Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

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Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by valis » ... -for-free/

Read down past the free plugins to the part that mentions the fellows from JUCE.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by dante »

Ill give the Oberhausen a shot. I already have the Shadow Hills, Ampeg and Masterdesk as UAD plugs. Brainworx have some great amps. Lovin the VH4 Diezel, Buxom Betty and ENGL E765 Retro Tube.

Hope the mega merger works out for all.

But could be a case of subscription 'Everybody has everything' models causing market saturation.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by valis »

Adobe recently acquired Substance (Designer, Composer, etc) and moved their suite over to Adobe with a separate license (billing) for the whole set of apps. Drastically reduces the buy-in to about what they did with CC, which makes it equivalent to the cost of a full version every 3 years (we used to do this on the purchasing side by skipping say CS3 and buy CS4, just as skipping a Komplete version halves the cost over the same number of years).

I'm still less interested in NI rental models, but the new PA subscription is $29/month for any plugin you want, period. At half that, even if I only get the plugin every 2 months, I'm in. I already have 2 music subs that are disposable around $10/month, and would just reallocate that spend (or rebudget) to fit more in. My current subs are Arcade (it has a very interesting fast workflow which I like) and Puremagnetik (a constant stream of limited but interesting plugins), and I occasionally sub to a preset maker or etc for a while to give me new options in whatever they are making presets for.

Since I get Komplete (now Ultimate) and have to cost compare that against skipping update versions and getting the upgrade price, NI would have a lot of convincing to do.

In the end, it does it make what we once valued far more disposable? I will admit I can't argue with the line of reasoning behind that. For example, stock art will never be high art imho (or NFT's are NOT a bubble), outside of a personality or specific usage blessing something in the public mind. But I admit, I still come from a generation where work to acquire the gear gave supposed merit to the outcome...
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by dante »

Not for me. I have subs on Office365 and Enigmasoft SpyHunter but everything musical is fully owned. It means I have to try everything out to get the value I spent instead of too many things in the rust bucket :lol:
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by valis »

The Puremagnetik stuff is owned, you just get the plugin of the month. Same with Arcade more or less, the player never goes 'unowned' and you just get any presets browsed/used while the sub is active permanently. For my uses, that makes the latter basically the same as any stock service, which is what I said the subscription model is really for (a small business--or large--that is making fast crap for commercial use). In my case, I just like those particular tools.

As for NI...again we'll see. I would prefer they keep both models, in the case of Adobe it cut several thousand off of my costs and keeps everything current instead of skipping a generational upgrade.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by yayajohn »

So I've been doing the PA subscription since they started it. Not really into subscription services but I decided to try this one. With the yearly voucher it really is more of a rent to own and you get a whole year to try what you like and then just spend it during their many many sales events. The 2 that really keep me interested is Unfiltered Audio and DS Audio - some great stuff. I will probably just do one more year with them.
Finally just bought into NI with the Komplete Ultimate Mega Super Duper Whopper Gigantic etc. etc.; :D So I guess I'm all set for now.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by dante »

All native to be sure to be sure. Another sign of the times : ... processing
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by garyb »

sell, sell, sell!

"you will own nothing and enjoy it!" K.S.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by Bud Weiser »

garyb wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:43 pm sell, sell, sell!

"you will own nothing and enjoy it!" K.S.

I agree !
All the nice vintage frontpanel pics and then it doesn´t sound like the hardware anyway.

And,- which studio from the past (and golden times of music) needed ALL the worldwide available rackmountgear for recording, mixing and mastering ?
Who needed hundreds of synths, gigatons of samples ?
Who could afford ?
I remember recordingstudios renting every single piece of their external gear per hr. for booked sessions.
So, many good music was produced w/ minimum amount of gear.
In the past, reducing costs was everything !

Today, most music is bad and produced w/ insane count of tracks and insane amount of plugins.
In the past, less gear in a signal chain was more, preventing from signal degeneration.


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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by valis »

While I agree wholeheartedly with both above posts, if we took the example of Puremagnetik I do actually 'own' anything that comes out on a month I'm subscribed. Same with the new PA model. This isn't a defense of those models, nor a rebuttal to your points, but rather it's worth pointing out that for that to even matter down the line the software must be maintained or it goes into the same pile of past VST greats as Camel Audio and a zillion other plugins. A careful archiver can usually resurrect these somehow--at least via legacy hardware (which is what I also do, of course). But even the software 'ownership' model has its limitations, and equally so other models (GNU/GPL) have rafts of software that drifts off into the land of unobtanium without someone willing to do the work to maintain it.

None of these things are ideal, and even the hardware units will eventually pass away.

It also I suspect stands as a demarcation line where we have 'arrived' at a new generation of disposable music, as if the landfill worth of vinyl & cd's behind my back isn't also equally 'disposable' as a product of the consumer culture of its era. The new stuff? Instead of pushing people into stores to have 'experiences', will promise to be the soundtrack to your digital 'experiences'.

Which is an interesting note, and whether one takes a dim look on it or not it's probably worth seeing what children are doing with this stuff right now. My little ones prefer spotify and roblox over youtube, apple music and amazon. In fact, I find that with youtube, spotify and roblox they tend to go back to their search history more than any other mechanism to play things they know they like. Roblox is particularly interesting, because licensed music for that platform has a corresponding 'code' that the devs can use to build playlists (for things like vehicle radios etc), and the children trade these codes and use them directly to call up favorite music on a software 'boombox' equivalent (usually a skin accessory built specifically as a means of playing back the selections within a 5-10' radius of the avatar).

In many of the games my children enjoyed during and post-covid, you would find them simply parking their avatars near the player controlling the 'dj' side of the experience, while they did other activities in the room and just reached over to chat and engage with their friends.

Quite dystopian, and scary visions of oculus habits and worse in the future to be sure, but really it's just a version of what I did in IRC over the years that seems easier to access for them and far more visually engaging. I wonder what FB has learned about my children now that they own Roblox under the Meta umbrella of course, but that's a lost cause now that TikTok is the time-bomb for the next generation.

Meanwhile, back in plugin children enjoy a small app called incredibox and will fiddle for hours with apps that combine gameplay with visual feedback and musical experiences. so I wonder what the future has in store for us once a generation used to touch UX/UI from birth is at the helm.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by dante »

Softube gives 5 reasons why to change from their DSP versions to their Native versions.

There is only one of those reasons with any merit whatsoever - 'resizable gui's'. The other 4 are irrelevant.

Native and DSP versions of the same plug have co-existed for years. The notion of all of a sudden going over to all native coz Softube says so seems stupid to me.
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Re: Soundwide / Soundstacks (free plugins)

Post by Sounddesigner »

The PA Subscription Model is a decent one. There is a big difference between Rental-Subscriptions and the PA's Ownership-Subscription wich has no Usery penalty (the Subscription does not cost more than flat out buying the plugin).

The Modern Era is paradoxically richer and poorer than the past. Todays technology is faaaar more advanced than times of yore, much of it Auto-tech doing everything for you making life easier (microwaves, washing machines, air conditioners, elevators, remote and voice control over electronics, internet, ect ect) vs a harder life with everything done manually in past Era's. And today people have much more in their possession in terms of material things because more people are middle-classs (altho that class hass been shrinking back down over the last few decades) BUT in the Modern era middle-class generally is not true middle-class but rather the 'illusion of Middle-class' as people may think they are well off but they don't fully own much as their cars and houses are financed and not fully paid off, college debt, much of our belongings come from credit cards, hospital bill debts, Subscription models, etc. Plrs inflation due to Government Usery and the inevitable higher-taxes wich all increase the cost-of-living forcing people to borrow more.

The cost-of-living is ever-increasing higher causing the illusion of Middleclass to start to ware-off as people go deeper into debt. Cars, homes, daycare, college, hospital bills, etc are all middleclass things ideally but are becoming in reality exhorbantly expensive
and un-affordable things only for the wealthy. The only way for the middleclass to get those things is to go deeper into financial-slavery cause as time passes more and more they are only for the wealthy. As a example new homes on average cost $500,000 and there is low inventory.

Financial-slavery is real and people are starting to see it. On a macro scale Government debt is exploding. Usery is predatory behavior that leads to economic collapse.

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