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Finally found a new solution for remote controlling ASX

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:53 am
Hi there,

In my quest for the most usefull midi controller to use with NOAH and/or Plugiator/ASX I had some issue to find the right MIDI unit.

After using the BCR 2000 and X-Station, the WaveIdea Bitstream 3x finally joined the farm.

The BCR were just fine. Only drawback being the lack of text display to remind you what you were controlling. Being an encoder unit you could even have everything fed-back to the BCR when changing presets.

The X-station had the display but was not able to handle PolyAT messages.

The Bitstream 3x seems to be more flexible as you can handle CC AND PolyAT and assign a text string to show you what parameter you are twicking ...

Here is a first example of what you get on the LCD:
Example of LCD feedback while twicking one of the pot ...
Example of LCD feedback while twicking one of the pot ...
Bitstream 3 x LCD use.jpg (81.77 KiB) Viewed 9069 times
Any other Bitstream 3x user here ?

Re: Finally found a new solution for remote controlling ASX

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:19 pm
by Tau
Yup! No ASX or plugiator, though...

Re: Finally found a new solution for remote controlling ASX

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:55 pm
... and no NOAH either ? :D

Re: Finally found a new solution for remote controlling ASX

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:57 pm
by Tau
hehe... that's right...

Re: Finally found a new solution for remote controlling ASX

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:01 pm
First steps just get easy.

This unit seems quite flexible.

The most interesting being that it is more than just one more MIDI controller but it has its own clever trick the automation functions looking quite interesting. I still have to go deeper in the machine to see how to handle it.
The joystick seems just as fun as the touchpad on the novation products but the feeling is different (more vector minded if you see what I mean).
I think I should try in on the Vectron ...