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Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:46 am
by rephazer
I have a big problem.

My Noah Ex doesn´t receive/transmit system exclusive files...

No matter what I won´t accept sysex data.

Also when I change the noah system settings to send/receive (on remote sw & noah self)sysex it stays locked (or is jumping back) to cc only..

Could someone please confirm if this problem is on my Noah only or is there something wrong with the firmware/software in general ?

CC controls seem to work well,but it stays locked for sysex data..

I´ve read that there is a similair problem with the Luna/Pulsar cards..

Thanks for the help.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:42 pm
by rephazer
Could someone confirm this problem,please?

It will be appreciated !

Thanks in advance

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:12 pm
by rephazer
Nobody ever tried sending/receiving Sysex data on his/her Noah?

I would like to know if it worked for you...

Another question.. Where can I find older operating systems for the Noah..

Maybe downgrading will help me out...

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:09 am
by rephazer
Come on guys..

Someone must know if sysex works with the latest firmware.

I´m still not able to transmit/receive sysex data.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:54 am
by alfonso
On 2006-09-29 05:09, rephazer wrote:
Come on guys..

Someone must know if sysex works with the latest firmware.

I´m still not able to transmit/receive sysex data.

I don't know because I don't use sysex messages, I only have Scope devices, but Cubase, for example, has sysex messages filtered by default...anyway what did you try exactly to do? What gear apart Noah? Did you try with MIDI connections or USB?
I'd ask directly CWA too...

Get an Experience of Space

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: alfonso on 2006-09-29 05:57 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:36 am
by rephazer
Thanks for the reply,

I want to send sysex (data file which includes sound patches) to my older synthesizer (Kawai K4) ,normally I use the program Midiox to send/receive the sysex data,but the Noah doesn´t respond. (usb to midi out)

When I make a midi-dump of my kawai (midi out kawai to midi in Noah) the Noah doesn´t respond either.

Asking this kind of question to CW won´t get replied (trust me I´ve tried communicating,but other then registration, all mails don´t get responded)

I´m only asking if someone with a Noah and some other midi devices can test if their Noah is responding to Midi Sysex Data...

The problem is that my Noah is filtering the sysex by default,but I can´t set it to receive it (it is jumping back to cc only..)

It´s like the Noah won´t allow me to send/receive sysex,which is a shame.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:22 am
by alfonso
I don't have sysex devices to try, but in Noah there is a setting to allow SysEx in the Midi Manager...have you tried that?

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:26 am
by rephazer
Yeah I've tried that,but here is the strange matter what I try to set (on remote as well as on the hardware itself) the setting jumps back to cc only.

For example.. On the Noah I push the button System -> Controls -> Send & Receive and set this to Sysex or CC/Sysex and push automaticly jumps back to CC

I don't know if this is normal,but I find this kind of weird.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:32 am
by alfonso
I'll check.... :smile:

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:01 pm
I think you should check the Controls menu (2nd knob) which you can access with the menu key.
Then enter this menu by pressing the knob :
you will then place the cursor on the "Send" or "Receive" knob and select the
CC/Sysex on it just using the +/- keys (without any Enter key pressed that would bring you back to the default CC only settings).
Hope this could help ...


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:48 am
by rephazer
Thanks for the hints..I've tried everything but still no luck.

When I send a midi sysex-dump to my Noah (from an other synthesizer) you can see the Midi-led is lid,but the Data isn't received by matter what I set.

I think this is really a bug in the Noah firmware and I don't think bugs won't get removed and a new firmware will be released anymore so I'll be buying another Midi-Device for this kind of things.

For me the Noah is a very nice SoundModule,but nothing more... (as a sound/midi card for you're computer it is not enough)

Thanks for the help.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:43 am
The noah is not expected to receive sysex from another synthesizer (it should only work with another NOAH).

I do not quite understand what you try to do with the NOAH. Do you try to use it as an external midi interface for another synth ?

The only way to use Sysex for NOAH internal sound module is to have a sysex file which contain data for the NOAH.

Do you want to:
1) send noah formated sysex data to your noah unit ?
2) send another synth formated sysex data through the noah midi interface to this other synth ?
3) send another synth formated sysex data to your noah unit ?
4) send a postcard to your girlfriend using the NOAH ?

Please give us a real detailled (software end synth name, interfaces used MIDI, MIDI thrugh USB... aso) example of what you try to do .


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HUROLURA on 2006-10-01 06:50 ]</font>

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:17 pm
by rephazer
At the moment I´m using the Noah as a Soundmodule,but also as a Midi/Audio interface.

For example..I have a sysex file which contains sounddata for my Kawai K4 and want to send it via my computer (with midiox) to my K4.. As the Noah is my main midi/audio interface this data should be send to the midi-out of the Noah to the midi-in of my K4,but isn´t.

Another example.. I have an editor (on the computer) for my Cheetah MS6 Soundmodule which is sending out sysex data,but the data is not send to the midi out of my Noah (and believe me I´ve tried every Midi/Usb Echo setting on the Noah)

Another example I have a Sampler (Roland S750) which can receive sampledump-midi data (also in sysex-format I suppose) which isn´t received by the sampler when I try to.

But reading you´re comment in the above post I guess the Noah shoudn´t be used for this kind of things and it can only receive/transmit sysex in Noah-format only ?

This makes the Noah as a Midi interface (which is obviously optional) totally useless...

Btw. I´ve send you a greetings-card from my Noah,but I don´t expect it to arrive :wink:


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rephazer on 2006-10-01 23:21 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:45 am
by Shroomz~>
Even certain dedicated midi interfaces can have heart attacks with sysex streams. Using the Noah as your main midi interface for transfering sysex data is not a good idea at all.

Looking at the gear you mention dealing with, an actual dedicated midi interface would make a lot of sense. Something like an edirol should do the job.

Your S-750 will recieve sample dumps much much faster via scsi. I'm sure it's capable of that, although it's about 10 years since I used an S-750, so please excuse me if I'm mistaken on that one.

[edited typo: wrote sysex when I meant scsi]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shroomz on 2006-10-02 05:25 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:23 am
by rephazer
thanks for the help guys.

I´m sure a dedicated midi interface would solf this problem.

I know large sysex-streams can kill the midi flow,but recording/sending Sysex via the computer using Noah as midi interface isn´t working at all...

For me that is just weird.

Anyway I want to buy a Behringer BCR2000 soon for easy-editing...I hope this ´midi-device´ is capable of sending/receiving Sysex via the computer :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:41 am
by rephazer
Question for Shroomz :

I saw in another topic that you still use an older ´firmware´ for the Noah.

Since mine had the latest firmware already installed when I received it...(os is v1.4.23)

Could you maybe send me an ´older´ firmware (OS version 1.3.24 (2003-7-14)
so I can test it with some sysex files ?

I would appreciate that.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rephazer on 2006-10-02 05:47 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:47 am
by Shroomz~>
I don't think a behringer controller will handle complex sysex strings as well as the Kenton control freak or Peavey PC1600 but neither of them are midi interfaces, just controllers, so not exactly what you're looking for. Still, they are both nice controllers which with some sysex programming can be set up to actaully directly access the K4 & MS6 parameters via sysex in real time. We've done this with a K4 & it works very well. The Behringer doesn't have the abiltity to program & send sysex strings. It can only send & recieve sysex dumps to/from it's own memory, although it might be ok passing sysex streams thru.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:51 am
by Shroomz~>
Sure, I'll send you the older OS ...if I can find it!!

I'll have a look.

Haven't been using the Noah for ages actually, so I can't even remember which OS is in it :smile:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:07 am
by Shroomz~>
Sorry, no can do with the older OS. I've just checked & our EX is running 1.4.23, 2003-10-16.

I searched our Scope system for the older OS & it's not there, so it must've got lost in an upgrade or re-install at some point. It may have even been on our other system which packed in at one point & was installed clean once fixed.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:03 am
by rephazer
Thanks a lot for you're time Shroomz.

What kind of midi-interface do you prefer sending/receiving sysex if I may ask ?

For me it's not a 'must' to edit synthesizers with sysex,but I would really like to receive/transmit soundbanks via my computer using sysex...

I thought every 'midi interface' would be able to do this kind of things...I guess I'm wrong :smile: