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No audio??

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:44 pm
by chriskorff
Hi all,

I just started playing around with XTC mode today, and have run into some confusion. I had sound coming out at one point, but I don't anymore... I think this may be to do with my three-card setup? You see, I created my XTCproject file, and it worked fine. Then, randomly, it didn't. So I thought, "Ah, maybe it's confusing two of my Scope cards", so in an attempt to verify which one it thought was which, I edited the XTCproject file so that it had both 'Scope Analog Dest' and 'Scope [2] Analog Dest', routed to different ASIO outputs.

Then I had sound again, and figured that it was coming out of Scope [2] Analog Dest, and not the other Scope board. So I edited the XTCproject again so that the first two ASIO channels were coming out of the Scope [2] card... but now I hear nothing!

Further, as a sanity check, I replaced the Scope [2] Analog Dest module with a Scope Analog Module (on the first card), and I still can't bloody hear anything!

Oh, also: though I hadn't needed to do this before (because I was only working in SFP mode), I added the 'numboards=3' line in CSET.ini, as per the manual. The manual also says something about a 'board=0' and a 'boardid' line in CSET, but it doesn't tell you what they should be if you're using more than two boards (I have a Scope, a Power Pulsar and an old Pulsar in here at the moment).

Can anyone help?



Re: No audio??

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:59 pm
by chriskorff
Cheers for the reply Stardust, I'm just readint through that thread now.

One thing though... where is the Merge module? I can't find it anywhere!


Oh, are these only available in the default XTCproject? If that's the case, then I'll just reverse-engineer that project to suit my needs.



Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:58 am
by chriskorff
Good Morning!

I'm still a little puzzled... I know I can't be far off setting up the XTC project correctly, as the meters in Sonar are showing audio quite happily... but I'm still not getting any audio out. I've just reverse-engineered the original XTC project (see below), and I *know* that it's the Scope [2] card that I want to be sending audio to and from, but I'm still not getting anything! (and yes, I definitely checked that I'm outputting this in Sonar to the correct ASIO outs!)

Does this look right to you guys?




Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:01 am
by chriskorff
Absolutely certain - at least, they *were* plugged into Scope [2] - following the advice on another thread, I took out all but one card, restarted, put in another, restarted, and put in a third.

I was still having problms though, so I uninstalled and reinstalled Scope. After a bit of tweakery, I've now got XTC working at minimum latency, and without wanting to tempt fate, it seems fine (though strange things happen every so often, like DSP overloads upon starting Sonar...)

One problem I still have though, is that Lightwave (one of my favourite bassline synths, because I find it easy to program) just spits out horrible noises. I've just tested the Miniscope II synth though, and that appears to be working fine... is this a known Lightwave problem?



Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:46 am
by at0m
IIRC, one isn't supposed to edit that project directly, only by the options of the ASIO client/sequencer.

Soon, it will become clear to you why XTC mode never made the headlines of groundbraking innovation - and why almost no-one uses it ;)

Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:06 am
by chriskorff
Hmm... it seems slightly happier. I think it only does the DSP overload spaz when detecting new plug-ins, which isn't the end of the world.

Also, Lightwave seems to be working pretty well; it just didn't like the default preset, but if you load another one and tweak from there, it's OK.

Touchwood, it seems fine.

Oh, except one minor niggle! I tried to install Minimax as an XTC synth, by copying another XTC synth's DLL and renaming it to MINIMAX, making sure that there's a in the Synths folder of Scope\Devices, but for some reason Sonar thinks it's an effect, not a soft synth...

Curiously, I tried exactly the same as above for the STS 2000P, and it *did* recognise it as a soft synth (once I copied the STS into my Scope\Devices\Synths folder).

Odd, no?

Cheers for the help though - I actually think I can live with the bugs, once I've done all the necessary fannying around to get the synths and effects recognised in the first place...


Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:20 am
by chriskorff

I'm *convinced* I'll be really happy with XTC, once I get these bloody creases ironed out!

Right... I got Minimax working, by basically doing as you suggested for Vinco (rename both DLL and DEV files, re-scan, then rename). One variable with my approach, though, was that I started off with a different DLL file. You see, while all the tips and threads here suggest that you just copy a DLL and rename it to match the DEV file, I've got a feeling that there are two types of DLL - effect and synth - and that synth DLLs can't be repurposed for effect DLLs, or vice versa.

I'm now having difficulty getting Transient Designer to work, and I've got a feeling I know why... it's likely because I copied a synth DLL and renamed it, rather than an effect DLL... I'm about to test this, but if anyone can confirm it in the mean time, please let me know!

I'll be back in just a moment to see if it works...


Re: No audio??

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:27 am
by chriskorff
Didn't work...

Which leaves a few options to try. First of all, I'd like to make sure it's not just my stupidity (quite likely).

Do the DLL files in my VST folder point to 'Scope\Devices...' or 'Scope\DevicesXTC'?

I find it hard to believe it can be the DevicesXTC folder, because loads of synths that *do* work aren't in that folder at all. Unless... that folder is used only for effects plug-ins, and synths are plucked straight out of the Devices folder by the DLL file?

Re: No audio??

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:30 am
by chriskorff

I think I was being a nitwit.

Though there's still something odd going on with the directories... for example, I just got Transient Designer to work by copying the DLL into VSTplugins\XTC\Dynamic, and also copying the DEV into DevicesXTC\Dynamic... but there are loads of things that *aren't* in that folder, that *do* work in XTC!? However, though I haven't checked this (I find all this file system navigation quite time-consuming!), I suspect it's mostly (if not only) synths that aren't in the DevicesXTC folder - which further reinforces the idea that there are two types of DLL...

You see, based on the fact that all my synth devices (which work in XTC) were in the 'Devices\Synths' folder, I arranged all the devices to appear as I want them to in the 'Devices' folder, pretty much ignoring the 'DevicesXTC' folder. Though now I'm pretty certain that it's this file path discrepancy that differentiates the two types of DLL file.

So it was as simple as getting the directories right! (I think).

I'll let you know how I get on!