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creamware noah ex support

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:06 am
by blinkman
I've been trying to figure out who to contact about problems with my creamware noah ex. Creamware appears to be bought out by sonic core (when I type in it redirects me to When I e-mailed I got a reply telling me to e-mail However, when I e-mailed them sonic core said that they don't do support for Noah. So who am I supposed to talk to??? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:59 am
by MiK
Due to the demand, i placed the stuff on the web again:

Due to repeated problems with my provider causing lots of work when i need it least, i had to shut down all my web sites now. So the NRS download location on my web site is also no longer available. Sorry.

Again - this might disappear somewhen when i need the space or so. At least it's on a fast server this time.

Did anyone get the NRS running on Leopard on an intel Mac Pro? Got mine today and currently no real success. In the hardware list, the Noah Synthesizer entry appears, but no MIDI in Cubase, no connection with NRS.


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:16 pm
by MiK
Ah. Got the MIDI ports now. Somehow. "did nothing" :)
But NRS still refuses to work.

Noah Remote on OSX - More success?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:38 am
by AzureFeast
Hi there,
I plan to move my studio to Mac (latest generation) later this year. As anybody had success running the Noah Remote Software on that platform (OSX - Leopard)?

I plan to use the Noah as a normal synth via it's midi / audio connection. So I only need the USB connection to edit the Softsynths and save / load patches. That should be the simplest thing to do...


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:45 am
by MiK
Doesn't work on my Mac Pro (January 2008) with Leopard - see above.

Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:43 am
by BobTheDog
Also no luck with Leapard here.

I have the midi device and audio device showing up but no communication with thr


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:58 am
by MiK
I think Apple changed something on the USB subsystem in Leopard, have seen this in the VirtualBox development before the release of the current version, which handles this correctly. Maybe this change breaks some compatibility for older Carbon applications.

I heard that Rosetta will be removed in 10.6, so there, NRS will completely stop working. But as long as MIDI/Audio are standard USB class devices, nothing should happen here. Bad the NRS doesn't work any longer, but i think we have to live with it. Or use MIDI and ADAT as I/O and another computer which runs the NRS via USB.


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:44 pm
by MiK
Hello together.

As i need the space on, i have to remove the NRS stuff soon. All in all it's 276MB, if someone has the space to put it up, feel free to download and tell us the new location here.

Of course i will still keep a local copy of this software, so in emergency cases, it's not completely gone :)


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:52 am
by Shroomz~>
MiK, you could split the NRS stuff into 3 archives & put it up on something like where it will remain indefinitely. :)

Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:51 pm
by MiK

feel free to do so :) The NRS is just 80MB per archive, plus a bit more than 30MB for the manuals. If there was something like "google files", i would put it there, have about 7GB of mail space free there. But i don't want to create new accounts i don't need, i get enough spam meanwhile.


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:51 am
by Shroomz~>
Well, mediafire is free, but no, I've got no intention of getting directly involved in the distribution of this Noah software pack. Maybe someone else will though. :)

Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:50 am
by MiK

meanwhile, i took down my websites due to several other problems - if anyone still doesn't have the NRS, feel free to contact me :)

But - the reason why i reply today - i have my USB debugging day today, as i had some differences with some embedded USB toys between the Mac Pro (Early 2008) and the new MacBook (Late 2008). They have different chipsets, which again might lead to different drivers (OHCI versus UHCI) and so on. As i'm not comfortable with the problem that the NRS doesn't work on the Mac Pro, i tried with the MacBook - just to find out if it's an OS problem or a problem in the NRS. And this way, i found a new strangeness...

On the MacBook (C2D 2.4GHz), the Noah worked without any problems. Strange. So why not on the Mac Pro? Connected it to the front USB of the Mac Pro - worked there also. Hm. Difference between front/back? Checked the back USB again - worked there after NRS restart. Checked on the hub where it was connected recently - no luck.

I played around a bit, without finding a 100% way to reproduce all the problems, but i think i can tell that the Noah in fact _CAN_ work with Leopard (10.5.5 here) on x86, but it seems to be a bit unstable finding the device. Hubs can make trouble, front USB on the Mac Pro also seems to work more stable, it's quite a bit strange.

Just wanted to tell this to animate others to play around a bit harder. Noah reboots and NRS restarts also sometimes help during the phase to find a suitable USB port for the machine.

So the Noah can currently work with OSX - as long as Rosetta is still included. When Apple drops this PPC emulation, the NRS is finally dead, as this is still a PPC binary based on the old Carbon framework.

Too bad that SonicCore doesn't support the Noah any further - it would be no real problem to recompile the NRS on a modern x86 Mac i think...


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:09 am
by MiK
First, i wish you all a happy new year!

And i wanted to tell you that i have found a fine new hoster for my web site, with lots of space now, and so i can put up the NRS downloads again. And to have the possibility to move them around to other servers and so, i decided to create an own subdomain for this. Now you can find all this here:

Maybe i also put the nokeys OXEs there soon - but before doing this, i want to ask at soniccore if they have a problem with me providing those old Noah downloads. If i have the okay from them to do this, i try to provide everything i have around here. Consequently, i might need to remove the current download stuff again, if SC forbids me to host this.


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:21 pm
by jaytranzmit
Can someone help me out. I've had my Noah previously running using a PC but, I have it connected with my Mac now. I can confirm it works fine so far under Leopard on the Intel.

What I'm struggling with is how I get my Prodyssey editor on there. Anyone know how to do this?

Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:36 pm
by MiK

did you reinstall all the plugins when switching platforms and installing the NRS? The NRS can't get all it needs from the Noah, you need to reinstall it. This will lead you into more trouble, as the Noah seems to have problems knowing what alreaddy installes there and what is not. I recently needed to reformat the whole Noah to get everything running again.

To install the OXEs, you need to create the directory somewhere within your installation path. I don't know exactly from my head, and i'm on the wrong computer currently, but is was within the application directory, i think in the same level as the "bin" directory. There you create an "oxe" directory, drop everything into, start up NRS and it should show you the usual messages about the plugins having been installed.

Make sure, the level above "bin" and "oxe" is writable for your user, as the NRS wants to create a "tmp" directory there during the plugin installation. But it's a while ago since i did this the last time, i can't tell for sure... I hope you like the shell, that helps a bit here :) But it should also be possible with the Finder.


Re: Noah remote - OSX

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:10 am
by AzureFeast
Hi there,
I just wanted to drop a quick note to confirm that I have recently migrated from PC to Mac OSX (Leopard). The NRS is working fine and I had no problem once I attached the Noah directly to a USB port of my iMac. (It was not recognized when attached to my USB hub). Some of my plug-ins are not recognized anymore, but as stated above this as to do with the Noah authorization process itself not with the Mac migration. I need to sort that out...

Best regards,

Marc for Azure Feast