “I think you are getting over the top, I think you are exaggerated about migrants and the problems they create”, for instance… but say there is no problems is delusional and ridiculous." This is exactly what i tried to do in the example from page 30. Have I ever stated there are no problems with migrants? No, but I have tried to show how your videos are exaggerating the issues! I have already covered your reply.

Now, I know I have not answered everything in your last post, but i have ONE burning issue that i wish you could clarify for me, but i will first clarify a similar thing for You. I DO believe people from different cultures can live side by side. BUT I am also aware that there is a limit of how many people a single country can help simultaneously. You have a tendency to bring up that this is a situation brought to life by "the NWO". Among the Nordic countries, why did the just do this to Sweden? Wouldn't it be more rational to do it with the rest of the nordics as well? Also, why are You so eager to tell the world our cultures cant coexist? Arent you playing directly the cards of this "NWO" is dealing you?

Ill finish off with another "interesting video", it is even older than yours, but still relevant :)
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

Hello Pastor, no no…, I don’t say “you” are using manipulated media. I was speaking in a general way, saying that most media out there is manipulated, no doubt. I would never base myself in mainstream media, that’s the point, and it seems you do. See all the fake news problems that we have today and the evidences that media working FOR the USA government are corrupt media. This is all I wanted to say, I was not referring to any media you post yourself.

The friends I’m referring to, are moving abroad, far away from Europe altogether.

How to know if something is manipulated or not? Well, it is not that easy anyway! But if you follow everything every day for a few minutes or half an hour, you will start to find clues everywhere and how news match or do not match reality. Today, the socio-political-economic scenario is extremely complex to be understood even from the point of view of experts. I may not know how things work exactly, but the INTENTION behind them, is the most important thing. I follow only new unconventional media groups, I had for more than 14 years now, and there is no whatsoever doubt about the veracity of these little groups of sincere people, against the liars like CNN.

If you get someone home and he rapes your daughter, you don’t need to know anything else!

Don’t expect for me to answer to everything your write.

Of course cultures can coexist. This has been proven everywhere, but not in this forced way, forget about it.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Thanks for proving my point.
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Re: Brexit

Post by helldriver »

guys, make more music instead of "TRUMPing" your half-knowledge out to world. One World, One People, leads to Peace! period. ... ARnf6U#t=7
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

pastor wrote:Thanks for proving my point.
Bla bla bla bla...

Sometimes, a little bit of humbleness it is in its place...

This is just a timid beginning of the conflicts to come
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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Well excuse my arrogance.

You have stated there is so much shit going down in Europe its a disaster. Europe is in flames. One should not trust mass media because they are manipulated, and besides, it doesn't report what is happening. So you go on to prove this by googling "paris riots" and post 6 different links to the same incident, 5 of them in mainstream media, links that you most probably didn't read yourself (i find it hard to believe that a guy who hasn't followed mainstream media in 14 years have a registered account at The Times to get around their paywall).

Now here's my issue with this post: What are you trying to say? Whats the substance you link it to? What is it i should look for? What does it prove, that relates to my or your earlier posts? I am aware there is an issue in paris after the cops baton accidentally entered the anus of a suspect, after his pants accidentally fell to the ground, so he needed quite a lot of surgery afterwards. It's all over the news.

If a riot in a french city means Europe is doomed, we have been doomed for centuries.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

You don’t believe that there is a new world order organization across the world that dominates almost everything…, you don’t believe in the plans of the elite, you don’t believe the Bilderberg group is evil, this shows me you don’t have a clue about anything related with real politics and its real facts. How could we understand each other under such differences? Impossible!

Because of this, and because I have given here my word not to discuss uselessly, I will not answer anymore any of your posts, sorry. I do not recommend you to read me either, because under your closed-minded-condition, it will only give you headaches, while everything I say here becomes true day after day, after day… to your likes or dislikes…

Wish you sincerely the best of lucks in your personal life! Greetings from a person you have never seen neither imagined, which is way far behind the paradigms you have right now speaking to you in your mind (which you think is real), with the appearance of somebody you hate that..., nevertheless, you don't know!
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Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Thanks for your insight. Regarding the baton rape thing, i thought the irony was obvious, but apparently not. Yes, i as well think he was raped, so we agree on that atleast.

I cant make the same high profile promise on not responding to your posts though, but off course it's up to you if you want to respond or not.
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Re: Brexit

Post by jksuperstar »

Nestor, did it ever occur to you that despite prominant or obscure media attention, despite chaos created by the elite to enforce their police state, despite who is in power...

That we as human beings can respond by maintaining segregation and carrying forward the fear imposed on us, buying into the good vs evil story, us vs them,

OR we can respond by accepting each other and allowing ourselves, as humans, to rise above the imposed police state and fear, the war mongering, the cultural cleansing, the segregation, the war profiteering, and the social profiteering, in such a way that takes that power and control away from the evil elites?

How would that look in daily practice, and in response to all of the measures imposed, hidden or not? What is the one thing that is created and used to drive the chaos? What is the one thing that would avoid entirely what you describe as the end times?
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Re: Brexit

Post by darkrezin »

jksuperstar - great post. Love is the only answer.

Nestor - I say this as someone who considered you a stand-up guy in the past, and I mean this in a friendly spirit - what's wrong with you dude? Why are you a cheerleader for war and hate? All this moronic alt-right shit you are buying into is poison. It's designed to divide people, make them hate each other and make them focus on themselves in a selfish way. I can only advise you to snap out of it for your own sake.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

jksuperstar wrote:Nestor, did it ever occur to you that despite prominant or obscure media attention, despite chaos created by the elite to enforce their police state, despite who is in power...

That we as human beings can respond by maintaining segregation and carrying forward the fear imposed on us, buying into the good vs evil story, us vs them,

OR we can respond by accepting each other and allowing ourselves, as humans, to rise above the imposed police state and fear, the war mongering, the cultural cleansing, the segregation, the war profiteering, and the social profiteering, in such a way that takes that power and control away from the evil elites?

How would that look in daily practice, and in response to all of the measures imposed, hidden or not? What is the one thing that is created and used to drive the chaos? What is the one thing that would avoid entirely what you describe as the end times?
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

darkrezin wrote:jksuperstar - great post. Love is the only answer.

Nestor - I say this as someone who considered you a stand-up guy in the past, and I mean this in a friendly spirit - what's wrong with you dude? Why are you a cheerleader for war and hate? All this moronic alt-right shit you are buying into is poison. It's designed to divide people, make them hate each other and make them focus on themselves in a selfish way. I can only advise you to snap out of it for your own sake.
Thank you Darkrezin, I take your advice with all my heart, and you are right in a long stretch of the road, but the road is long, very long, and covers a wide range of things..., and there is more down there. I know it may sound crazy what I say sometimes, but I believe it sincerely. For most people what they say is what they read and comes from very conditioned indoctrinations, for me it is more what I feel and what I know by myself.

I would not like to be a cheerleader for war and hate, no…, this is definitely not something I would like to do in my life! I don’t wish for something like that brother, no! I am not for enticing what is harmful, but I am frustrated that people do not “see” what is going on, in general terms, everywhere all over the place in the whole of the earth.

I don’t want division, hatred, negativity and so forth, don’t understand me wrong. I still am a stand-up person and will always be.

I am involved, all the time, and I have been my whole life, working hard to open the way to the best possible things in life for the many, and I am very frustrated that there are so little people paying attention to the direction the world is taking… Yes, I am extremely worried of the future of mankind because people is pushing the way toward a cliff, and I understand they will fall in mass into the void. Most people believe we are in the best period of our history, I think we are in the worst. Many people think technology will bring us into heaven, I think it will destroy us. People have forgotten spirituality in its practical way, today religions are, in most cases, empty shells. Well, I have, obviously, a very particular vision of life, but I am not in favor of suffering and division.

When you see me discussing with someone like Pastor, it is because he represents this state of stubbornness that do not open a single door to the new, they are defenders of the established and defend their own ego instate of really communicating, like I really am right now with you! Well…, yes, there is a clash there, inevitably.

Most people today are atheist or believe in a very odd fashion on what is divine. I breath God, but not through the structures of religion, but through the practice of religion. I really love the spiritual world and think it is the only real way for us to find ourselves, first of all, and then find and understand each other. How can you understand somebody if you don’t know yourself a little bit first? This approach makes me a bizarre person for you? Perhaps it does, because today to tell openly to the world that you believe in something hidden into the deepest of the nature, means you are out of place. People have totally misunderstood religion and religion today is sort of a prison, and in many cases, it represents the worst of what is inside a human being, so it is complicated. But the VALUES of ancient religion are still in place, intact, because they come from the bottom of our own soul. These are eternal unchanged values. This is what is all about.

This division, it is not just a philosophical division of concepts between people, there is a fight between different forces, forces that are totally opposed to each other. If you polarize yourself with a force, your personal vibration is related to this force. Well, I stand firm in what I feel, and this seems to be sometimes a crime. Nevertheless, I see crimes all over the place that nobody care or consider to be a crime, and millions of people consider them “normal life”, so what?

I don’t believe drugs will help us in any way, for instance. If I say that, that bothers people, even if they know this is true. I don’t believe degeneration will bring us any benefits. This bothers people. I am convinced that our far away stand from consciousness will destroy us by the end, and I also believe that the only chance we have to do it right, is to go back to the ancient values within ourselves, the real values that are in our hearts, naturally. But this statement will make many, many people laugh.

In a world like this one, somebody speaking about “spiritual values”, without being tight to any religion or structure, it is somebody who is considered a crazy person, I know it very well, but I still stand firm for these values.

I may be doing it the wrong way, sure, why not? I am just like you are, a person, and I may mistake, but rest assured I am being absolutely genuine and sincere.

When someone gives me such a beautiful, coherent and intelligent advice like you did, the least I will do is, firs of all say: THANK YOU! Then, I will respect your words, because they are sincere. I will reconsider my way of explaining things thanks to you, but the bottom line will never change, because this will mean to betray myself in the deepest meaning, I cannot do that.

Thank you again my friend, for your sincere good will.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Ve vill all be destloyed, belief me this...
Scrappy Coco

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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

dawman wrote:Ve vill all be destloyed, belief me this...
Scrappy Coco

Dont Mess With The Zohan
MGM/United Artists 2006
Scrappy Coco.jpg
I have said:

I don’t believe drugs will help us in any way, for instance. If I say that, that bothers people, even if they know this is true. I don’t believe degeneration will bring us any benefits. This bothers people. I am convinced that our far away stand from consciousness will destroy us by the end, and I also believe that the only chance we have to do it right, is to go back to the ancient values within ourselves, the real values that are in our hearts, naturally. But this statement will make many, many people laugh.

There you have the answer people give to it, exactly... :( I don't take these things as a joke nevetheless... they are not fun...
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