There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by David »

The Whales are trying to tell us somethng.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

pastor wrote:
Nestor wrote:Now, if I were to add here a list of the things I told here would happened, you would be pretty shocked, because they have all come true, and this one, unfortunately, will come true as well. Believe me, this is NOT something I would like to see, I would not like for it to happen, it is too serious of a matter.
It would be great if you posted a list of things you have foreseen, if the list is too long then some examples would be fine. It would also be fantastic if you could go thru the math you have done to verify mass and orbit of planet 9 / x / nibiru.
I am not a mathematician or a scientist. I will try, nevertheless, if I have the spare time needed to do it, to bring you what I can.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Pygmy Audio Farms wrote:The Whales are trying to tell us somethng.
Thanks for this one. Sad it is. There are many weird happening like millions of spiders covering a whole town in Brazil, birds that don’t know which direction they should fly killing themselves while passing through towns and areas they don't know, millions of fish coming out from the see without apparent reason (I saw it by myself in Chile, a really odd happening), huge areas of very hot water coming up in the sea, extremely large areas of the glove moving slowly every year a few centimeters, and many other unusual problems in nature. All these problems are caused by the electromagnetic field of the earth being distressed and changed by the tension that Planet X creates coming closer and closer.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

sure, Nestor, being a good human being is always our job.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

garyb wrote:sure, Nestor, being a good human being is always our job.
I'm glad you agree with that one, is as simple as that.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by 53E7 »

Thanks for sharing this! I just watched the video in the original post. I love videos like this. I'm not a scientific guy, but I really enjoy "easy science", nature, and history shows.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

Did I miss something or what ? To be good human to each other would be enough for Planet X to not smash on us ?? All that for this ? You mean, when I'm a good boy, the planet arrives slower ? And if we are 20000 to be nice and good, it takes another direction, 200 000 000, it stops and keep an eye on what we are going to do and 6 500 000 000, it goes back from where it comes ? But if I'm bad, it goes faster ? And if some another unfair war starts in some country, Planet X will speed up and arrives in 2 weeks ? That's amazing ! There is something or someone who's driving the big planet ! Like a car ! That's almost science fiction !

Who is driving Planet X ? This vigilante entity didn't find nothing else for teaching to humans to be "good" ? If it's because humans are bad, the reason of its anger ? That fantastic, almost unimaginable entity didn't find some other way to smash us ? Come on ! No need of a 10 times bigger planet than earth ! If it can drive a planet like me a bike, it can eradicate humans in half a second by sweeping up the atmosphere ! (just an example, I can find many other simplier way, if you like) Or driving earth right into the sun ! Or let the moon fall on earth ! Or transform every men's dick into spaghetti ! Or why not simply make humans "good" with its breath ? Doesn't it have enough power to pull out every humans head like you clean your mud off ?

But above all, what do you mean "good human", " like love, charity, forgiveness and so forth" ? How can we be sure to please to Planet X rider ? Are you sure Planet X has the same "good human" definition as you ? Maybe you're wrong and someone else is right. How do you know it's your definition the right one ? There is so many people on our planet. And all the people who came before us. A lot of them had different "good" human definition. Good human definition is a cultural value : Some people thought that to be "good", they had to kill some children every morning and for them, a good human is the one who agree with them, or let himself being killed after breakfast. Maybe the Planet X driver want humans to be good like nazis were !? Or vikings ? Or incas ? Or communists ? Who knows ? How can I be sure wich "good" is the right one ? Did you talk about that with Planet X ? I'd like to know ! Everybody would like to know and try to make what Planet X wants, even if it wants we let the power to japanese chikens !

Some people think that if they are very poor, it's because they were not good human enough in another life, other ones believes they can make slave other people who don't believe in the same god and if they don't make them slave, they are not "good" human at all and they will go in hell. Why would I believe it's your definition the right one ? Others believe as much as you do they know the right definition... No more no less. They say exactly like you "they" (an entity, E.T., God, planet X, whatever) teach them THE truth. Who should I believe ? Which one is the right one ?
How is it possible to have so many contradictory definition if there is something upon us (the famous entity) that knows everything ? Is there several "something upon us that knows everything " who don't agree each other ? I would be easier if they would agree ! They are as stupid as we are, humans ! Maybe it's better to believe all those belief... Good luck !

That's why I believe more science : it is able to question itself and accepts to change its mind when evidences are found that something was wrong. Religion, mystical deliriums, astrologers, UFO believers ...etc... (and so many other !) NEVER question themself and change their minds when they see evidences they are wrong, or some rare times, individual person, not more.

I already guess what will happen in 3 years : when no Planet X will arrive to smash us, people who thought it was coming will find some reason to still believe in their belief : it always finish like that ! How many end of world (known !) predictions since 2000 years ? ... tic_events
If i'm not wrong, the world is still there with as many as before unjustices. Why the planet X's end of world would be more true than all the other ? Notice that the planet X smash of earth is not is the list yet !

There is only one thing you can be 100% sure for anyone of us : we are all going to die. And in 130 years, NONE of the humans who live on earth now will be still alive. That is the "Big Certainty". That one, you can be sure ! But for someone who believe anything, even that is not certain ! Everything is possible : science doesn't know everything, blablabla ... And the ones who have this reasoning always quote some scientists to support their belief ! They don't care for one more paradox.
Life is absurd, after death, we go back where we were before birth. Personnaly, I don't remember that time. The only life meaning is to learn how all works : the universe and all inside and contemplate it, participate to its beauty with art, like music, and feeling nice ... And for feeling nice, one needs to have a clear conscience and fight against injustice without waiting a very-strong-much-bigger-than-us thing, entity, E.T., god, nuts planet or whatever to do it instead of us.

Maybe those belief helps some people to live better, more quiet... Personnaly, I find science explanation of the universe so much more marvellous than any other certainty. And above all, science is the only one to get RESULTS ! Our world can show that easily ! Even if a lot of people believe the opposit, I'm sure it's more easy and nice to live now than 15 000 years ago when the only thing to do in all days was to run all days long for catching your supper !
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

even more pedantic...

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

...but 100% true.

I wouldn't call the members I would host call pedantic, if I were the mod.
Maybe it's true, but let the community then say so, I'd say :)
Someone else could call Nestor pedantic then, as he even predicts Earth's destruction and our death.
Could, I said, it's just arguing, as you'll understand.

Pedantic refers to content, not good or bad forum behavior.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by JoPo »

Pedantic ? It's arguments, discussion, reason call ; if you close any debat by saying 'pedantic', no discussion is possible, try to argue, try to convince, about the topic, nothing else, it would be more constructive. Maybe you'll change my mind, if you have the radical argument. I have a principle : if the other is right and put the evidence in front of me, I give up, I change my way of thinking, no problem. It's a principle I never miss. It happend a lot of time. That's what makes me believing in science more than other thing.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

all you want to do is fight. :lol:

ostentatious in one's learning.
overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

yes, i called JoPo's post pedantic. not only was it the EXACT right word, but it was also HUMOR made IN GOOD FUN, not as an insult. it was a JOKE.

what is there to get upset about? certainly not Nestor's post. you don't have to believe or understand him. it's also ok to think he's a little crazy. that's no reason to get upset. and i haven't said anything especially evil either. i DID say that people are just repeating things they have heard and that they actually don't know anything about this. there's nothing untrue there. it applies to EVERYONE because no one has seen enough of the picture to know it, period.

just for the record, this is not a Science vs. non-Science debate. Science is not a religion, it is not an absolute explanation for anything, it is only a way of testing ideas about reality vs. actual reality. if it is about the universe macrocosm or microcosm, there infinitely more that is unexplained than explained and that is a FACT.

do i expect PlanetX destruction? no, i do not. i cannot call it impossible, however. it would not be the first time such a thing may have happened. the asteroid belt and the Earth's moon appear to be proof that such events have occurred in the past.

and just in case, yes, i may have yelled in this post, but that doesn't make it angry.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

now, run along and play nicely.

hubird, i'm tired of the moderator comments. i will NEVER be the moderator that you appear to wish me to be. maybe i'll be the moderator that you need...
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by 53E7 »

Look what came next on youtube

Just try and stay with it. Amazing! I love this stuff.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Cool insight Gary!

I see people are extremely programed in what they say in most cases in regard with politics, religion, racial preconceptions and so on, when they dislike a point of view or an idea puts in jeopardy their egoist freedom. Reactions are in most cases, stereotyped and fixed, and they can easily be closed in a particular circle of the many circles of blind learning that there exist out there, for instance: Marxism, Capitalism, Modern Christianity, Atheism, Nihilism, etc. Or even the mass of lies that we study in schools and universities, accepted as true knowledge, but everything is changing now, fortunately.

It is VERY rare to find a person, just “one single person in this life”, ready to sincere himself about himself. But when this happens, this person really shines well beyond normal possibilities, because he will certainly reach the maturity of his character. It is also extremely rare to find a persona with a “quiet mind”, as quiet as to be able to LISTEN TO OTHERS openly, it is a miracle to find somebody today with whom holding a conversation without the heavy load of “learned concepts”, as we live in a world of too much information and a competition for being brilliant in front of others, there is really a void intellectual competition to see who is the best in arguing or managing complex concepts, but this is so useless…

Sometimes I have the joy to find a person with a quiet and simple mind, in most cases, they are people with no much studies, or if they have studied a lot, they know how to separate themselves from what they know, people that have not been forced to think in a particular way, people that still have the capacity of “observing” what is just in front of them, without judging it and it is great, because communication goes well beyond normal and you can experience real human interchange of deep and joyful emotions that makes you love mankind again, and you see how beautiful a human being can be. In the other hand, it is unbearable to talk with a learned machine, somebody that “believes firmly” that he knows because he has read a lot or it has some interesting titles, when he does not by himself.

What do we really KNOW from experience and first hand discovery! In most cases, very little or almost nothing. Most people mistake anyway WISDOM with KNOWLEDGE, but they are totally different things. A learned person, when he closes his mind to the new, cannot develop actual wisdom, because his mind is already closed, and paradoxically, which is amazing, he is very proud of being closed.

And yes, definitely, life is enormously deeper than we will ever be able to grasp, and this can be said with justice because there is never an end to learning amazing things about everything in this universe, and most interestingly of it all, to get to know oneself! The ultimate and highest of all possible achievements in this life, is to get to know oneself!

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by pastor »

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

Thanks Pastor, but you did not get my points, they have a quite different meaning, but it doesn't matter, it would be too long to explain what I wanted to say. :)
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by hubird »

Pastor was exactly to the point in his reply :)

Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by pastor »

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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by Nestor »

It is utterly useless to even try to communicate with somebody who assumes, at first glance, that what someday else is telling him is a lie, or kind of a lawyer move to achieve a plot onto his mind (¿perhaps I want to take your money? :P ), hiding this and that to make a point and WIN a conversation, then humiliate you in front of the rest of this community and so on… how childish! Thank you, but no..., thank you! Your words evidence you are NOT understanding what I have said, you have been extremely literal and did not get the ideas. I am the only person that can state with certainty that you did not or did understand my words, because I have written them and I know at exactness what they mean. If you start under this bases, I have no whatsoever interest in relating my mind to yours. How could I be interested in talking to someone that starts like this? I could now say, for instance, that you are actually a Chinese seller man trying to sell me a kitchen, that you are actually trying to get into this forum to talk about your bussiness. How can you waste your time like this talking to somebody you don’t believe in the first place? It makes no sense. Make up your own mind and go on with your own ideas, that's cool. I personally, don’t need your opinion about the way I have decided to think, and I don't either need for your personal believe in what I say, not the least.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by garyb »

what is being protected here?

if you disagree, you disagree. if you have actual solid reasons for disagreeing share them. if you are just offended by the entire idea, then you are just another hypocrite who attacks what he doesn't like.

nobody here, not Nestor, not hubird, not Jopo, not Dawman, not pastor, not me, has any true knowledge that can absolutely prove a position on the subject one way or another. at best, one can rely on "experts" that one or the other has decided to believe and repeat. the universe is that huge and full of possibilities.

as i said, based on observations that are almost universally accepted, such events have happened in the Earth's and the Solar System's past. does that mean that something bad is absolutely going to happen? heck no! but there has been noise from the astronomical world that suggests that this event MAY happen. i'm not expecting it, but i can't shrug it off completely either. the actual first-hand information that i have is too limited.

if anyone is closed-minded, it is the nay-sayers. they are as guilty as anyone of shutting off their minds to something unpleasant.

again, personally, I AM NOT expecting this thing to happen. if it did, however, i would NOT be completely surprised. a lot of things can happen in this universe.

yes, Nestor, you need more practice communicating, but then so do the others(which includes me), imho.
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Re: There it comes, the huge visitor I was waiting for

Post by fra77x2 »

Gary, i suppose you have to decide whether you are the moderator or a participant.

You can't take part in the discussions and then say to people "stfo" because then who moderates the moderator?

Also you can't reinforce to people your opinion like "the universe is full of possibilities so total destruction is a possibility"

Hubird, Pastor and JoPo are talking very logical, and if you disagree with their opinion you don't have to push it.

Nestor started a thread "about something very important that is going to happen" which is pretty absurd...
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