Scope WDM driver v15017
<a name="planetz-file"></a><a href=" ... .zip"><img src="/forums/images/file_icon.gif" border="0" alt=" File"> File</a><BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Related To: Scope WDM driver v15017<BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Pulsar Version: SFP 3.1<BR> _____________________________________<BR><BR> Please report results.
There's a bug in the wave drivers, like w the other CW drivers: this one repeats it's right-hand buffer 3 times when the input to it stops. Annoying for working on drumsamples in an audio editor that uses the wave drivers... having a couple of samples repeat on the end of a track usually goes by unnoticed, since it fades out.
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