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Paramerter Context - Sharing Presetlists

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 6:45 pm
by mausmuso
Hi there,
I am doing my head in trying to get channels to share a Presetlist.
I parametrized the first channel before copying it 3 times (eventually 16 channels).
I see in each channel module that they have been assigned a unique 'parameter context' number.
Its what to do next that has me stumped.
Do I:
- create a Channel Presetlist at the top level of the device (pretty sure this will be needed)? and/or
- create Presetlists within each channel module and link to the top level?

How, then, do I open the channel preset and load/save for each channel so they can share presets?
I assume I will have to open the Presetlist based on a value that reflects the parameter context (when a given channel has focus), but not sure how to do this.
I have played around with the Presetlist connections and vars looking for a way to direct/switch channels parameters to the Channel Presetlist at the tope level, but nothing seems to work. I must be missing something.
The Scope manual talks about using parameter contexts, but is very vague.
Any advice would be appreciated.