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Minimax ASB Editor 2.3 problem

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:11 am
by paologatto
I have a problem with editor 2.3 and the ASB Minimax (with updated firmware 2.0): if I change in the Minimax some of the controls, in the editor a wrong control is changed!! For example if I move in the Minimax the Osc1 waveform, in the editor the Osc2 waveform changes. Or if I move in the Minimax the Osc2 range, in the editor the Osc1 waveform changes. The control from editor to minimax seems ok.. it seems just a visualization problem, but it makes really confusing to work with the editor.
This happens both connecting the Minimax with its USB or by external MIDI.

I analyzed the c## from Minimax and they are ok, so it's a problem of the editor. And the Editor vr. 1.0.17 in the original CD does not have this problem (but is very limited in saving patches and banks).

Anyone have this problem with editor 2.3? Is there any solution or update?
