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Painful transition to Reaper and v5

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:53 am
by grappa

Having a few issues with setting up the above and would appreciate some help - had XTC mode working happily in v4 and Tracktion.

I've installed latest v5 from scratch and works a treat in standard mode.
Ticked XTC and invoked Reaper
Opened XTCproject and added correct i/o and saved - project has DirectPlayContainer, Merge modules, ASIO in and out and midi in -> sequencer in/sequencer out -> midi out all connected as I have in the past.

When I select midi inputs in Reaper the only ones listed are the 2 Scope hardware midi ins/outs (I have two cards). If I enable either I get the prompt unable to open midi port. For some reason the virtualised in/outs in the XTCproject are note being presented - If I add more sequencer software i/o's in the XTCProject the midi in/outs in Reaper do not change in number?

When adding say Easysynth as a VSTi and clicing on the Direct button I get an incompatible connection error. I've tried different ASIO modules but always the same error?

I've reinstalled about 10 times now and seem to be getting nowhere (except maybe a little thinner on top)

Appreciate any help you can give.


Re: Painful transition to Reaper and v5

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:35 pm
by MD69

I switched back to SFP in Reaper 6 month ago because Reaper did not correctly refresh the UI. When you open the preset windows, your device window below the preset is erased.

Did you increase the midi connections in your scope device driver? if this doesn't fix your problem, then there is a good chance that Reaper evaluate the midi connections before it launch XTC, so it might not know about the new connections.

About the direct IO, you need to take care for your directplay module in the It must be wired correctly.


btw, do your DSP2416 works with multicores? I still have mines with the ADAT extension lying somewhere...

Re: Painful transition to Reaper and v5

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:49 pm
by voidar
The GUI bug has been around for ages. Perhaps S|C will pay attention to it when everything is up to code. Some times I even disable the GUI for a particular plug in REAPER just because the respons can get really bad.

MIDI IO must be enabled after start-up of the host application. This is an old bug. Just like you can't load up with a sync plate without getting a notice every f**king time.

Check out a thread I did for best performance with v5. For performance I would definitely use nothing less than v5.

Be sure to never have REAPER close the audio driver (preferences).

I don't think the directplay thing ever worked. Only for synths.

Re: Painful transition to Reaper and v5

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:36 am
by grappa
Gave up with XTC in the end but thanks to another Voidar post I seem to be having success using ReaInsert to integrate with Scope in Reaper :)

Thanks for the heads up.
