Automaton WT-1000 Vol 1 - 1000 algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2e!

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Automaton WT-1000 Vol 1 - 1000 algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2e!

Post by faxinadu »

1000 Algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2euros!
wavestrans_00000.png (10.07 KiB) Viewed 19380 times
Grab here:

This month we introduce a new series of algorithmically constructed wavetable packs. With each entry in the series we create a special program that creates wavetables based on an algorithm populated by randomized parameters. These packs will be offered for a modest price and provide lots of opportunities to experiment with wavetables.

For this first such pack four wavetables are created and then modulated and morphed with each other, crushed and mutilated and mixed into one final wavetable. The algorithm randomizes all the available parameters and creates a new wavetable file at each pass, resulting in 1000 unique wavetable files. Some are crazy, some are tame, some are all over the place, some are very basic, some are beautiful, some are renegades.

Cycles in each table file: 100
Cycle size: 2048 samples
File Format: .Wav 16 bit, 44100, mono ... l-1-four-1
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Re: Automaton WT-1000 Vol 1 - 1000 algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2e!

Post by faxinadu »

Compatible with:

Defiant WT, Pathfinder WT, Polyphenom 2, Serum, Codex, Kontakt, Reaktor, Hive2, Synthmaster 2.9, Synthmaster One, Dune2, Dune3, Falcon, Icarus and more!
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sparC+, Re: Automaton WT-1000 Vol 1 - 1000 algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2e!

Post by Spielraum »

let's see what I can use and convert for sparC+ Rev.8 new modes wavetable and waveshape...
can i check a demo too, for check out the compatibiliy to CW/SC vectron [128/64], waveshape[131]?
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Re: Automaton WT-1000 Vol 1 - 1000 algorithmic morphing wavetables - JUST 2e!

Post by faxinadu »

Hey Ron but why this? Just grab our Wavetable Creator and go wild :)
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