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Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:04 am
by auricle
I'd like to emulate a common patch done in analogue modulars where an LFO or random CV source is plugged into a quatizer to give notes played in a certain scale or even key. What modules do you think I would need for this? I've tried plugging in a sine-wave LFO into Flexor's Scale Tuning module then into the Freq input of an oscillator but I just hear the LFO sweeping up and down as normal with no quatizing going on.

Any ideas?

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:45 am
by ChrisWerner

Here is a attempt I did. It plays notes in different scales, using intervals by simple multiplication of the root key you play. Maybe you get inspired for your attempt.

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:07 am
by auricle
Thank you! I'll give it a try.

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:47 pm
by roy thinnes
ok Adern's ScaleTuning module is not for quantizing, but for altering/scaling the pitch for keyboard notes, eg to have some Arabic scale instead of equal temperament scale.
when you want to quantize freq eg from an Lfo, you have to use a pitchQuantizer module.

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:32 am
by auricle
Hi Roy,

That's great, it worked. Thank you very much!!

I want to be cheeky and ask if it's also possible to create a new gate pulse every time the pitch quantizer plays a note so that it would retrigger an envelope?

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:42 pm
by dawman
I wish we could all get together more often, but I sure like
it when we do.
This is a great idea so I took it a little further.
I love the way Wakeman use to use an appregiator for seques
when he moved from one keyboard to the other, well back
in the days when guys actually played their instruments...... :lol:
But he would trigger endless upward chromatic licks, and
various scales, and they would sustain long enough for him
to go from the C3 to the Melotron, etc.etc.

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:55 pm
by dawman
Hey this actually a neat little way to use as a lick machine.
Attach a MIDI CC to the Stereo Attenuator knob and set it full left to no sound.
Using a coarse tuning of -6 on the Waldorf Osc. using the Diminished preset, play a D note 1 octave above middle C. Now blend in the lick............Voila.
I have some 13 different licks for different keys already, and the Chromatic scale is easy to match. End your solo on a note and crank up the Stereo Attenuators knob and you might recall " Yours Is No Disgrace " by Yes where the end of the tune goes infinite chromatically..................Sweetness.

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:50 am
by auricle
Hi Jimmy,

Some great ideas there.

For my use, I'd like to keep the patch as simple as possible and have a more comprehensive quantizer. Have a look at the Doepfer quantizer I have in my analogue modular:


Have a look at the 'Quantizer 2' section. We have a CV in (the signal to be quantized), CV out (the quantized signal), Trig In (only spits out a quantized signal when it receives a trigger) and Trig Out ( spits out a Trigger signal whenever it quantizes a signal).

The switches below dictate what type of scale it will quantize to.

It's great to hook up a random signal (such as noise) or an LFO into the CV In. For repetitive rhythm, send a clock pulse into the trigger in, the trigger out is then sent to the gate input of an Envelope Generator. For chaotic rhythm, leave out the connection to the trigger in.

It would be great to have this type of functionality in a Scope module. Roll on the SDK!!

Re: Quantizer

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:37 am
by irrelevance
Nothing to add here just wanted to say nice topic and conversation guys. :thumbsup: Will give these patches a try later today.