There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

This is NOT 'false media information':

Planet 9 will never come closer to Earth than about 20 billion miles, a distance 40 times farther than Jupiter.

Your sources are formed by anonymous spokesmen.
Why would I believe them over controllable scientific calculations?
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Why you should believe? No, you don’t need to believe, do not believe anything please. I don’t ask you to believe, only to be open to the possibility for a planet to be coming our way, and only if you want to.

But how do you know the information you mention is not false media? How do you reach to this conclusion and why do you accept this information as real? I mean, which is the method for you to know this is real?
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

If you was right every newspaper and every conversation on Earth would have it as subject Nestor :lol:
It would be known already for decades.
And no, you can't keep it secret :D

I don't trust the media in all and every aspect, but things like a planet coming by is something different.
You can't hide it, it's a gotspe to believe that.
Even a conspiracy adept can't keep that idea up, it's too big.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

How do you know that a planet cannot hide from our lenses? It could be a different kind of planet with a different kind of mass and energy, something different from the planets we barely know already, yes, “barely”, because all we know it is from a distance. How many planets do we really know by direct experience anyway? All we “know”, comes from assertions based in the discovery of “some” natural laws and proved discoveries, computer simulations that come from programs that “assume” (based in these discoveries), that life exists in a particular way, and assume that “matter” is this or that way, but we are in fact, today, year 2016, just starting to get to know what matter really is through Quantum Physics, and the first discovery comes as a shock really, telling us that “matter”, as we assumed it to be for so many years, does not exist. What there exist is energy and sub-energies that constitute this main energy. But what kind of energies are those sub-energies? We are discovering them right now, very basically, but we are ultra-far-away from being able to say: “We already know the universe” or, “we have a catalogue of all kind of planets”, we are still trying to make sense of what the earth is and how it is... We could be facing a different kind of planet, it is a very wise thought being the universe so big. To assume that science already knows how to size space, it is in fact, a fanciful idea indeed, against giving the universe the possibility to surprise us.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Admittedly all true my friend.
But a planet that big, with known eclips, coming to visit us isn't really deep science, is it?
You only need 'Newton' to predict it's visit.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

No Hubird, we don't need Newton, we have a substitute which is even wiser than him: TIME. Let us wait for a little more, and everything is going to be clear. With time we will know even the details.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

You will have to wait, I don't wait at all :D
Have a nice time waiting :)
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Right Hubird, this is a fine conclusion for the day. You will not wait because you don’t believe there is anything to wait for, that’s cool. I will neither wait as a mean of uncertainty, because I already know that it is coming for sure. None of both need to wait so :wink:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:I will neither wait as a mean of uncertainty, because I already know that it is coming for sure. :
Take care Nestor, someone warned me already:
garyb wrote: i might make statements, but i'm not acting like i know...
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

If it is true, "to know" cannot be wrong. And because it is true, I can state it: I know, without any remorse whatsoever.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

ok, hubird, we get it. you ARE smart.
maybe you are right.
if you are wrong, it won't matter anyway.

there's no need to pretend that you're the smartest person here, even if you are right. this little corner of the internet won't matter either way. if you ARE right, it isn't because you are more knowledgeable. the truth is that you have no way of knowing, at best you're doing what Nestor is doing, repeating what has been said.

there's actually a good chance that something will hit the earth or come very close. if you believe the accepted scientific thought of the day(because scientists have to change their minds all the time) , the Earth has had more than one of these events in it's history. there's also even greater odds that nothing happens, just because that's how it often is. everything in this universe is in motion, however. the universe is also quite big and has lots of big objects in motion. that motion is not 100% regular either. if you are right, it's only because of odds, not intelligence.

i know, you don't like Nestor proclaiming this, but you know what? he's perfectly in his right to do so. this thread is easy to ignore if it bothers you. if you just want to troll Nestor, that's ok, just don't get mean or too personal. we get that you don't believe in this and Nestor, we get that you do.

this whole scenario would be more ludicrous if there weren't so many movie about it in the last 20 years....

sorry to be a kill-joy. :lol:

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by pastor »

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Dear friends, let take it easy, it doesn’t matter that much, the world will go where it has to go. I think it is a very interesting conversation by itself already, let say we are trying to find out what is the truth behind the possibility of a new planet coming near us.

Pastor, you made my day with your statement about not giving them any money…, :lol: it is hilarious for me due to the nature of this people, and I thank you for your concern because I feel you sincerely want to protect others, and this is great. No, it is not at all as you may think…, money? :lol: no brother, no money involved in this. This, nevertheless, happened many, many years ago, and it is not a group.

As Jopo, you have logical points giving reasons not to trust such information, I follow you and understand your approach. I am pretty sure that, if I didn’t have the “reasons” I have to believe this is true, I would not believe it either. Least of all reading ridicule statements as those of Nancy Lieder (the one you mention), and, very unfortunately, a tone of other hallucinated and megalomaniac people concerned about the ancient Sumerians, lizard people leading the world, and many other crazy joke-like-thoughts. Unfortunately, these people mix everything, and as most people don’t even have the time to investigate by themselves anything other than how to keep alive, they have to swallow all these lies and crazy ideas spread all over the internet, mixed with some truth. And this is actually a problem, they mix elements of reality, sometimes sacred, like say, Jesus, with their own fantasies. This is just what is happening among thousands of religions around the world and their false leaders, they mix up their own fantasies and interests with some truth and some real facts here and there, and make up a tempting solution for mankind like the “children of god” did, for instance. Well, what I am telling you it has nothing to do with these poor underdeveloped people. In fact, I am an enemy of these kind of groups.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

To be right or wrong, it is not the matter either, we are friends and we want the best for each other. We should not search for a “winner” and a “loser” in this conversation. If what I say is true, we will all be losers, and if it is not, we will all be winners, and this is really an intelligent view of the topic.

This topic rises some psychological differences, because it touches the ground in which we live, it moves our deepest convictions and believes up and down, so it is natural that we may have reactions in favor or against it, but what is truly important it is not fighting each other for the prize, but searching sincerely for truth, and the truth it is not, in this particular case, within anyone of us, but out there, in the space… to my personal believe, crossing the universe at great speed.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by pastor »

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

Well...Nestor, I must tell you that after a lot of noticings, when some people start to speak, not very clearly, about energy, sub-energy, quantum physics and all that always-the-same-woolly speech, I cannot do anything else than starting to believe the guy has got a mystical obsession complex. And there is 2 things I'm totally, 100% sure ! 1) we are all going to die (which I call "The Big Certainty" 2) It is useless to use rational arguments with someone who has got faith. And all your story sound like a someone-who's-got-faith dogma. Absolutely nothing is able to change the mind of someone who's got faith : not even the fact that what he was foreseening didn't happend (!!!!), see all the predicted end of world : the Jehovah's witnesses are still believe their dogma after 1874, 1914, 1925, 1975 endS of world ! And there are so many examples !

It will be useless to tell you that the probability to have a such big planet coming from nowhere (because if it orbits around the sun, for sure it's not the 1° time it comes here) is close to zero, that such object, in universe, probably don't exist because there are some physical laws that predicts those objcts would be attracted each other or if they exist, why, since 4.5 billion years, it has waited before to come in 3 years. You would answer that we don't know everything, which is the truth, but I believe we know much more things than 300 years ago, and that is a blink eye for universe time.
Do you know that when the Andromed galaxy will hurt ours, there is NO chance that 2 stars touches themself ? Space is too big ! There is too much space ! If that planet doen't orbit around the sun (otherwise, we wouldn't be here to talk about that !) where does it come from ?? Ok.. I stop here, I guess all those argument are like pissing in a violin. (French expression : means I'm wearing down my fingers on this keyboard for nothing) :P

Many years ago ? What do you mean ? Did you meet prehistorical people ? Did you talk with mammoth ? :D
If I wish to meet "them", will you introduce me to "them" ? How have you been choosen ? Will I be enough kind ?

The other day, I've got a colleague who explained me that if enough people pray in japanese zen way, someone who is sick will feel better and it is explained by science !! Yes ! Of course ! It's because of energy in the quantum physics that interact with matter ! You didn't know ?? Oh ! Come on !
Why should I not believe here ? Why should I believe what you say ? You must give me stronger arguments ! Otherwise, I don't see no reason you started this topic.

I have the HUGE chance to live in a very small village where the public light are closed at 23h00, so I've got a very beautiful night sky.... I'll see the new planet arriving !
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

people do NOT know all of the physical "laws" of the universe. not at all.

who made these "laws" that the universe adheres to?

sorry...slightly off-topic...
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

I understand you Jopo.

Now, something is absolutely sure, I will not play your violin...
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:Now, something is absolutely sure, I will not play your violin...

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Straight to the point JoPo and pastor, good thinking :)
Like this one:
JoPo wrote: Do you know that when the Andromed galaxy will hurt ours, there is NO chance that 2 stars touches themself ? Space is too big ! There is too much space !
pastor wrote: it would be fantastic if we were to observe it (via telescope! :D )
Last edited by hubird on Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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