Uzing sts 5000 gives me a hangover

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Post by lozt »

This is probably a really simple question to dedicated users of pulsar, but as I am new to it, it is giving me a big headache.
My problem is this: When loading up samples onto the 5000 all I am getting is loading failed, then when i phoned SCV London they told me that I had to load up a piano scroll onto the 5000 first from the creamware sample collection then add wav files after, but this has still not worked and is doing my head in.
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Post by coldmachine »

The load function will fail untill you have a new or existing program to accept the wav's.At the main surface under the Program column,right click on a vacant slot and select "new".You now have an empty new Program that will accept your wavs.Rename it in the normal way.All the info is in the manual which can be downloaded.Info is on page 14.Hope this helps
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Post by subhuman »

Good points by previous poster: new STS manual has a simple walk through to help you create your first program. You will probably also want to create a KeyGroup after you create a Program. A little hint, you can drag a .WAV file to the KeyGroup window of the sampler to automatically create a new one. Use the "Midi to Span" Feature (look it up in the manual for more info) to easily map the range of the sample across your keyboard by hitting the low key & high key.
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Post by lozt »

I have just read your hints(although I have not tried in practise) SubHuman, where do I get the new sts manual. sorry if this was an easy question to answer!!!! Thank you
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Post by lozt »

I am sorry to sound really stupid, but I have tried all you have said, the best I have got is loading the 'new program' on channel 1 which works then when I try and load the samples onto channel 2 it fails (if this is the right way do this I am going by what technical support at London SCV told me to do)I also tried to load the sample straight into the key group but it has the arrow with an X.
I am realy sorry if this is a really trivial question that every other person could understand. :smile:
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Post by coldmachine »

Make another new program on chan 2.A program must exist for a sample to "live in".You CAN drop samples straightinto the keygroup window(ensure its open).It maybe possible that you are trying to drop it into the sample editor window which is not possible till at least 1 keygroup exists,then you can,or are you doing this before you have a program to house your samples?All this is in the manual.The STS5000 is very intuitive and will be second nature very quickly,so don't worry

Go here for the manual; ... efault.asp

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: coldmachine on 2002-04-11 18:56 ]</font>
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Post by dblbass »

lozt - as you read the manual and try to understand working in STS5000, best to think hierarchially. Think five levels:

1) STS5000. STS has a few Global settings, and holds up to 16 Programs.

2) Program. A Programhas Pogram level settings, and contains one or more KeyGroups. (Don't really know the practical upper limit on number of KeyGroups in a single Program.)

3) KeyGroup. A KeyGroup has lots KeyGroup settings, plus it contains 1 to 4 mono Zones, or 1 to 2 Stereo Zones.

4) A Zone some Zone level settings, and each Zone has one Sample assigned to it.

5) A Sample is a separate file, and has its own settings and of course wave data.

To construct a new Program, you must start out from the top down.

First, in the Main window, right-click in a new program slot, and select New. You have thus established an new Program structure into which you can build the details at the subordinate levels. Give this new Program a name, and Save it so it has a home on your Harddisk.

Next, click KeyGroups to open the KeyGroupList window, and in an empty space in the KeyGroupList right-click again, to create a new KeyGroup. Assign the key range you want.

This done, click on Options in the bottom of the KeyGroupList window. This drop-down drawer has 7 separate views. Select the Zones view. You should see four Zones. The second column is headed Samples. This is where you drag your Waves to. If you have followed the steps above, you should have no problem dragging a wave into one of these slots.

Thinking hierarchially also helps you to to understand what settings are saved where. Aside for certain exceptions (explained below) any settings you make in a) the Program Drop-down Drawer under the Main STS5000 window, b) in the KeyGroupList window, and c) in any of the Views in the Options Drop-down Drawer, are all saved as part of a given Program.

If, after initally saving a Program, or opening an existing Program, you make any changes in any of these places, you cannot close STS without being prompted to save or discard the changes.

The exception to this involves Samples. When you save a Program, you do not save Samples per se as part of the Program, you save POINTERS to separate Sample Files. The Samples are loaded and used by the Program, but strictly speaking are not part of the Program.

Samples are saved separately. (Though sometimes its good housekeeping to save Samples into the same Folder as the Program which uses them.)

Now, as I explained above, most edits in any of the Windows listed are edits to a Program. Here are the only exceptions. In the Options - Zones view, there is a button by which you can click into the STS SampleEditor. Anything you do in the SampleEditor is changing a Sample, not the Program. Also, in the Zones View, there are several Sub-Views: Main, Add, etc. The three to the right, enclosed in a white box, (Sample, Loop, and Info) also refer to a Sample, and allow you to make settings which are part of the Sample, NOT part of the Program using that Sample.

Somtimes you might want to set a Program which uses Samples which are also used by other Programs. Any changes you make to a Sample in these boxed sub-views or in the SampleEditor will be heard in any other Program which uses the same Sample.

Although to get there you've drilled down through hierarchial layers of an STS Program, once you enter the Sample and Loop sub-views, or the SampleEditor, you are no longer editing the Program. If you want to change a certain Sample for a certain Program, but also preserve the Sample in its original form for use in other Programs, right-click on the Sample name in the Zones view (Main subview), and "Save As" the Sammple to a different name.

Alright, I've probably over-laboured this point. But if you get this clear in your mind, you should no longer have the difficulty you mentioned above. I Also urge yo to read the manual on two buttons: the AutoSelect button on the STS5000 main window, and the EditAll button on the KeyGroupsList window. These two buggers are too smal and easy to overlook, given how powerful they are. Its all in the manual.

Hope this helps.
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Post by jbraner »

Boy dblbass - that was comprehensive! This stuff -is- a little daunting at first, but the tutorials at the back of the manual also walk you through setting up a program from scratch.

They are pretty easy to follow.

I learned a new trick from them - that you can drag a whole directory into a keygroup, and all the samples from that directory get set up for you (then just use "midi to span" to set the ranges, and set the note they're tuned to.)

John Braner
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Post by Spirit »

This is a great little utility to instantly create STS programs from wav files. I recommend it as a good start so at least you make some sound ! ... forum=13&4
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