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Cheeky Post!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:22 pm
by Neil B
Hi everyone.
Well, I intended to save up for an Xite in 2014 & Gary B was MOST helpful.
It didn't happen :-?
2 reasons really - I didn't do much in the way of music at all. The weather in the UK in 2014 was brilliant for an outdoor guy like me. I was either in the mountains of Scotland, or on my mountain bike, and often - both. If it rained (August), I got all obsessive & spent my time in the gym. Sadly, I'd got a brand new music PC & a Cubase upgrade to 7.5. Hardly touched them.
The second reason for not buying the Xite is that I'm a romantic & it was my dear wife's (Janice) 60th this year. I went to town. Luxury hotel accommodation in the Lake District with a walk up England's highest peak - Scafell Pike. Lots of presents on the big day. A skiing trip. Quad biking, Laser clay pigeon shooting. A day driving a 17 tonne tank :-)
I must point out that she's always been a tomboy (ask Chris Werner) and chocolates, perfume & flowers just wouldn't do the job. :-)
Anyway, spoiling Jan took up most of the Xite money!!!
So, I'm being cheeky. This track doesn't use anything Scope, but I fell back in love with music & Cubase etc over Christmas, when we were in the Scottish mountains again. I watched a lot of tutorial videos on Cubase etc in the evenings as we recovered from our walks.
Hopefully this year will be the Xite year (Gary - I'll be in touch). Having said that - it is our 40th wedding anniversary this year - and we have PLANS !!!

If I'm not breaking the rules of the forum (after about 13 years) - wouldn't mind a bit of feedback in preparation for my Xite-ing future.


Re: Cheeky Post!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:45 pm
by RA
Neil B from "the anal cavity of the UK" you just made my day...just had to react.

Your little story made me smile, and probably no xite this year because of the 40th anniversary....congratulations....also money well spent, since you can't buy (future) memories.
Maybe ask your favorite uncle(ahum) an xite for your birthday ;-) you will still be welcome next year in the xite community. Or the year after that ;-)

Enjoy the weekend guys!

Re: Cheeky Post!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:40 pm
by hubird
Agreed, a big smile from me too Neil :-D
You would expect a lot of Catholic priests on Scope, as they can't be maried, but as far as I know...

A 'tomboy' eh? I was thinking on a youngster of 17 minus, after listening to your new track.
This is Faith Goes Commercial, with dedicated help from Moby...
Lovely arrangement, the curve of attention request is perfect at first sight, which is enough :-D
Where did you get the clean voice from??
Or am I missing something?

Re: Cheeky Post!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:33 am
by Neil B
RA - thanks. Stoke on Trent City Council meet often to discuss ways of improving the city. Lots of talking, lots of words. I have one word to solve it all - Semtex :-)

Hey Huub - Don't you think that Catholic Priests are busier than married couples? Lots of choirboys to abu.... - I didn't say that :-)

Yes, I frequently think of 17 year old youngsters too :D
Not heard of Faith Goes Commercial, but I'll take your word for it.
The vocals came from a sample pack, which I messed about with a little in Kontakt 5.
Not sure that the structure is right for the genre (Uplifting Trance?? Big Room??) but glad you enjoyed it.
Not using Scope effects etc, I'm happy enough with the mix. Settled for using a lot of Cubase & Vengeance effects plus Camel Audio stuff. Clean voice was with Vengeance De-esser & compression, plus a bit of eq'ing. Swept the stereo out track in 3 places with vengeance Philta.
Everything else was several Nexus (Nexii?), Vanguard, Omnisphere, Kontakt 5, Trilian & Stylus RMX. BTW - Omnisphere 2 is out at the end of April.

Anyway, and off topic - thanks for the help last autumn re video editing software.

Re: Cheeky Post!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:46 pm
by Nestor
I missed this one.

Congratulations for this, and also for your devotion to your wife, this is great, even better than a new super card... :D

Re: Cheeky Post!

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:47 pm
by Neil B
You only missed it by 2 days Nestor :D

Thanks for the comments