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Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:23 pm
by Nisse
Hi all.

Im trying to get third party devices to work in XTC mode using the "rename dll trick" that has been posted both here and on the Adern forum.

For example: I copied my prisma.dll and renamed it KickMe.dll. I started Cubase and opened VST instruments, and behold, there it says: "KickMe"
So far so good, but when I try to load it, I only get a small box, not the real KickMe surface, so its entirely unusable. The same happened when I did the ame procedure with three-o-three, cant load the instrument surface. Now I know for a fact that KickMe is supposed to work in XTC mode using this trick, so obviously Im doing something wrong. . . . or forgetting something. . .

*scratches head and mumbles incoherently*

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 8:44 pm
by marcuspocus
look into a file called scopevst.cfg, there are all the folder were xtc expect to find your .dev file (named exactly as the .dll you renamed)... I bet the folder containing the .dev is not in that list :smile:

303 wil not work correctly, it's using the old style preset list... It'll show up when loaded, it'"ll work, but if you close the interface, it will not reopen afterward... :sad:

All devices using new style preset work correctly though. Even device that are not mentioned to work in xtc...

Obviously, developers need to look into this to promote themself this mode. They need to commit a bit, and us, we need to ask for it, all the tile.

SFP work in 2 mde: classic/xtc, we should demand plugins that do the same, it's not more difficult for developer. They just need to provide the dll for examle, and small bit of text explaining how to make it work in xtc...

Demand, commit and promote, that the way my friend! :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:07 am
by dubcotics

how do you get hold of the file "scopevst.cfg", plus "XTC" is working fine at this end but I can't get b2003 and minimax to run under XTC is that possible?

cheers and thanks in advance for your feedback...

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:17 am
by Nisse
Hi Dubcotics.

The scopevst.cfg file can be found in the app/bin folder in your SFP folder if I remeber correctly. If Im wrong just look around in your SFP folders. Its there somewhere.
Minimax and B2003 should work in XTC mode without you having to do anything.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:28 am
by enb141
That's interesting, can you tell me how I can load in XTC (Grenzfrequenz, Orbitone Syn-Chrome) is that possible?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:26 pm
by Nisse
Basically any third party synth that isnt too old (it uses the old preset list) can be used in XTC mode. This can be done by using the "rename dll file trick"

The trick was first discovered as a way of using modular patches in XTC mode and was posted on the Adern forum:

I have no experience with the synths you mentioned, but I´ve used the Zarg Ambient, the Sonic Timeworks Mastering Compressor, Aderns KickMe and several modular patches in XTC mode. No problem.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:37 pm
by djLUNA
Could anybody include a cset.ini with some working 3rd party plugins to show how its done?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:45 am
by AltMR
Hi !
Please, help.
Could someone discribe exactly how to make Timeworks plug-ins working in XTC mode in Cubase XC?
If I renamed .dev or .mdl to .dll - SX see them as unloadable (brown colour in Plug-in Information). I really don't understand what to do with Scopevst.cfg file, as you wrote above ... It's really misunderstood for me.
I read similar topics for few days, and I'm still confused.
Please, discribe clearly .

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:52 am
by AltMR
Now it's working. :)

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:48 am
by AltMR
Well, I have one more problem.
I can't connect Scope synths to direct monitoring in XTC mode.
When I click on a DIRECT button this error message appears:
"Cannot make connection : pads MINIMAX.OutL and Add 64R.In02 are incompatible and no appropriate converter is available."
How to solve this problem?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:27 am
by pkole
Sorry for bringing up this topic but timeworks plugins don't seem to work in anyway. I tried the dll trick, i tried editing the scopevst.cfg file but all i get is an empty box. I also have another problem with prodyssey. It appears in the list of the inserts, not in the instruments list. (i work in nuendo)
Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:41 am
by MD69

A100,I100,CD100,P100 works. Others don't know!

