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Sonar 4 working in XTC,Sonar 7 don't work a f**k!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:52 am
by kwild
Really incredible i've discovered that with Sonar 4,XTC plugs works really well but with the latest Sonar 7.02 i can't see no of the XTC plugs coz they are not wrapped by Sonar!!!!
So i've try a little trick.
I've installed the old 4.5.3 version of the Cakewalk VST adapter and plugs are now wrapped by Sonar 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now i can see all the XTC plugs into Cakewalk Plug-in Manager but unfortunately i can not add the plugs to the Plug-in Menu Layout.
The "Add Plugin" button is greyed out and the XTC plugs appears in the "Legacy Wrapped VST Audio Effects" and " in the "Legacy Wrapped VST Instruments" category only.
There's a way to make it showing in Sonar as normal VSTs?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:41 am
by kwild
Contacted Ralf at Sonic Core that reply to me really fast!
The fist reply leave me a little bit astonished :

sorry, but i have no Sonar available to do any testings regarding XTC in Sonar.

After some other mails Ralf reply that,even if seems clearly a Cakewalk developing fault, it will try to contact Cakewalk.

If someone know a fix for that probelm, now!!!!!