but you know you'll have to wait some more days..
meanwhile you can listen to it over at Soundcloud.

Good! Christmas is over, now the gifts have to be explained!

But first, I'd like to thank sharc, because without his BCM CLM modular shell, which I used as a kind of development environment, the audio rate Sequence Clock (which is the 'heart' of the xMas devices) wouldn't have been possible.
Ok, Cwm xMas package: what's in?
-SyncStep: an 'all-in-one` solution for rhythmical purposes, including sequencers, syncable Lfo and Synth engine.
-RackSynth: a synth which` envelopes, pitch, filter and volume can (if wanted) be controlled from 'outside', using the devices below
-Control Sequence B, N, U: putting out signals for the RackSynth to modulate Pitch, Filter cutoff and volume in a rhythmical manner
-Gate Sequence: produces gate signals for the RackSynth
-SeqClock: outputs a clock signal for synchronizing the Control and Gate Sequence devices
I'd like to start with the SyncStep because it integrates more or less all components in one device, with some specialities.
-Polyphone audio rate sequencer with Gate-, Note- and two Control-Sequencers.
-Sequenced Adsr, Ad and Lfo as modulation sources.
-Synth part with Multimode and waldorf OSCs.
-Multiple modulation destinations for Sequencers, Adsr, Ad and Lfo.
-Synth section, Gate, Note, ControlU and ControlB sequencers have Preset Lists of their own.
-Can be played like a normal synth too ('ModVca' = No Modulation, no usage of Sequencers as modulation sources).
MidiIn, ext (instead of M-OSCs waveforms an extern signal can be used (but not pitchmodulated)), MidiOut, outL+R, clock out.
General hints:
-the little boxes near sequencers and modulation sources show if and what for they are used. In case of GateSeq, SeqADSR and SeqAD are always lit because GateSeq is always connected to SeqADSR and SeqAD envelopes.
-bluish textboxes indicate that this parameter can be controlled by one of the internal modulation sources (sequencers, envelopes, Lfo).
-if something is cyan-colored, it is a button/switch.
From top to bottom:
On top of the device, besides the name, is a visual control of the clock (can be turned off), right of it Preset name, Number of Voices (Polyphony), and Preset buttons for all Presets or Presets just concerning Synth parameters.
Below, left side, are controls for the MVCs and the sequencer clock.
There are two MVCs (MidiVoiceControls):
The Trigger MVC is responsible for synchronization to your DAWs tempo.
Whenever a note is sent to Syncstep on Trigger MVC's Midi channel, it will start the sequence, according to the Clock (see below) tempo. It doesn't matter which note it received, it's just triggering the sequence.
The Synth MVC is for 'playing' the sequence with the keyboard. It includes Pitchbend Range and Portamento controls.
If both MVCs are set to the same Midi channel, the sequence will start everytime you press a key (default setting), with the pitch level according to the key you played.
If different channels are used (for example trigger note is played on DAW on Ch1, pitch is played on keyboard on Ch2), you can change the pitch while the sequence is running.
SoundCloud demo
Between the MVCs is the Clock department: Here you set Bpm (if you push the 'Bpm' button you can set a distinct tempo, measured in Herz), Start bar (1-16), Divider (Double, single, or half speed), Length (1-16), Swing.
In the middle section are controls for the various sequencers:
On top is a gate sequencer, followed by a Note,an Unipolar and a Bipolar control sequencer.
The Gate Sequencer controls how often and when the SeqADSR and SeqAD envelopes are triggered. If you're using SeqADSR in the 'ModVCA' section of the Synth,
you can also set the length of each step: for all steps if 'Fixed Step' is selected, or for each step individually, when 'Individ.' is chosen. In this case,
use the little potiometers below the Gate buttons.
The Note Sequencer controls the pitch of the sequenced notes. Range is -/+ 24 notes.
Underneath are controls for individual Slide; again, there's also a 'fixed' button for general Slide control.
ControlSeqU / ControlSeq B are sequencers for step-by-step modulating pitch, Osc PulseWidthModulation, Waldorf Wavetable start, filter cutoff, Volume, Pan, and Fx feed.
They have global controls for step length, glide, and gain.
Top right are controls for SeqADSR, SeqAD and Lfo.
SeqADSR and SeqAD are always connected to the Gate Sequencer, hence the name.
These are general modulation sources for amplitude, pitch, filter, etc.
The LFO is available in unipolar and bipolar output variants.
-it has three retrigger modes: Off, MVC, Gate Sequencer.
-it's tempo can be synchronized to the Clock ('synced'), or freely chosen (knob').
-Besides controls for Tempo, Waveform, and Phase there is a second set of controls (hit 'M-LFO'): Pre-Delay and Fade In.
-Lfo amplification and tempo can be modulated by SeqADSR, SeqAD, ControlSeqU and ControlSeqB. The 'Gain' knob at the same time works as an amplification offset control.
The Synth:
Standard subtractive synthesis with two oscillators - Multimode and Waldorf.
*if the Note Sequencerthe should control the pitch and the standard musical scale is desired, Pitch modulation has to be fully cranked up (127.00).*
-besides M-OSC's regular Sinus, Saw, Square and Tri waveforms you can also choose 'ext', which refers to the external input of the device.
-Volume ratio between M-Osc and Waldorf can be modified by CtrlSeqB or Lfo in the 'OSCxFade' box.
-Pre-Filter distortion includes an EQ, which can also act w/o actually engaging distortion - just turn 'DistGain' down to zero.
-after a 24dB Lp filter there is a second distortion module, followed by a modulatable VCA.
Here the main characteristic (Sequencer or 'normal' synth) is specified. Choices are: No Modulation, SeqAdsr, SeqAd, SeqAdsr+SeqU, SeqAd+SeqU.
When set to 'No Modulation', the Gate Sequencer, together with SeqADSR and SeqAD, has no effect on Volume.
-the EndVCA has it's own ADSr envelope, triggered by the Trigger MVC, so it's independent from the sequencer stuff. Here the Volume of the whole device is controlled ('Gain').
-after the EndVca there are two parametric EQs which can be turned off if wanted, followed by the
-Pan section, with Pan modulation, and the
-FxFeed compartment. You can determine that the InsertFx are only getting designated parts of the sequenced signal.
An Offset setting of Zero means a full 'FxFeed' effect, so you won't hear the Fx until you 'feed' it with some control signals,
while Offset 127 means you'll fully hear the Fx w/o this feature.
-InsertFx: You won't hear inserted Fx if 'FxFeed' Offset is set to zero, or 'FxMix' is set to 'Dry'.
RackSynth1 is a simple subtractive synth (two OSCs with HardSync option), yet having a unique feature: it's Pitch, OscPWM, Filter, and Volume can be controlled from outside, by using the sequencer devices described below.
It's a kind of prototype for checking if and how this idea can be worked out, especially regarding polyphony.
-two Multimode OSCs, capable of Hard synchronization. Pitch and PWM can be modulated by external Mod sources.
-pre-Filter Distortion with parametriq Eq
-24dB Lp Filter, also external modulated
-Volume Modulation, also via extern-triggered adsr
-Vca with Adsr
-Parametric EQ before out
-Adsr and Ad mod sources (at bottom of device): these can be triggered by MVC (default), or by an external Gate Sequencer
-LFO: can be triggered by MVC, ext. GateSeq, or free-running.
-Instead of standard Osc waveforms, an external signal can be used (no pitch modulation in this case). Be sure OscSync is turned of if OSC2 uses external signal,
otherwise you'll hear a very crackling sound.
SoundCloud demo
-If using external Control and/or Gate Sequencers (see below): there is a designated input for GateSeq, as it outputs not Control signals, just on/off type signals.
SeqClock, ControlSeqU, ControlSeqB, ControlSeqN, GateSequence:
If you're familiar with Modular, you know what these devices/modules are for.
If not: SeqClock outputs a synchronization signal to sync the mentioned Sequencer devices.
In Scope's Routing Window, connect the SeqClock's Clk output to the Clk input of e.g. a ControlSeqU device.
Then connect the CtrlSeqU's ctrl output to the cv1 input of RackSynth.
For visual feedback, connect also the SeqClockVisualizer's clk input to SeqClock's clk out.
Switch all three devices on (top,right), and you can see the Clock's time position.
In RackSynth, choose Cv1 as modulation source of the LpFilter, turn cutoff down and CfMAmt up.
Change some of the 16 knobs of the ControlSeq device, and you'll hear how Filter Cutoff is modulated.
Seq Clock is a device which just produces a clock signal for the Sequencer devices ControlSequ, B, N, and the GateSequence device.
-It needs a Midi note signal (any note will do), to trigger the correct sequence start.
-Furthermore, the correct Bpm tempo has to be set (according to your DAW's tempo).
-In Scope's Routing window, connect the SeqClock 'clk' output to any of the above mentioned Seq devices' 'clk' input, and they will produce synchronized controller or gate events.
-If you connect it to SeqClockVisualizer device, you can see the approximate time position.
-you can set the start bar ('Start Ph.) from 1-16
-you can set the length of the sequence ('Length) from 1-16
-you can multiply, or devide the tempo by setting 'Divider' to 2 or 1/2
-the device is set Off by default to avoid auto-connection to a mixer channel: turn it On only when you're sure you won't hear this very low frequency signal by yourself -
it's only for sync purposes.
The ControlSeq U, B, N, and Gate Sequencer devices are devices which doesn't produce sound, but controller messages.
Like SeqClock, output is turned Off by default to prevent ear or gear damage because of low frequency signals.
Any questions?