need help saving my ears

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need help saving my ears

Post by ironman »

recently im noticing some ringing in my ears and hearing loss, most likely becuase of the long hours i spend everyday with my headphones and sometimes loosing awareness of how loud im actually listening, i just found this site n theres a chart that describes how many db's the ear can safely handel for how long eg. 92db-6hr, my question is there some kind of spl meter in scope to monitor how many db's are coming out of my headphones? cheers
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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by kyunghwee »

Wow, gotta be careful with that. I'm sure I've done plenty of hearing damages to myself over many years of sonic abuse.
Now, in terms of measuring headphone output, that would be pretty tricky since there are many variables involved starting with monitoring method/point in the mix, overall signal chain, ohm rating of actual headphones, monitoring device, etc., the list goes get the idea.
For just measuring headphone sound output, it wouldn't be all that accurate but you could stick a sound level meter to the headphones. :P
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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by siriusbliss »

Go to an ear-nose-throat doctor and have him/her look at it.

The ear builds up ear-wax to protect the inner ear from damage, and over time it can build up and eventually harden - thus giving the impression that damage has been done.

I've purposely used drops and irrigation on my own, and even the unique technique of 'ear-coning' to keep the ear canal clean.

The doctor can sometimes put drops in and then simply go in there and route out the excess earwax, if necessary.

I've saved a good bit of my hearing over the years (old rock-n-roller I am) by simply giving it some attention every once in a while.

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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by Immanuel »

That table for how much stress your ears can take is bullshit - myth - useles. And I don't care, if some pro invented it or not. It is false logic based lack of thinking.

1) You can not blast your ears with 150 dB for 7 seconds without a permanent damage.
2) 90 dB 8 hours a day has been known to produce hearing loss in a large number of instances.
3) I refuse to believe, that this table has ever been long term tested.

It is a fancy idea - nothing more.

The rule of thumb, I would use for headphones would be, that if you take them off and play an acoustic guitar or a piano at medium volume. The instrument should not appear vague compared to what you just heard on the headphones.

Also, headphones will not give you more details, when you crank them up LOUD.
a) a speaker plays more precise when not pushed too hard. At louder volumes, dynamic compression and distortion may start to uccur.
b) when you turn something up, you initially might hear more details, but your hearing will introduce temporary threshold shift to make the music appear less loud. If you talk louder after listening to music, you suffer from temporary threshold shift. That is a BIG WARNING SIGN.
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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by Immanuel »

Oh dear, I just read further. It states, that 150dB is rock music peak volume. What a load of uninformed nonsense!!! A very high efficient speaker will give you about 97dB/Watt at a distance of one meter. When you double the power, you gain 3dB of sound. So it will take 200,000 Watt to produce a sound preasure level of 150dB. And wayyyy long before that, you will get a shit load of dynamic compression from the drivers, which will increase the power need manifold. Also a 18 inches woofer will need an excursion of more than 11 cm to play that loud at 100 Hz. Bye bye driver. Yes, you can build an extreme outdoor system, which could produce that loudness at some frequencies. But even if we just say 1 meters distance for the 150dB spl, that will still be 90dB at 1,000 meters distance. That would just be stupid. There is a reason (no several), why big outdoor concerts use multiple speaker towers.
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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by Indiancareerclub1 »

Hai, my advice is that first go see a doctor (ENT specialist) and get cleared with your problems. My friend had the same problem and doctor advised him to clean his ears regularly and take regular breaks in his work as he works in a BPO company. So save your ears as they cannot be repaired after.
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Re: need help saving my ears

Post by zangsta »

There is a drug, that may help, it does help in regeneration of neurological tissue.
This is not very well known, but do some search on it and see what gives.
It´s called Hydergine, a dryg made from ergot, and a relative of LSD.
In the US, Sweden and some others, the dose is set at 3 mg/day wich is way to little.
Some 15mg/day or more gives results.
Best of all, this drug is free from side-effects.
I´ve used it for long periods and in high doses, as a general, mental stimulant.
Ginkgo biloba helps as well, and together, they may work even better.
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