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Posted: Tue May 08, 2001 6:34 pm
by algorhythm
Hello all - I gots a small problem.
I have set up sweet little analog-style drum kit with fx built in (that I will upload to planetz when it is finished). I can play the kit fine with my controller keyboard. However, I have an electronic drum kit, which is way better for triggering drums, especially when you are a drummer!

My Alesis DM5 sends MIDI into the Mod 2, and the drums respond to the properly assigned triggers, but response is totally inconsisent, unresponsive, cuts off, and is nearly random. I hook up a MIDI monitor, and everything looks fine (right channel, note number, etc). I can play other synths in Pulsar fine with my trigger kit, it's just problems with the drum oscs. :???:

I have the MIDI In inside Mod 2 running right into the MIDI in on the drum oscs. Should I be using an MVC instead? Do I need to use a MIDI key splitter or something? I cannot quite figure out the cause of the problem, despite much mucking around and manual reading. any help or advice would be swell . . .

Posted: Wed May 09, 2001 3:13 am
by Ben Walker
I would definitely try adding an MVC module after the Midi In.
This may well help the Oscillator interpret what the Oscillator is seeing as conflicting info (Note on & Offs arriving together, etc).

I've no idea if this WILL solve the problem, but it's a good place to start - the manual says that a MVC is required in every synth patch.
Good luck, looking forward to seeing the finished patch !

Posted: Wed May 09, 2001 5:43 am
by algorhythm
I tried something new - sending the MIDI in straight to the drum osc MIDI in, AND sending the Gate Out of the MVC to the Gate In of the drum osc. I have now found the real problem = The drum oscs trigger fine from my trigger kit (correct time, correct velocity, correct drum) BUT - my unit (DM5) only sends MIDI on messages, so if I trigger a long sub-bass with my kick pedal, and then trigger it again, the drum osc treats the second message as a "note off" message." :sad: Likewise for all other triggers. If I let the hit die out, it retriggers fine, or if I trigger the osc thrice - the first starts the sound, the second stops it, and the third retriggers it.

Any MIDI expert out there know how to fix this? Is there a way in Mod 2 to play with MIDI data to fix my problem?

Thanks in n e body can help me! :smile:

Posted: Thu May 10, 2001 5:55 pm
by algorhythm
to refine my query one step further: My DM5 only sends note on messages.

Does anyone know how to create a MIDI off message shortly after a MIDI on message IN REAL TIME? I think that this will fix my problem. . .

I know I could do after the fact in Cubase, but the point is that I want to PLAY the drums, not record a MIDI track, process it, and then have the sequence trigger the Modular Drum Machine.

Pulsar is a realtime environment and such shenanigans should not be necessary.

- algorhythm, the drummer marching without a beat :sad:

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 6:26 am
by algorhythm

any new advice to this problem? my alesis dm5 only sends MIDI on - it triggers the kits in my controller synth fine - but dis not worth a darned in pulsar (midi files record fine in cubase, and can then play the drum synths) - but the whole point of pulsar for me is REALTIME playability cuz of the timing - *especially* for drum timing!

:sad: - algorhythm - still without a solution
should i contact CW tech support?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 7:33 am
by Spirit
This is probably stating the obvious, but have you hooked up your drum machine to a normal midi keyboard? If so, does the keyboard work ok? If it does then it's the send data of the kit that's the problem. (But this is pretty obvious so I'm sure you've gone past this).

The only other thing I can think of is a little midi on/off freebie device that is on a few sites. It was built to solve the stuck-note problems with some Pulsar devices. Maybe that would be of some help? It's a 24K aux effect. I could email it to you if you can't find it.

These things can be so frustrating ! My sympathy, and sorry I can offer nothing else.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 7:38 am
by Spirit
...and I don't suppose routing the midi through a more sophisticated bit of outboard kit, triggering that and then resending would help? It's a long shot....

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 8:35 am
by algorhythm
nope :sad: - i tried that - both thru a midi merger, and/or thru my controller synth (dm5 out>synth in>synth thru>pulsar in). The controller is a yamaha CS2X BTW . . .

I had heard of a HW module that adds a note off message to incoming MIDI data, anyone have any more specific info? could this be made by the modular?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 4:35 pm
by Stubbe
I have had the modular 2 for some time now, and it's working fine except when I have tried to make a patch myself. The number of actual polyphonic notes does not match the amount chosen. Also, the response to certain keys struck is very much less than perfect.

I have hesitated to come forward with this problem, as my old and not so trusty keyboard maybe to blame, and also I have not RTFM yet.

When I load a pre-made pacth all is well, so right now I am about to read the complete manual or go crazy, whatever comes first :wink:.

This make me suggest that you try to hook up to any suitable pre-made patch for tesing purposes, or maybe try to modify this patch.

Maybe this is caused by some corruption of certain files (for instance the empty modular?).

Sorry I can not help you much, at least now we are 2 with almost identical problems...sigh...


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 8:29 pm
by algorhythm
no - i think our problems are different - i have built a few synths, and they trigger well from my controller keyboard. my issue is with drum synths and a dm5 set (drum kit/module)- the modular drum synths i have built work fine with my controller keyboard. the problem is the dm5 and my drum kit communicating with the modular - i have tried the 'stock' modular drum synth called "analog drum synth" - it does not work either. the problem is the same, my drum synth uses the same concept. neither work, that is why I have asked. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2001 8:35 pm
by algorhythm
spirit - yes i have hooked up my dm5 to my controller keyboard and can play the drum kits in there no prob. the problem has been isolated to the dm5 and the pulsar. someone on the yahoo group said that perhaps creamware did not follow the midi spec close enough. :eek: i do not know enough about the deep aspects of midi to evaluate this claim. it would be swell if you emailed me that aux effect midi thing - worth a shot anyways . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 3:51 am
by Spirit
Sent. Good luck.