Installing Windows on Unsupported Motherboards

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Installing Windows on Unsupported Motherboards

Post by Refrochia »

Hi All

Has anyone ever installed a later Windows OS than what is supported by the motherboard? If so how did it go and was performance impacted by not having MB vendor drivers installed?

I have an Asus P6X58D-E with Intel i7 980X and I'm currently running Windows 7 which is obviously pretty old now. I'm starting to run into issues with software that I use not being able to update as those vendors no longer support Win 7 (Ableton, Elektron Overbridge, Steam to name a few).

I'm asking more in hope than anything as I expect it isnt possible or if the installation succeeds it will result in performance issues with Scope.

I would love to get a new PC but I have 3 x A16us connected to 2 x Scope Pro PCI boards and as we all know MBs with PCI are increasingly rare.

Would appreciate hearing about anyones experience!

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Re: Installing Windows on Unsupported Motherboards

Post by valis »

WIn10 should work, no reason it's not supported.

If you're going by what drivers are exposed on the motherboard maker's website, simply search for those same drivers from the original vendor. In most cases even the smaller chipsets on a board (audio codecs, extra ports etc) will have drivers either in MS's stack or from the parts vendor. What I do is simply snapshot my Device Manager tree so I can reference it post install. Bonus points if you can install to a new drive and keep the old Win7 partition/drive around for booting into it and referencing drivers and software if need be (this also helps for that software you forgot to unlicense, etc).
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Re: Installing Windows on Unsupported Motherboards

Post by yayajohn »

MSI Z97 Inteli7-4790S. Win10 Pro 64.
3 Scope PCI. All working nicely.
I think I posted the Masterverb test results right after I got it all hooked up.
This is not my main recording computer so ymmv.
From my experience once you get your Scope cards running smoothily, they will continue to run with steady results.
The glitch is always on how much you load your system up with recording tracks, vst's etc.
If you find yourself like some (ahem....) who feel the need to clutter their OS and workspace with things they don't really need, then I would recommend you save up for an Xite so you can join the club of people constantly upgrading their computers.
Good luck!
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Re: Installing Windows on Unsupported Motherboards

Post by Refrochia »

Thanks both for your reply!

Valis- thats a good point re going direct to the device manufacturer for drivers and yes I'm going to try and stick another HDD in so at least I've got my current install to revert to in worst case scenario.

Yayajohn - I would love nothing more than to get an Xcite but they dont have enough connectivity for my needs. I have all my kit plugged into 3 A16u's which are connected to 2 x scope pro pci: 1st A16 to the Zlink on one card, 2nd A16 to the Zlink on the other card and the 3rd A16 connected via ADAT across both cards. Would only be able to connect 2 x A16s to the XCite. Was always hopeful that the XTDM expanion would overcome this but Im not sure if anyone knows what this can be used for or even if it ever will!
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