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Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:20 am
by gustav

I try to get midi outport via usb from the noah to my PC - but I don't get it work

I was testing with midiox and with cubase (midi thru activ) and ther are no data

so I look at the noah : I never got the USB led blinking (as the midi led) : so what have I to do to say to the Noah : get the midi out on USB ?

In midi manager I set Outport for the devices & for the mixer/aux on USB but I never got anything out ...

Any help ?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:17 am
by gustav
Ok - in fact its working for mid note on/off information

I'm playing on the master keyboard, via midi on the noah, on one of the devices (midi in - usb out)
In the sequencer I open the midi noah in and get the midi notes.

Now My problem is to get the controls (effects on the devices, effects/aux) as midi cc information out on the usb

anybody did this already ?