There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by SilverScoper »

He may know - but he cant prove it. So you dont know that he doesnt know :lol: :lol:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

I'm sure astrologers have already find the meaning of that 9° planet in relation with your birthday ! :P
They have proofs by tons ! :roll:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

garyb wrote:so?

[...] i might make statements, but i'm not acting like i know...
me either, I presented a quote and showed to believe it's content.
Others show they believe (even say to know) about the influence of Planet 9.
Feel free to (dis)believe :)
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

let's get real serious about that which we don't know...

when and if the thing arrives we can rejoice or cry or both.

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

garyb wrote:let's get real serious about that which we don't know...
That would be an endless thing, by definition...
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

then stfu. :lol:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

I am not the same person I used to be a few years back, it was painful to change myself but I’m glad I did. Discussions have finished for me brothers, not only in the internet, but in the whole of my communication world with others. I recognize openly that this old way of mine was wrong, I mean, getting angry because someone would not believe or consider the seriousness of my words, go and use the best of my dialectics to demonstrate how wrong someone was in what he was saying or trying to argument against my points, be concerned about what others would think about me in the next answer of the fight being a little bias in the way I would write, and so many other deceitful things of the like that I deeply dislike. No…, no more fights with me will ever be possible again, my understanding of myself and others has reached now a very profound ground, understanding others is truly a joy, and I am thankful for it. I only want happiness for all of us. In top of it all, this bad habits, anyway, do not stop you from speaking clearly what you want to speak, you get to the conclusion that these untrustworthy things within your person are, to top, totally useless.

This is cool, because it means I am ready to talk about anything with anyone, without ever again getting into the red zone of calling names, be disrespectful, angry, or try to convince someone about anything, this period of my life is over. I guess this is part of the natural process of getting older and more mature in our lives. Thinking, considering, and finally, loving more our fellows, I understand now much better how much human nature is volatile and fickle, and how much confusion there is within every human being. People suffer already way enough for me to be yet another factor of suffering, no way, I don’t want to contribute to such suffering.

In telling you about this planet, I have no intensions of getting into anyone mind or believe, other than sharing what I know, which is far from being a joke or a game, it is as serious as life and destiny are. It happens that I know about this, first hand, like very few people in the world know. It is not out of any personal efforts of merits that this has happened. I have always been curios, someone extremely eager to learn and pierce the mysteries of life, whichever it might be: a flower, the constitution of an atom, the workings of a string in a guitar, life after death, meditation, compared religions, dead languages, the fourth dimension, the optical system of our eyes or the solar system, I find everything fascinating, I love to know, and the more I understand little things here and there, the better I understand the whole picture of our human experience, as everything tends to become linked together in an interconnected net, which is life and its meaning and reason.

This eagerness, brought to me to get to know amazing people in this live, yes, amazing people! And because of that, I have had some unusual information coming to me, it is as simple as that.

What I can seriously tell you is that this planet is real and it is coming our way. It will penetrate our solar system and create great changes in several planets, among them, the earth, and then will go back to its orbit and disappear for a very long time, because its orbit it is enormous.

When you face a “yes” or “no” situation, to believe or not to believe are the only ways available at your disposal. Like, for example, believing or not in something that had happened in the past, all you can do about history is accept or reject a given fact. Well, this particular situation it is different because we have the TIME FACTOR, it is something yet to happen in the future. Time, is the factor that will clear for us this mystery.

For what I know, in no more than 3 years we will already see it naked eye in the sky, that is, around the year 2019.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

Nestor wrote:What I can seriously tell you is that this planet is real and it is coming our way. It will penetrate our solar system and create great changes in several planets, among them, the earth, and then will go back to its orbit and disappear for a very long time, because its orbit it is enormous.
For what I know, in no more than 3 years we will already see it naked eye in the sky, that is, around the year 2019.
WaoW ! :o Do you have some scientist link explaining that ?? It will be very easy to check ! Just waiting for 3 years !
But if you make some easy calculation, you'll see there is some problems... Or it is very very very very fast ! Don't forget that voyagers are gone in 1977, they go at 15,k km/s and they are crossing the solar system edge. 40 years for that ! Ok, they are very slow, one has seen comets with 100km/s speed ; but when they arrive close to the sun, it's at this part of their orbit that they go most fast.

Let's say the 9° planet goes 5 times faster, but it is much much more far away than voyagers.. Are you sure it will arrive in 3 years ?? But the point that goes wrong : if that planet has a such eccentric orbit and a so big mass, it's really astonishing it kept its orbit since 4.5 billion years without blowing away the solar system. A so big object crossing the solar system is like a dog in a earthenware shop ! All other planet orbits would be unbalanced ! And no one could predict what would happen ! If the solar system remains since 4.5 billion years, it's because there is no such object coming inside every 100 000 years (or 5000, or 500 000, whatever).

With the small knowledge I have in astronomy, I'm affraid you'll be disapointed... But as I said, it'll be very easy to check it : just watching the sky in 3 years...

Rendez-vous in 3 years ! :wink:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Your last phrase is for me, “the answer”. I cannot tell you about precise mathematics or explaining you astronomically: the speed, the orbit and so on, of this planet. All I can tell with certainty is that I trust 1000% those who told me about this approaching planet. They are people that showed me consistently how serious they are about life and work, and how extremely intelligent, human and good people they are, all I can offer you is my sureness and trust, the only problem is that you need to make it yours.

In the other hand, everything they have told me before has always become true, and this is an interesting pattern. If someone tells you about something weird or fantastic, you will tend to not believe it, well, I don’t. But when something you have been told comes true, you wonder… “Wow, how’s that!”, and if it happens again, and again and again many more times, you end up trusting, as it is natural. This is as natural as walking through a very long stair in the dark, step by step, in a given moment you don’t longer doubt about your next step, you know it’s going to be there. This is my experience, and it has never fail me, ever.

I guess your analysis is logical and fair, based on what is available to us as knowledge for us to come to our own conclusions. But, for my story to become reality, the mathematics behind must be different to those you are basing your analysis on: the speed, the orbit, the size, and many other details of this planet.

Nevertheless, I tend to believe that those in charge up in the scale of control that know all the details, will let you know only a few things every time, just as accommodates them, just as they need. They have known about it for too many years already, so there is “responsibility” facing people as they have been hiding this reality from all of us. They will not come up and tell you: “Hey, we knew everything about it, sorry for not telling you all of this before today”, they would be in big trouble.

I don’t trust the information on the link I have posted telling us they have “just now” discovered it, this is not true. The link is good for us to see that they are starting to tell people the truth, that’s all. It is a misinformation game, as always with such big things.

If it had happened that we would had known these things from decades ago, this would had caused a world paralysis: riots, politician trials, desperation and a complete social chaos, everyone would had asked for protection, the system would had collapsed. Silence had avoided these disasters to come to be.

We have to wait, and more and more information is going to be shown to us, until they will admit there is an enormous planet in our way.

If I had the time, I would give you right now some important information. I will try, anyway, but it’s going to be slowly, to give to you some interesting related facts.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

? But who are "they" ?

I'm always careful with people who know and are sure, especialy when what they "know" is far from the actual knowledge... If they are so serious, they can explain, no ? It's too mysterious to give credit, for the moment. But one of my principle is to agree to be wrong. Let's see !
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

I will, probably, go into your question, but after everything has been already seen by all of us in clear sun light. For the moment, as you say: Let us see!

Time will speak.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:For what I know, in no more than 3 years we will already see it naked eye in the sky, that is, around the year 2019.
Around 2019?
It must be possible to calculate this moment with Swiss precision, milli seconds actually.

So you belong to the very small club of persons who know this secret?
And you didn't do any special to get elected except being a good and wise person, tho unintentionally?
And 'they' tell us nothing so far because they don't wanne confuse us too early?
And no scientists from anywhere on the planet are seeing this planet in their telescope coming to us?
And if some do yet, their bosses are able to control all media worldwide to not let us know?


Three years from now eh?

If I believe you, will I stay alive then, after the big moment?
Could you save me?
I'm bad, should I change my life?
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Sorry Hubird, you will have to answer all these questions by yourself. As I said, the competition game is over. "Time will tell" is my only answer for you.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

SilverScoper wrote:He may know - but he cant prove it. So you dont know that he doesnt know :lol: :lol:
Cool :lol:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:Sorry Hubird, you will have to answer all these questions by yourself. As I said, the competition game is over. "Time will tell" is my only answer for you.
That's a pity, I hoped for relieve.

It would be nice if you'd tell us what you do if nothing happens after the end time has passed.
Would you stop believing these predictions in general, or will you shift the event some time to the future, keeping up the prediction?
Mostly the latter happens, the endless the-end-of-the-world-predictions are famous for it.

There's a risk in your beliefs anyway:
You're gambling you'll be da man when the prediction fullfills, if there's something left anyway.
If nothing happens you'll not feel happy that life goes on as before, but feel depressed.
All others in the world just live on, without taking notice. Only you have to face failure then.

In the past you predicted wars, tsunamis, riots, etc.
That is safe to do, as those are relatively normal behaviour in nature and society.
But a new planet coming so close to us that we can see it at the sky and changing everything, well that is something.
The risk of personal damage is only on your side, and the chance that you are wrong is much bigger that the opposite.
Happy gambling.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

what's the problem?

who gets hurt?

if he's right, he's right, if he's wrong, he's wrong. either way makes no difference to you, as far as saying "you were right" or "you were wrong".

i've seen the predictions long before this, they may or may not be true. unless you have an Earth Escape Pod ready, there's not a lot to be done. maybe we could send Bruce Willis on a shuttle filled with nukes to intercept...

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Are you Nestor's voice-over? :lol:
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Its ok, time will tell, I respect your disbelieve and skepticism, but it makes no difference really to what “it is”. As I said, I can only offer my own trust in what I say, nothing else. I don’t pretend for you to believe anything I say Hubird, really, its fine, keep where you are if you feel comfortable there, it is fine. Which is sad, is the way in which you speak to me without the need for it, this is a bit sad really, as there is no articulations or openness in your words, or new possibilities to ideas and flows of innovative energies of any kind, you have closed already the door and without having a background or getting to know the many “reasons” that there exist behind this assertions, you have already a definitive answer, which is “no”. A way, in fact, totally opposed to the objective and cool science, “observation without preconceptions”, method you yourself want to be based on. It would be good to give new ideas a chance to exist, they may be true, and they may open new avenues of understanding.

We should remember that reality has always overcome the wildest ideas, like happens when you study some biology, it is amazing how far nature can go, against our own wildest fantasies! I would not take the possible existence of a planet approaching our solar system for granted, there are several “millions” of solar systems around us, and so billions of planets orbiting the space, without speaking about the other dimensions coming from black holes, and so the possibilities for a planet to cross in front of us are not even high, but endless… When Luis Pasteur got into the research of germs in the nineteenth century, everybody was laughing at him. Today we all depend on this extremely important discovery. The first electric guitar was much criticized among some classical musicians, they would say it was the work of the devil, and now it is the first instrument in the whole of the world. When Thomas Edison (thanks to Nikola Tesla I have to emphasize), got down town to try to give to the world a new way to brighten up streets, homes and so many other places, everybody was against him and his ideas, now we all “depend” on this worldwide infrastructure. You can go on and on, as there are thousands of similar rejections to what “it is”, we always want the world to be the way we want, but life is not what we want, life is life.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote: It would be good to give new ideas a chance to exist, they may be true, and they may open new avenues of understanding.
Sure, but Jopo already explained that a planet at the given enormous distance from Earth can't be here in three years...
New ideas fine, but some scientific base would help.
So far science says differently.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Pretty interesting thought:


I understand that the "charlatans" are those in power, those who mislead ideas through false media information.
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