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MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:14 pm
by jksuperstar
I'd like to use SCOPE as my MIDI clock generator. So I'd like to be able to send any MIDI Realtime commands, also. I'd also like for those realtime commands to be under MIDI CC control. I sync Ableton Live to it, along with the whole studio, but Live looses all control over start/stop when it's under external sync.

So far, I can generate a Clock within modular, but is there a device to do this?

The Modular Clock doesn't seem to have any start/stop control (sending these messages), even when using the seq control module (start/stop) connected to it. Or just as importantly, a "reset" (return to position zero). The Sequencer Remote device only seems to send CC messages, not actual Play/Start/Stop messages.

The ModIV VST and associated plugin work fairly well, but not jitter-free. So I'd like to stick with the clock coming from SCOPE.

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:25 am
by tgstgs
i used this once for testing

win x86 only

hope it helps vibes


Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:21 am
by tgstgs
coding on the fly . . .

if it helps -> good
else -> sorry

good vibes

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:58 am
by dawman
Can these be used if the driver disabling signature is disabled..?

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:46 am
by jksuperstar
I will give these a go! Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!

I realized what I've been calling "reset" is actually Song Position Pointer (along with 14bits of position = 0). I work with 2 other musicians, and we've developed a style that is more DJ like...we don't stop the music: we take turns bringing sequences in & out to do song transitions. In the process of doing that, we need to resync multiple sequencers to the same downbeat, and sending a Song Position Pointer just before the downbeat of beat 0 does that for us (when using my QY-70 as the master clock, we hit the [|<] button in time, and that resyncs things when a new beat is loaded). I've found all sequencers still respond to this message even though they are still playing (but don't typically respond to a Start message once already playing.)

Is it possible to get a button with the sending of Song Position Pointer (=0, but maybe having it settable is better), that is quantized to just before beat 0?

Also, is the MTick the 10ms Midi Tick (0xF9)? I've never really made use of this...what good does it do, when 0xF8 is available as the MIDI Clock (24ppqn)?

Someday when there's an SDK for the XITE, I hope to give somethings back. Until then, I'm really glad people like you continue to give so freely. Muchas Gracias!

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:00 am
by tgstgs
no x64_

i hope i find some time tomorrow for a x64 compilation for you;

the f9 is much more exacter than f8 in computer world;

i do not understand_

just tell me what hex do you want to send per button click?

good vibes

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:31 am
by jksuperstar
MIDI Song Position Pointer
0xF2 0xD1 0xD2

For start of song/pattern, D1 = 0x00, D2 = 0x00.

Song Position Pointer is like the Program Counter in a CPU. And sending this message is like issuing a JUMP to the CPU.

D1 and D2 form a 14bit number, just like a pitch wheel message. Together they indicate where a sequence is in terms of beats from the start of the song. Sending a message of all "0000" means go to the beginning.

More detailed info here:

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:12 pm
by tgstgs ... 67#p266267

take the midiMG to send whatever midimessage you like__

good vibes

edit :

for some reason the link do not focus on the zip;
its in my first post in this topic

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:17 am
by tgstgs
here is the x64 driver for the MBeatAdd_

good vibes

Re: MIDI Play/Stop/Cont/Reset in SCOPE

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:39 am
by dawman

Works in x64..