scope 4.5 download

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Post by astroman »

On 2005-11-30 09:03, Stige wrote:
It seems to be the old 2002 driver anyway...
Still I wonder the driver setting thing, I don't have such option 'Always open device'.
sorry, but it's also in 3.1 c :grin:
just the sidenote was missing.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: astroman on 2005-11-30 09:44 ]</font>
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Post by ARCADIOS »

i have 14+6dsps and
payed for
1. sixstring
2. prodyssey
3. b2003
4. profit5
5. protone
6. interpole
maybe i forget somthing.
what is new in scope 4.5???????
just vdat and a balace effect for me?
commercial refers to steinberg, what is new?
are some other offers when buying a card together with scope 4.5? like sync for ex?
if there is an update of the drivers can i just download the driver? :oops:
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Post by Bifop »

Me : VERY happy !!!! :cool:

Bought it straight ahead.

Yeehaw ! Thank you very much Creamware.
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Post by Kymeia »

On 2005-11-30 10:25, ARCADIOS wrote:
i have 14+6dsps and
payed for
1. sixstring
2. prodyssey
3. b2003
4. profit5
5. protone
6. interpole
maybe i forget somthing.
what is new in scope 4.5???????
just vdat and a balace effect for me?
commercial refers to steinberg, what is new?
are some other offers when buying a card together with scope 4.5? like sync for ex?
if there is an update of the drivers can i just download the driver? :oops:

Me too - and I got VDAT - so I'd be essentially paying 98 euro for the one effect that I don't have (Masterverb pro) but didn't really want that much. Now if it does significantly improve Scope's functionality overall I'd get it but we need to know this and if it's just minor driver revisions it should be free to people who don't need the extra synths, mixers and effects.
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Post by kensuguro »

wait.. so it's 98 euros for the letters 4.5 on the startup screen, and which plugins? Man, I'm totally lost here.. I think I need a margarita.
Shayne White
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Post by Shayne White »

If the timestamps on the zip files are all from 2002, then there have been no updates. And that seems to be the case. :sad:
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Post by astroman »

c'mon, what's the problem ?
this is a great chance for those who lack one or the other device to fill their rigs :smile:

if you don't need it (because you already have everything) don't buy it
if you already have everything, you're not supposed to buy a lot in the near future anyway... :wink:

an update is a business process today, not a medal for loyality or whatever - that may read harsh, but it's a matter of fact.

I've seen tons of so called 'updates' that only served to drag customers into the spiral of upate the hardware as well to then need a new software release to exploit it fully to end with an incompatibility that's to be fixed by a new release that requires new hardware.

at least this one doesn't seem to be required to continue the use of one's system.

if this company is determined to survive economically, then they cannot leave this opportunity out.
There may be 10 users that do not benefit at all, but a 100 times as much will do in one or the other way.
Noone of us will starve due to the fact we miss a couple of free devices - a little more generosity and less vanity applies. :wink:

cheers, Tom

ps that driver bs really kicks me off - can't read the word without the urge to vomit.
Even if CWA's so called 'driver' would work perfectly without one single buggy bit, it still would fail because the operating system IS a pile of crap and the application software either - let alone chipsets etc.
Your mileage may vary - the fact remains :razz:
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Post by Grok »

On 2005-11-30 14:41, astroman wrote:
ps that driver bs really kicks me off - can't read the word without the urge to vomit.
Even if CWA's so called 'driver' would work perfectly without one single buggy bit, it still would fail because the operating system IS a pile of crap and the application software either - let alone chipsets etc.
Your mileage may vary - the fact remains :razz:
:cool: Linux driver?... :grin: :lol: :lol:

...Oh... Sorry !... :wink: :lol:

Post by irrelevance »

First of all let me say peace, Stardust.
Now, why not let us mere mortals who couldn't afford all these exclusive plugins, enjoy and provide creamware with the nessesary revenue to devlop further. Who knows, mabye this'll help fund the creamware/waldorf device thats rumored.
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Post by Grok »

On 2005-11-30 14:41, astroman wrote:
an update is a business process today, not a medal for loyality or whatever - that may read harsh, but it's a matter of fact.
...So, let's consider the fact that a healthy "no b...s..ting communication" is very likeable for customers. I have nothing against a good plugins promotion !... :razz:
I've seen tons of so called 'updates' that only served to drag customers into the spiral of upate the hardware as well to then need a new software release to exploit it fully to end with an incompatibility that's to be fixed by a new release that requires new hardware.
...This is not what you recommend to Creamware, Tom, aren't you?... :lol:
at least this one doesn't seem to be required to continue the use of one's system.(...)
God !... I was afraid, but you relieve me !... :wink:
if this company is determined to survive economically, then they cannot leave this opportunity out.
There may be 10 users that do not benefit at all, but a 100 times as much will do in one or the other way.
Noone of us will starve due to the fact we miss a couple of free devices - a little more generosity and less vanity applies. :wink:(...)
...Have you seen this great "SBC Spectral Balance Controller" plugin, Tom? It's a very great b...s..ting name for a 6 band EQ+limiters !... :lol: How much, the "SBC full price"?... 145€ ?... :lol: :lol: :lol:

...Let's be generous for Creamware and with less vanity, let's take it for 98€ !... If I was not generous, I would not even buy it for 10€ !... :lol: :lol: :lol:
cheers, Tom
You're trolling, Tom :wink:
I bite !... :lol:


PS: the truth is that Creamware has just made an awkward offer wich leads to disappoint the old consumers. The Scope 4.0 offer was less awkward, coz' there was a opened choice for the "50% plugin", and coz' v4.0 was a real enhancement (even if miscommunicated). But, as usual, Creamware try to find "new markets" and act like if its customer base needs no special care. We've seen what happened with TripleDAT/PCI cards/Noah. TripleDAT is dead. PCI cards are going to slowly die like TripleDAT, and VSTi will take all that can be taken. This is and will be the result of a kind of commercial stupidity, always looking for business and not enough looking for music... If Creamware had care for music, they would support micro-tuning and Scala files !... No micro-tuning since 1998, and now VSTis have it !... etc... etc...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Grok on 2005-11-30 16:06 ]</font>
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Post by symbiote »

My turn to troll.

Obviously if you already have all the plugins, you aren't really the target of such promotions. That's something you should expect. Absolutely *mindboggling* that anyone would actually go as far as complaining about these promotions after shelling out full price for all the plugins. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT EXACTLY??? Should Creamware completely stop offering promotions only to make all the compulsive never-happy buyers happy? Blaming Creamware because you are a dumb consumer that can't manage, invest and spend your money wisely is pretty silly
and incredible. At least assume yourselves.

At this point, you *all* know how it is with Creamware, don't lie. And if you don't like it, I would like to invite to you to sell your f*cking cards already, if only to spare the rest of us who enjoy them the incessant pointless and highly retarded spoiled-brat whinning that reminds me alot more of kindergarten than of a group of supposedly mature sound engineers and musicians.

We are (for better or worse) in a free market, if you don't like one company's offering, just go and buy 98 euros of VSTi already, instead of upgrading to 4.5. Jeez, WTF, seriously! It's not like there's no other alternative!!! If you already have the all the Scope plugins and need/want new algos, just add a PoCo or ProFools or UAD to your system, just buy some odd rack unit off.

BTW Grok, a la place de chialer comme une f!@#$%?& m@! b@!5$$, pourquoi tu fermes pas ta grande trappe et pourquoi t'investis pas ton energie a programmer des VSTi qui font ce que tu veux a la place d'attendre que Creamware fasse tout a ta place? Pourquoi tu t'achetes pas un Soundart Chameleon ou un kit de developpement offert par une des 10000 compagnies qui offrnent ce genre de systeme si tu veux de quoi de completement ouvert pour coder tout ce que tu veux? Autrement est-ce que ca serait possible SVP de garder tes commentaires inutiles pour toi? Si t'es incapable de faire de la musique/son avec les outils disponible actuellement, tu devrais *serieusement* considerer te trouver un autre travail/hobby.

Poor workmen blame their tools =P


On a more positive note, keep up the good work Creamware! Don't listen to all the naysayers, your product is awesome! That's why there is so much people whinning, because if there'd really be an alternative/comparable product, they'd have switched a long time ago (but would admittedly still be whinning :grin:)

I rest my case =P

PS I can't understand the drivers bullshit whinning either, sorry. They've been working pretty much perfectly for me, even with the little buffer-repeat glitch, which is seriously no show stopper. Almost all the other soundcards I've tried had significantly lower quality drivers, pretty much *every single* sub-500$ soundcard had alot more problems (in terms of glitching/pops, stability, latency, and software compatibility -- yes I've seen that buffer-repeat-glitch on other soundcards, so I don't think CW is at fault -- if it's a showstopper for you when editing drumloops or whatever, add another soundcard, or *buy some less crappy software that handles loop-editing in a less retarded manner than releasing the fuxing soundcard drivers every time it hits a loop point*.)

PS2 And seriously (ouh I'm pretty serious today!) if you need sound in Linux, just put another cheap soundcard with supported drivers in there. WTF. Is opening your computer's case too much of a challenge for you?


PS4 not really aiming at anyone (except Grok, obviously (BTW prends le pas trop personnel, on fait que discuter =P)) but if the hat fits, wear it =P

edit: removed a few terrible words :razz:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: symbiote on 2006-01-12 21:28 ]</font>
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Post by symbiote »

Sorry, can't help myself =P
On 2005-11-30 15:39, Grok wrote:
If Creamware had care for music, they would support micro-tuning and Scala files !... No micro-tuning since 1998, and now VSTis have it !... etc... etc...
Ben c'est ca. Utilise des VSTi pis ferme la already. OMG WTF!

If *YOU* cared about music, you would have bought a 15-DSP card, gotten an SDK, and cooked up your own micro-tunable Scope synth already.

Wait wait lemme guess. You aren't a developer/programmer and are just a musician and shouldn't have to get down and dirty with all this technical stuff? Well, that's your loss =P.
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Post by astroman »

On 2005-11-30 15:39, Grok wrote:
at least this one doesn't seem to be required to continue the use of one's system.(...)
God !... I was afraid, but you relieve me !... :wink:
have a nice laugh, Grok - possibly you have forgotten that after the version 3 update was released, (almost) all new devices required it - a version 2.x system was useless.

you're certainly aware that a simple version check in SFP (executed on a DSP) would do the trick to create arbitrary update situations, if CWA were after ripping customers this way... :wink:

I'm running 3.1c and I have no intention at all to change that.
But I'm very happy that this system allows me to run a pretty good virtual Wave for a fee way below what's charged for the usual VSTI sh*t.
I will not break out in tears that they forgot my christmas gift - I never got one from Apple either...

cheers, Tom
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Post by astroman »

well, and as an example that CWA cares for long term customers, a quote from the neighbour thread
On 2005-11-30 06:47, bosone wrote:
just receved my key!
as a pulsar 1 owner (without the old propack), i received the following activation keys afetr buying S&S upgrade.
EDS 16i
STS 4000
Graph EQ
Modular 2
Master Verb Pro
Mixer Package 2
Synthesizer Package 1
Synthesizer Package 2
Effects Package 2
Effects Package 1
Scope Fusion Platform
Main Studiotools Package
Mixer Package 1
SCOPE 4.0 Software
Master Verb Pro
i already owned mix pack1,modular2 and 3, sts3000 and sts4000, and i have several double keys..
i hope it helps someone to decide to buy the upgrade! :wink:
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: bosone on 2005-11-30 07:42 ]</font>
decent package for 98 Euro :grin:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: astroman on 2005-11-30 17:16 ]</font>
Shayne White
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Post by Shayne White »

All I know is that I've been asking for functional WDM/KS drivers for years and never got one. Every other pro-audio soundcard manufacturer worth its salt has one. I'm not asking for anything else.

What does upset me is that 99.9999% of the time a software update means a software update. If this is the new, great Scope 4.5 software, it should at least have some bugfixes. If not, it's not a software update -- it's Scope 4.0 with some new (old) plugins included.

This is a press release that has nothing worth pressing. And it's simply not a software update.

If I'm wrong, someone from CreamWare should correct me. Andre? Ralf?

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Post by astroman »

On 2005-11-30 17:18, Shayne White wrote:
...What does upset me is that 99.9999% of the time a software update means a software update. If this is the new, great Scope 4.5 software, it should at least have some bugfixes. ...
sorry to disappoint you, Shayne, but your experience should tell you that this assumption is pretty naive.

If M$ (as an average to low talented bunch of developers) fixes (say) 5000 bugs in 1 million lines of code, by a replacement consisting of 10 million lines of code...
how many bugs will that fix contain ?

of course you're right - this IS a marketing campaign, but that's what updates are about...

cheers, Tom
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Post by garyb »

it's NOT a software update, it's a change in the software package. it adds devices for most users and it's voluntary....
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Post by Grok »

On 2005-11-30 16:42, symbiote wrote:
My turn to troll.

Obviously if you already have all the plugins, you aren't really the target of such promotions. That's something you should expect. Absolutely *mindboggling* that anyone would actually go as far as complaining about these promotions after shelling out full price for all the plugins. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT EXACTLY??? Should Creamware completely stop offering promotions only to make all the compulsive never-happy buyers happy? Blaming Creamware because you are a dumb consumer that can't manage, invest and spend your money wisely is pretty silly
and incredible. At least assume yourselves.
Please calm down, Symbiote, don't be so rude !... What are these furious and cruel personal attacks!... Life is not so sad !... Anyway, we're just discussing...

If you have read me, you've noticed that I'm not against promotions; what troubles me (and what seems to trouble an important group of long time users) is the awkward way to make a such promotion, labelling it a "new version", which leads to disapointement when no enhancement work is presented, and when needed enhancements have been asked, discussed, and even for some have begun and stopped with no results by the will of Creamware (>> the famous Linux drivers story), a long time ago.

If this have not been called a "new version", there would be no trouble at all. Pretty clear, isn't it?... But now we have a "v4.5" that currently seems to be only a promotion, and not a software evolution, how disconcerting it is.
BTW Grok, a la place de chialer comme une fillette mal baisee, (...)
...Don't be so MACHO, Symbiote !... :wink: :lol:
Let's leave the girls, the ladies, Adolf Hitler & others out of that.
pourquoi tu fermes pas ta grande trappe et pourquoi t'investis pas ton energie a programmer des VSTi qui font ce que tu veux a la place d'attendre que Creamware fasse tout a ta place?(...)
Be assured that I don't wait, and have already bought them (no time to learn computer programmation, here)
Poor workmen blame their tools =P
"Un bon ouvrier a des bons outils"
>>> "A good workman has good tools"
That's why I have them (and know where to find them).
If you want some advices, I'll be happy to freely give them to you. :wink:
On a more positive note, keep up the good work Creamware! Don't listen to all the naysayers, your product is awesome!
"...Yes !... Close your eyes, your ears, and your mouth !... Don't listen to anyone and especially don't listen to your negative consumers, those who want your products to be better and competitives, those who hate you !... Only those who unconditionnaly support your acts and errors are right !..."
What's this utterly recursive childish speech of some on PlanetZ ?... Some have read too much childish "New Age" stories. They only know four words: positive/negative and love/hate, and nothing between. Maybe that's what is called "separation" and "duality", or "evil", if you understand it more !... :wink: :lol:

Ok, I return at the official Magix/Samplitude forums, at least there is an adult majority there, and fun too.
PS I can't understand the drivers bullshit whinning either, sorry. They've been working pretty much perfectly for me, even with the little buffer-repeat glitch, which is seriously no show stopper. Almost all the other soundcards I've tried had significantly lower quality drivers, (...)
Buy RME.
PS2 And seriously (ouh I'm pretty serious today!) if you need sound in Linux, just put another cheap soundcard with supported drivers in there.
Yes, buy RME.

Have a good night!
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Post by powerpulsarian »

Shayne, you are absolutely right. Why call it 4.5 if nothing is different? It's just a different bundle. I feel it is misleading and not a real good way to do this offer. Also, the text on their pages about what's included is very misleading, which bugs me.

It's a nice offer, but the way it is executed is very annoying. Which is really too bad because it could have been all positive if executed the right way.

Thinking about it from Creamware's point of view, I really doubt it is in anyway meant as a nice gesture. It's a business move. My guess is this offer is simply a last minute crunch to bring up their revenue for the year end. They are trying to meet their target in anyway they can.

Post by hubird »

right, let's stay calm folks :smile:
Wy would we start insulting each other, an opinion is just an opinion, isn't it?
It's so easy to let your self go on the internet :smile:

Let's face it: it's a great offer for almost everyone, if you only would like to aquire one single plugin you're a winner already :smile:
If you have everything, there's no loss at all, just don't 'upgrade'.
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