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Loading performance .... failed ??

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:36 am
by pseudojazzer
I havn't used my noah in a while, and realised it wa on last night (someone else must have turned it on) anyway, i looked at the front panel and saw an error message - as it reads on the screen :

Starting Noah EX
Loading perfomance ..... failed

Any one else had this?
Any ideas what to do?

Typically - as soon as i want to use it again i can't, because of this problem.

Please help.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:22 am
by pseudojazzer
Saw this thread:

Anyone have the flashbox.exe, of do i have to contact creamware (i'm sure it would be quicker and easier if someone had it :wink: )


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:40 am
by pseudojazzer
Fixed it!! :D
Thanks to Duncan at sonic8.
I loaded the noah, and same screen came up - but in the software - settings - clicked complete update in the advanced options in the update tab - and after a few restarts it appears to be fine.
I'll be able to test it later but it starts up ok - so should be fine :)

Drama over.. nice.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:31 am
by Henrik
Does your Noah still work?

A friend bought a Noah on Ebay and it started doing the same thing.
Looking through the side of the box we can see 6 green led's and 1 red.

At boot they all light up, then the green led's are llght at half intensity and one after another they light up fully (probably indicates that the 6 dsp's boot correctly) Also the 4 led's on the EX board behave like this.
But only when the Noah boots correctly.

My friends Noah hangs at the first motherboard green led. Trying to load performance forever or eventually writing "failed". The Noah had been opened, the seal was broken. I opened it and removed the EX-card. Now the Noah boots everytime!
Re-inserting the EX card and the Noah fails again most of the times.

Tried the various Update options in the settings menu but it doesn't fix it. Will try again.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:09 am
by pseudojazzer
Only thing i can suggest is to load up the noah, then start the software, and in the advanced tab click complete update, if that doesnt work, click all the other update options and see if anything happens..
sorry cant be more helpful than that - mine is working fine now.
BTW - before you update make sure you back up any presets etc that you have..

OMG!! My Noah feiled too

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:23 pm
by mjproc
Hi good folks!!

I turned my belowed noah ex on this afternoon, and soon realized something were wrong..... Errormessage like the one in this topic. I freaked out!!!

I've tried all the options mentioned in this thread,,, tried every update options.... still "Loading performance.. failed"

I press and hold "Utility" button to get into software update routine (undocumented feature?) Is there a "Factory reset" button combination?

I saw in an earlier post ppl mention flashbox.exe.... Will this app help me out ?

Pleeease someone,,, help me fix my Noah.... I really dont want a bricked noah.....

It's a really sad day for me :cry:

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:26 pm
by mjproc
found the app on

After some quite frightening minutes...... my noah finally lives again!!!!

----that was too close----

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:11 am
by Henrik
You are lucky ;-)

My friend still has a Noah where the EX-board crashes the entire box. The Noah works fine as a non-ex version without the board but not with the board inserted. I am still to try his Ex-board in my own Noah *ARGH* but have not had the guts yet. What if it kills something in my Noah too so I cannot use my own Ex-board? Or what if my Ex-board will be bricked when inserted in my friends Noah? :o

But gooood that we have those tools to at least help some users :D

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:30 am
by mjproc
I opened the noah last night, to see if the were status indicators or any other indications to bad hardware etc.... I found some smd leds (both on the motherboard, and the ex addon board. All my leds were green. Maby check that on your friends ex) When I had the errormessage the lower led shined brighter than the others - seen from the front ( I guess this is to debug,,,, but then you might need the service manual ..... if there are any....)

I am at least happy again.... and can play with this wonderful toy again....
