S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by garyb »

do more for me!!!

oh, err, sorry! i mean, good job S|C! you've really done a lot with literally a handfull of people! in fact, not one of the folks here could have done better if they were given the same cards to work with. no other company has a competing product. if audio is truly the goal, regardless of price, then these products are the BIGGEST BARGAINS in the history of audio. for spoiled brats playing with toys that'll be discarded when they start living their real lives, not so much maybe....
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by t_tangent »

Having read through the new SC website (looks good by the way although as Holger says it does still need some more work done) I was not that surprised some users are either a bit confused over the new pricing.

Some more info on bugfixes etc for the 5.1 updates would be useful, and I do find it a little strange that the prices have increased quite a bit for XITE-1. As some others have stated it may well be to do with production costs and or the global economic climate. Certainly here in UK there have been all sorts of price increases lately. Energy prices have gone up by 9%, VAT increases to 20% at end of the year, and today my yearly road tax notice arrived which has gone up by £60. So I dont think it is just a SC thing.

Fortunately I bought my XITE-1 last Xmas as part of that trade in deal. While I kind of sympathise with other fellow loyal Scope users for feeling like they have been hard done by, as I was also in this position a few years ago when I had recently bought a whole bunch of SC plugins from their shop only for them to all be included in the 4.5 update released a couple of months later. I remember feeling a bit gutted, but after a while I realised that this is in fact just life. Sometimes you get lucky but that is an exception rather than the rule.

So dont forget that all this info has just been made available and I expect it has been rushed a little due to the seasonal onslaught, so some of it may be revised or corrected.....Soon :)

In my case I am interested in the new A16-MKII once more info is provided.

For now though I just have to figure out how I can convince Aston Martin to sell me a DB9 in exchange for my Focus and a couple of grand :)
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by netguyjoel »

I'm waiting for an email from Holger on the fixes/enhancements...
I'm sure there will be further clarification on the exact upgrade paths & platforms.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by Bifop »

Interesting new products in the theater/broadcast department it seems (as far as I can understand german today...)
But I don't understand the Xite-1D's pictures. Where are the analog I/O's ?

Concerning the prices of the new products, I reckon if Thomann has an xite 1 at 2899€ today, it could mean that they'll have an Xite 1D at around 1600€ tomorow. That would be an attractive price (at least for me).
I mean, most ot the times, you get better deals on a retailer's site than on the mothership's one !

One point that is forgotten is, the update brings new inclusions to the software's package.
I already bought the update a couple of weeks ago and I'm glad I did. I split up my 3 cards system differently, getting two daws (XTC/SFP) with full plug suite enabled on both. Rolls Royce. :D

One thing I noticed on the web site, is the absence of mention to Pro Tools 9 compatibility. With protools 9, it's possible to use scope cards with it. Be it in sfp mode or vstim (formerly xtc) mode with a vst to rtas wrapper.
There is a great (missed) opportunity for SonicCore to market this feature today. It could reassure crowds used to (or dreaming of) TDM systems.

And yes, is OSX version still on the radar and will it happen in a not so distant future ?...

Whatever, great to see some moves at SonicCore.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by t_tangent »

Yup. In fact my advice is to take up plumbing. Had the plumber over the other week and he wasnt even here for 2 hours and charged me £129. Daylight bloody robbery. If I had known that I would have done it myself and put the dosh towards another Scope device.

Anyway, we'll wait and see what tomorrow brings. :)

Cheers matey
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by HUROLURA »

Regarding the production cost, I do not see it as an explaination :
- From the Xite-1 release date the USD to € ratio decreases. So buying electronic stufff (usually in USD) should lower the production cost.
- Now the manufacturing quantities should increase, so that should be another reason for price decrease ...

So the hardware price shouldn't rise BUT the software development cost should also be taken into account ...
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by Bud Weiser »

babaorum wrote:
Bud Weiser wrote:
lagoausente wrote: Item description tells the d version has 4 dsp 333mhz, while 1 version has 12, are not the 333mhz the new ones 10x power?
Yep, they are,- that´s very disappointing.
You would the cheaper price and a Manley preamp, and an eventide H3000 as a gift and the smile of the salesman ? :D
I didn´t comment on the price at all,- just the relation of new and old Sharcs.
I simply don´t understand this 6 old Sharc concept.
Are these really neccessary to run Scope 5 ?
What about having a Xite-1 and wanting some kind of a booster unit for more I/Os,- would the old Sharcs be necessary in such a unit then ?
What for is the MADI connection in the A16mkII if there is no card or 19" /PCIe combo product w/ a MADI connector available ?

In fact, I expected a MADI PCIe card product for A16mkII and/or a Xite-1 booster unit expanding count of 333MHz Sharcs and offering a Madi connection.


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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by lagoausente »

I think that S/C is living in a burble. Maybe Germany is on of the countries that are not suffering dramatic changes on economy. Purchasing power have been, even in the past, higher than other perfierical countries like mine.
I understand love for the company and understand that loyal users defend S/C to the end, but I think that criticism is also positive.

Is very diferent that energy cost increase than a product price increase. Energy is necesary, so can be speculation around it, but consumer products prices often decay just because sales decrease and is better so sale wining less than not selling at all.
Regarding this issue I think the follow:

- The guys or Pro studios that could afford the Xite-1 at a price of 3300, they have already bought it. I think that future sales must be new customers or loyal pci customers. With a price of 500 euro more, will be much more dificult that a new customer comes, and still dificult the loyal pci can afford it.
- Now the Xite-D at 2300 euro startpoint. I have been thinking about the posibility of go this way from my actual Scope Pro, but seems very dificult to justify 2300 euro for 1/3 of power of the Xite-1, that was at 2800 at thomman. On the Xite-1 thomman had a 500 euro less price than the oficial price, but sure Xite-D on thomman will not have such diference (probably in the same %), I suspect will cost 1999 or so...with luck.
Time will tell, I think that it was enough money before, now more expensive. I think that the loyal Scope users that can afford the Xite-1 already have it, and the ones who still don´t have it, I think will have to continue waiting or looking for alternatives.
I don´t want to say is expensive for what is it, but there are not much people these times that can spend such money only on one part of the DAW. Still have to buy lots of sofware for Scope, still need to buy a PC or laptop, a never end story. Too much money todays for home musicians. And I think Pro and semi-pro studios are becoming luxury.
Anyway I wish the best for S/C, and have just upgraded to 5.1 for my Scope Pro card.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by bLiNd »

Seriously, who has to pay 100 frickn euros for a driver?! Ive been waiting 6-7 months for this damn driver and now im shafted by an upgrade fee. Im about to jump ship too, been on the creamware/sonic-core platform since the year 2003. I shouldn't have to pay for a driver. They should have announced that it would cost money to go from 5.0 to 5.1 6 months ago so I could have sold this ball and chain...
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by maky325 »

I think some of you old Eagles are overreacting a bit.

People are very disappointed because they waited for some kind of affordable solution but instead of that they get kinda greedy offer. They are not disappointed because they are not getting something for free but on the other side SC is charging 100 EUR just for 64 bit driver. I am almost 100% sure that we won't see any bug fix list in 5.1 because there is none (maybe something XITE-1 related but still there is a dozen of people with the old cards and still working on buggy 5.0).

Beside that why forcing people to pay 64 bit driver? What if they don't want to work at 64 bit? Are they really supposed to pay for (supposedly and still not confirmed) mandatory bug fixes which are supposed to ship with 5.1? Remember most of us worked at buggy 5.0. Yes buggy!!! Yes! We have confirmed issues which has there even from version 4.0. So guys are you serious? Are you really calling all these people "whiners"? You know people are not so dumb anymore.

Another good reason for disappointment is price of XITE-1 D. Again i highly doubt that people waited to get this one for free but again i am sure people are not dumb.

We all know that price of BIG XITE-1 has been from 2800EUR to 3000EUR. But all of the sudden they increased price on what basis? But let us pretend that production cost increased. Let's say that speculation that SC actually increased price to justify even already overpriced XITE-1D unit is just speculation(probably is). Ok.

So basically we have BIG XITE-1 for 3300 EUR. Ok.

XITE-1 with 12 SHARCs is 3300 EUR . Fine.

But with XITE-1 D which is supposed to be affordable solution under "interesting" price you are getting.... literally 1/3 of bigger device for absurd price. Look at these numbers again:

Number of DSP Chips XITE-1 12xSharc (333 MHz), 6xSharc (60 MHz)
Number of DSP Chips XITE-1D 4xSharc (333 MHz), 6xSharc (60 MHz)

That is literally 1/3 power of bigger cousin. Remember that XITE-1 D is packed in exactly same housing, same connectors(backside) and even with missing PRE's on the front.

I am the first one to say that paying 1/3 of 3300 EUR for smaller XITE-1 D (which is 1100 EUR) is a bit too low but COME ON!!! Asking more then 1300-1600 EUR for literally 1/3 power of bigger XITE (and missing features) is insulting for human integrity, intelligence and whatnot else..

So you see people are not disappointed without any reason and we are not funny kidZ. It happened that we had some rational expectations from SC but after a while everything goes the same route (down to disappointment and waiting another next thing)..
Last edited by maky325 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by HUROLURA »

Just as a reminder about former Scope PCI board:
- Scope Pro price was 1750 €
- Scope Project price was 950 € so 60% value for 40% Scope Pro DSP power and less plugs
- Scope Home price was 450 € so 25% value for 20% Scope Pro DSP power and far less plugs

So Xite-1 D price is similar to what was on offer for the Project towards the Pro Scope Cards.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by bosone »

just sent a mail to S|C:

i have SFP 5.0 installed and i own pulsar1+luna+scope.
i'd like to buy sfp 5.1 during the christmas sale but when i cannot understand the price.

http://sonic-core.net/joomla.soniccore/ ... 48&lang=us

says i should pay 98 euro

but when i go to the webpage

http://sonic-core.net/shop/product_info ... E-5-0.html

the price is 129 euro and it's also reference to shipping costs. if i add to the bastket and proceed to payment it's still 129 + shipping.

which is the correct price?
is there a download version to avoid shipping costs??

Mix'n'Master Pack 2 AND Synth'n'Sampler Pack 2 are BOTH included in the package, right?
all the prevuois keys are maintained, right? i have the old synths, dynatube and flexor and i suppose i will still be able to use them...

is there a changelog to see what's new in SFP5.1?
what about new version of SDK for scope 14 dsp owner? i have the 4.5 version, is a new version available??

the real thing about S|C website is that it lacks any information about the POWER of their cards.

not a single examlpe of routing possibilitites
not a single in-depth description about the stuff you are going to buy.
not a single sound example of their synth/fx. even the solaris has no sound examples.
i think it's disappointing for potentially new customers who dont know what S|C cards are capable of...
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by Throttler »

Not happy as well.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

SONIC CORE SCOPE PCI v5.1.2708 RC2 UPGRADE to v5.1.2709 64 Bit = 98 EUROS?

If so, I can give you a bug list and S|C can give me a bug fix list.

And btw, it has nothing to do with money. It has to do with the fact that we should be working with 64 bit windows since 2006 for free.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by the19thbear »

[quote="HUROLURA"]Just as a reminder about former Scope PCI board:
- Scope Pro price was 1750 €
- Scope Project price was 950 € so 60% value for 40% Scope Pro DSP power and less plugs
- Scope Home price was 450 € so 25% value for 20% Scope Pro DSP power and far less plugs

So Xite-1 D price is similar to what was on offer for the Project towards the Pro Scope Cards.[/quote

yeah... well back then the market was completely different! you actually needed dsp's:) Now you can go 100% native and still have 3ms total latency on a good system. So i still think both Xites are WAY overpriced. You can get protools HD, which costs alot as well, but many people dont get it for the dsps, they get it because its an industry standart - and scope is by no means an industry standard. (dont get me wrong... i hate to work in PT!)

-SC can charge whatever they want for whatever product, i have no problem with that! but the problem is that people arent willing to pay the prices they suggest imo.
Not many people know of this platform, so SC need a cheaper "entry level" to the whole scope platform. - i first got a lunaII card, then i liked the scope platform and decided to upgrade. Only old customers will go out and buy the biggest XITE, not new customers - that is why i believe SC will fail if they dont change the price for the XITE 1D or make a cheaper PCIE base alternative.

during the last 2-3 years SC has made me doubt in them seriously.. because of the way they deal with the public (they are nice people! dont get me wrong!) - nonexsistent advertising, communication, release dates etc.

I feel they have made me doubt them even more now..
I'll keep my cards and use 5.0.xxxx till they wear out, cause i really like them! but i dont think i'll be upgrading anytime "soon" :)

this is not "whining" or anything! i really want SC to be succesfull! i just think they have proved to me, the last 2-3 years that they wont be :(
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by kwild »

They are simply out of business.
Sad but true...
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by mausmuso »

Guys get a grip!!
FACT: XITE-1 is great. Its worth every cent/euro.
I have had mine for the best part of a year and could not image going without it.
Buying 5.1 is an investment in our own futures - we are S|C investors whether you like it or not.
Buy in and we will all prosper along with S|C.
Hang off and we may lose this technology forever.
Its sort of a no brainer really!
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by spacef »

it might be true that computers nowadays allow to run a great deal of stuff compared to... even a couple of years ago.

But when i load a vinco, or a simple delay, then I regret not to be able to budget a xite and have to remain on old scope.

Delays, compressors , eqs...
it's mainly about quality nowadays, and in my personal opinion, I haven't yet tested a vst fx that comes close to the quality of a Vinco or a Scope delay ..... There's no way I would exchange a scope+even the smallest spacef-delay or worlf or any third party filtered delay for, say, an i7 and 8GB ram and all the expensive vsti pseudo vintage compressors that sound like (put some bad word of you choice here) ... not even speaking of the quality of summing inside scope, or the flexibility of routing.

You don't agree ?
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by maky325 »

You have to be joking right (not about xite-1 being awesome we all know it is awesome)..

So basically you are trying to say something like "buy in and then we'll fix your bugs and provide you with 64 bit - very soon"...It really does not get that way. Really really not.

I reported serious bug since v3.1. It haunted to v 4.0. Then i was told that the bug is going to be fixed in v4.5 (very soon). I ordered v4.5. Few years passed just by that. Sure then we all get v5.0 for free. Several years after i reported bug. V5 has (again) same bug. I reported again. The same bug which was confirmed by SC and users here. It is major bug regarding automation of parameters. And not only one bug. I've reported several ones. I see on xited forum that on xite platform there are even new bugs introduced. And apparently XTC is working like dead cow on XITe. Just great. Spare me on advice to not use XTC.

Now we are supposed to upgrade to v5.1 ? For what? I am asking you for what? I don't need 64 bit driver. There! I don't need it. I really really don't need it. I need fixed software. Pretty no brainer for me. That simple. I am pretty much mad whenever someone is trying to force me on something or i'll end with legacy. I know i am going to regret everything i said here. But simply it does not seems fair to me.
Last edited by maky325 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by maky325 »

spacef wrote:it might be true that computers nowadays allow to run a great deal of stuff compared to... even a couple of years ago.

But when i load a vinco, or a simple delay, then I regret not to be able to budget a xite and have to remain on old scope.

Delays, compressors , eqs...
it's mainly about quality nowadays, and in my personal opinion, I haven't yet tested a vst fx that comes close to the quality of a Vinco or a Scope delay ..... not even speaking of the quality of summing inside scope, or the flexibility of routing.

You don't agree ?
Stop living under the rock. Go and try Softube TubeTech CL1b, Cytomic Glue, Elysia Alpha compressor, UAD range(you can buy used UAD-1 card with plugins for the price of an upgrade to v5.1), Relab reverbs, Lexicon reverbs...(there is dozen of that)...If that will not convince you then i am not sure what else will. Try to remove that blanket in front of your placebo perception. It will help.
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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Post by spacef »

Frankly, except the reverbs that i use a lot in vst format ('lexicon and Guitar Rig's Reflektor's convolution mainly, as well as a few other sometimes) , I haven't found anything that i like in all the plugs you mention :-) matter of taste or habit, or budget also. I am pretty sure the A100 P100 that are included with another name in Xite/Scope 5 is way better thn any of the reverb I use nowadays in cubase. a UAD is ok, there are stuff it has that scopers don't have, but i prefer scope personnally :-) it lacks something like MD3 (for me) but well, at the end, i go to a master studio anyway, one with expensive hardware... and I've been personnally been put on hard pressure by the xite project and new architecture etc... Bleive me, my heart has been broken several times, but Xite is still the thing i'm willing to own a day or another...
I am not trying to convince anyone neither... i understand everyone has different needs and ways to work and different plugs etc...
Last edited by spacef on Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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